Willing to be Entrapped

What is it with Russia and the sexy red headed female spys? First there was Anna Chapman and now we’ve got Maria Butina. Has the FIS been watching too many James Bond movies? I guess if you’re going to corrupt American democracy, you might as well look good while doing it.

With this in mind, if there are similar Russian operatives still in the US, I’d like to announce that I know … lots of super important classified stuff. I might not be involved in politics, or defense, or election monitoring, or indeed anything apparently relevant, but trust me on this, I’ve got like dozens of top secret things in my head. I’m totally worth entrapping in a cunning erotic plot by a sexy female spy. She may even have to interrogate me. Tell her to pack nipple clamps and lingerie, but leave the thumb screws at home. Mild kink with a dose of sensuality is absolutely the best way to get inside my pants head.

The first image here is Anna Chapman and the second is Maria Butina.

The Pits

The story of a company selling advertising space on people’s armpits popped up onto my radar over the weekend. The idea is that the advertisement becomes visible when people grab hold of overhead straps on public transport.

I like this story for two reasons. Firstly, armpits are sexy. Definitely an underrated bit of the body. Secondly, its strikes me as a brilliant bit of guerrilla marketing. Not the general concept I hasten to add – pretty sure that’s bullshit. But the ad agency in question – Wakino –  has managed to get itself and its first and so far only armpit ad customer a lot of free PR. That first customer just happens to be an underarm hair removal product. So rather using a regular advertising campaign with models to get customers, they claimed to have created a whole new (silly) advertising vehicle, got a lot of free press coverage from that, and as result their company and their customer got a lot of eyeballs. It’s very meta.

This is Mistress T advertising nothing except the beauty of her own armpits and feet. I believe this is from her twitter feed.

1930’s Domme

This is a companion shot to a well known image that has been floating around on the web for years. I featured the more common shot in a post way back in 2011. I always liked that image, so was very pleasantly surprised to discover this other, less well known one, of the same domme by photographer Charles Guyette.

I think they’re both wonderfully erotic shots, and that’s from someone who has spent a couple of decades experiencing all the kinky imagery an uncensored internet has to offer. I can’t even begin to imagine the effect they’d have had on a submissive male 80 or more years ago. I’m guessing that for anyone lucky enough to have a hard copy of this back in the day, it was a well hidden and highly treasured possession.

I discovered via the mrunderheel’s twitter.

Curious Cat and Mistress Madeline

I stumbled across the Curious Cat page of Madeline Marlowe (aka Mistress Madeline) today.  It’s one of the better kink related ones I’ve that I’ve found. A couple of interesting snippets stood out.

Back in 2014 an Australian man paid $42,000 in an auction for a 1 hour webcam session with her. I wrote about it at the time. It turns out that he never did the actual webcam session. He got off on the financial transaction, not the personal interaction. That’s definitely a case of YKINMKATGBYKISRE – Your Kink Is Not My Kink And Thank God, Because Your Kink Is Really Expensive.

The other part the stood out was her comments about the dark haired submissive she filmed a lot of her scenes with prior to moving to kink.com (for example this image). If you saw any of her early femdom work, it’s likely you’ve seen the two of them together. I always liked their dynamic in the few images and clips that I saw. Not sure I could say why that was. Maybe because they did a lot of scenes together over time, which implied an ongoing dynamic, and he seemed like a regular dorky guy, which I could relate to. Mistress Madeline has a slightly different theory on that…

I think what made those videos so relatable maybe is because he was one of the most terrible submissives I’ve ever had long term training with. He had many weaknesses and I gladly exploited them, but he was incredibly selfish and as a young domme in training I soon realized that the relationship was not serving me anymore

Apparently she ended the relationship by filming a scene with him bound in a warehouse and walked away, leaving him there, without a backward glance. As dramatic ways to end a relationship go, that’s a pretty good one.

This is obviously a shot of Mistress Madeline taken from her days with kink.com and the Whipped Ass site.

The Prodigal Pervert

It’s possible that I’m a bad son. I’ve always suspected this might be true, but I think my twitter feed just gave my proof.

I was browsing the aforementioned feed and marveling at how many amazing UK dommes there were on it. It got me thinking seriously about planning a trip back to England to play with some of these fabulous people. Then it struck me that I hadn’t been back to England for many years, and what would it say about me if my primary impetus for a visit wasn’t to see my parents, but to indulge in some kinky shenanigans with ladies in leather? A subsequent rationalization suggested that if I got to broaden my kinky horizons and also see my parents, should I be worry about the whys and the wherefores? Isn’t it the end result that matters? So like I said, probably a bad son.

Note, in case anyone thinks I’m a terrible son rather than simply a bad one, I do pay for my parents to visit the US regularly. And so far, despite temptation, I’ve resisted the urge to sneak off to get my ass beat when either of them has been visiting me.

This is Mistress Silver, one of the UK dommes whose tweets prompted my thought process. She based in Bristol – not a million miles from some of my old stomping grounds.

This planet is having a pretty bloody time of it

The news these days is generally not good. One might even go as far as saying it’s seriously fucked up. Even this blog, designed as a kinky oasis, has featured a fair number of depressing posts about laws and politics. I’m therefore very happy to report a minor but cheering feelgood story. New Zealand’s Catherine Healy, who helped decriminalize prostitution, has been recognized  in the Queen’s honors list.  Specifically, she has been made a a Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to the rights of sex workers.

When I first spotted the headline, I assumed it’d be a situation where she’d done several good things, and she just happened to be someone who’d also worked for decriminalization. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. She’s being recognized primarily for her work towards decriminalization. In a world where regressive and punitive legislation seems the new norm, have a sex worker recognized by the ultimate establishment figure of the Queen is a happy twist. Congratulations to Catherine and whoever nominated her.

A lot of pro-dommes own thrones and cherry pick some of the trappings of royalty. However, it’s tough to beat a thousand years of inbreeding and faith in a divine right. The shot below shows Mistress Ezada Sinn on her throne. It’s a pretty impressive one, but not quite up to Sovereign’s Throne in the House of Lords. Now that’d be a great location to play out a worship scene.

Five bonus points for anyone who knows where the post title came from.

Letting Go

I typically don’t like to link to articles that are surfacing via my blogroll. It seems lazy on my part, since they’re already available to anyone who is interested. However, a new post by Ms. Renee Trevi, entitled ‘A Session With No Map‘ is too good not to feature. It describes the kind of intensity I strive for but only occasionally touch.

He is quietly breathing and I read in his eyes that he gave it up entirely. I feel him fully dissolved, like there is nothing left of him, completely disintegrated. There is a sense of deep surrender in his eyes, he is neither scared of pain nor desiring of pleasure. And that’s when we slow down.

There’s sometimes a moment for me, deep in a session, where everything inverts. The pain has been driving me inward, focusing me on my sensations, my emotions. Then I reach a point, not of giving up, but of letting go. The energy turns outwards and it becomes about Her. It’s a sense of acceptance. The pain is still there, but it’s just information, something that I can release to her. I might be experiencing it, but she owns it. We’re in a bubble and everything else is noise.

As I said, I don’t often get there, but when I do, it’s way better than anything as straightforward as an orgasm. I think Ms Renee Trevi’s post captures the intensity of that kind of moment beautifully, and I love how she tackled the open ended nature of the session she describes.

Ms Renee Trevi is a NYC based pro-domme. If you’re interested in experiencing her skills for yourself, her session page is here.

Pooh’s Hole

I stumbled across a post today that made me laugh and feel bad all at the same time. Obviously, in those circumstances, the only logical thing to do is share it with thousands of people – so here you go.

The bad part comes from linking anal sex to beloved childhood classic. As a child I never watched the Disney version of Winnie-the-Pooh, but I loved and read repeatedly the original books that featured illustrations by E. H. Shephard. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to remember this particular chapter in quite the same way again.

On the funny side, I think it does capture some of the varying emotions of anal sex. I’ve had a few dicks in my time, and a lot of more strap-ons, and it can definitely be a roller-coaster of sensations. There are moments of “OMG! This is awesome!” The occasional “Ouch! Jeez. Not like that.” And of course the dreaded “Uh-oh..what just happened down there? I hope that’s lube…”

I’ll leave you with what seems like an appropriate image in the context of the original link. Although I guess this is more appropriate for a Piglet than a Pooh.

There’s no watermark, but I believe this is Mistress Silver, a UK based pro-domme. She has a professional site here and a twitter feed here.


There’s a lot to dislike about this image. It’s got the classic 70’s domme stare, the limp whip holding and the collar that’d be better suited to a submissive. Not to mention the weird crossed swords behind her. Who ever though that fake medieval weapons were a good look for a room?

On the plus side, her boots, gloves and natural beauty do make it work. However, what really sold me on it was the fetishistic apron-like dress. There’s something both disturbing and sexy about that. What’s going to spurt, splash or squirt that she needs protection from? And not just a small amount of protection. That’s a waist to heel cover. She’s ready for things to get seriously messy.

International Sex Worker Day

June 2nd is International Sex Worker Day. In the light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill passed in the US, it takes on even more significance this year. I’m a bit late with this post to encourage people to attend the various marches that have been happening in major cities, but it’s never too late to show your support.

Some of you may be thinking that you’ve never hired a sex worker, so this isn’t your issue. You’d be wrong. Almost all the sexy images and movies on the internet feature sex workers of some sort. All those images that tumblr is packed with and the movies on the various tube sites is created and taken (usually without consent) from sex workers. This blog wouldn’t exist without sex workers. They feature in the majority of the images I post, they’re the sources for a lot of the links I feature and my interactions with them trigger the thoughts I share. They give society so much and in return, they get marginalized, persecuted and prosecuted.

The simplest thing you can do to support sex workers is to purchase their services. If you like porn, then buy it. There’s a ton of independently produced femdom material for sale at places like this or this. If you want something a little more personal, then maybe order a custom clip? A lot of dommes will make them (for example here, herehere and many more). If you’ve ever considered hiring a pro-domme or escort then go for it. Be polite, clean and pay what’s asked and I predict you’ll have a great time. If you can’t meet in person, then consider using something like niteflirt or OnlyFans. Many of the dommes I talk about here use those services (e.g. Domina Yuki, Mistress Tess, Mistress Evilyne, etc.)

Alternatively, if you want to contribute more directly to the broader sex worker community, then you could donate to organizations like SWOP, Lysistrata, Soar Institute and St James. Or, if you want a more general organization to donate to, try the Electronic Frontier Foundation. They seem to have been one of the few privacy and free speech organizations to consistently stand up against SESTA/FOSTA.

The image below is from Mistress Iris. She also put up a couple of very thoughtful and well written instagram posts here and here. Worth checking out and reading. Not to mention its a chance to enjoy how fabulous she looks.