I’m continuing the theme of well furnished playspaces and fancy equipment with this image. Although this has more of the mad scientists laboratory about it than a medical space. It’s just missing the big lightning conductor on the roof to channel the charge down to the chamber below.
I recognize some of the electrical devices, but a lot of it looks custom made. There’s even a laptop there to control things. I particularly like the black articulated arms on the sides of the chair. They look just the thing for holding pointy probes in the perfect spot on your test subjects body.
I’m afraid I’ve no idea who this very well equipped domme is. If anyone can help out with an attribution then please leave a comment.
Update : Thanks to a very helpful comment I now know this image comes from This girl’s weblog. And because I’m incredibly anal retentive about some stuff, I hunted through a great many posts to find the original one for the image. For fans of serious bondage the blog looks a very interesting one to follow.