Material considerations

I was chatting about black leather with a young lady this weekend. She was a fan of it, but I wasn’t entirely convinced. She also wanted to charge me a little more for it, which I suppose is understandable. The issue of spilled fluids might have cropped up, which I was definitely concerned about. Sadly, this was an entirely non-kinky conversation about what to upholster some new dining room chairs in. Kinky shenanigans, even of the professional variety, would probably have been cheaper.  Pro-dommes might charge a few hundred dollars per hour, but that’s nothing compared to what interior designers, architects and contemporary furniture can do to your wallet (cue the worlds smallest violin).

The lady in black leather below is of Candice Swanepoel, photographed by Hans Feurer for Vogue Australia. The sequence it’s taken from is really quite amazing. Astonishing even. They managed to take a stunning supermodel, dress her in very expensive black leather, with clothes created by top designers, and end up with some terrible shots. It takes really talent to do that. The image below is OK, but the rest, particularly examples like this, are awful. I think the shots of her walking her dog dressed in an Iron Maiden t-shirt are more flattering than some of these shots.


What a dildo

I don’t like to feature politics too heavily here. There’s enough of it in the mainstream press, without it intruding into your sex blogs. However, this article on Ted Cruz was too amusing to resist.

Apparently, in his role as Texas solicitor general he once argued that dildos and vibrators should remain illegal in Texas.

In perhaps the most noticeable line of the brief, Cruz’s office declared, “There is no substantive-due-process right to stimulate one’s genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship.” That is, the pursuit of such happiness had no constitutional standing.
David Corn in Mother Jones

I’m not sure about you, but I don’t want to live in a country where I can’t stimulate my genitals for non-medical purposes.

Of course, the same guy who wants to monitor peoples sex toys is also the same person who believes in a small goverment that stays out of people’s lives. It takes a very peculiar kind of mind to hold both these points of view at the same time. And for any Ted Cruz supporters out there who I’ve offended, I can only apologize and ask: What on earth are you doing reading this blog? This is a ticket straight to hell.

There is of course only one way to finish a post like this. Here’s a lady sporting a dildo and stimulating her genitals. I’m not sure about her interpersonal status, but that doesn’t look like a medical or procreation situation to me. She better hope President Cruz never takes office.


We have the technology

I’m continuing the theme of well furnished playspaces and fancy equipment with this image. Although this has more of the mad scientists laboratory about it than a medical space. It’s just missing the big lightning conductor on the roof to channel the charge down to the chamber below.

I recognize some of the electrical devices, but a lot of it looks custom made. There’s even a laptop there to control things. I particularly like the black articulated arms on the sides of the chair. They look just the thing for holding pointy probes in the perfect spot on your test subjects body.

EquipmentI’m afraid I’ve no idea who this very well equipped domme is. If anyone can help out with an attribution then please leave a comment.

Update : Thanks to a very helpful comment I now know this image comes from This girl’s weblog. And because I’m incredibly anal retentive about some stuff, I hunted through a great many posts to find the original one for the image. For fans of serious bondage the blog looks a very interesting one to follow.

Frau Doktor

Writing about medical play put me in mind of some of the elaborate German playspaces I’ve featured in the past. I think if I was ever going to do a kinky world tour, then Germany and particularly Berlin would feature high on my list of places to visit. They seem to invest in more elaborate playspaces and equipment, particularly for medical themes, than anywhere else in the world.

The two ladies below are Doctor Mephista and Doktor Elektra from Avalon Studio clinic. Neither would look particularly out of place in a regular medical equipment catalogue. If you want to see some of the options they offer, you can read the patient admission form here.

Doctor Mephista
Doctor Elektra

Real or fetish?

When it comes to medical play it’s sometimes hard to tell the fantasy from the reality. Some people invest a lot of money into creating a realistic experience. Presumably at some point, when you’ve got a playspace that’s as well equipped as the average surgical center, there really isn’t much difference.

I originally stumbled across this image on a femdom tumblr and assumed it was a medical fetish shot. In that context and with her pose, that seemed the most likely thing. Then I looked at it some more and thought that it actually could just be a regular medical shot. After all the equipment looks pretty serious and she doesn’t have the usual fetishistic nurse outfit. Some hunting around got me to a medical fetish site that currently appears to be dormant. So it actually is femdom, but I wouldn’t have been too surprised to end up at a medical equipment catalogue. I always admire the dedication of people who invest this level of effort and detail into realizing a particular fetish.


More virtuality

Following up to yesterday’s post, I’ve a few random additional thoughts and links on the idea of VR and femdom.

For more background on’s attempts in this space, there’s a short behind the scenes film from Divine Bitches here. Unfortunately, it doesn’t give you much idea about the final results. Even the performers seem uncertain about the whole thing. There’s also a company working on a 3D interactive femdom experience. No offense to anyone working on that, but I think it demonstrates my point that we’re still a couple of hardware generations away from anything realistic.

The tech guy in me is thinking that we need a standard for control channel metadata, outside the video/audio experience. Imagine a POV scene that had additional information to control things like vibrating butt plugs and electrified cock rings. I’ve had some amazing experiences lying down while the domme stood or leaned over me and did evil things to my genital region. With VR, teledildonics and the appropriate control data standards that would seem to be an experience that could be mimicked to some extent. Of course the problem with standards is that they’re so good, everyone wants to have one.

I also think there’s some interesting scope to play with VR in real life scenes. Sensory deprivation and sensory overload has always been part of the BDSM tool chest, although mostly focused on touch. When it comes to vision the options have been limited just to deprivation until now. A VR headset might create alternatives to do heavy layering of visual and auditory systems while adding or removing sensations elsewhere. It removes an element of the interaction in the scene, but so does a blindfold or earplugs, and they’re common toys people use.

POVHere’s another extreme image of the kind that would work well in VR for fans of high heels and POV femdom porn.


Those who like to mix spiritually and paganism with their BDSM may be interested in this article. It discusses some of the overlap between the two, both in the practices and the communities.

Alternatively, for those who aren’t so much into the spiritual side, but do like to see a sexy powerful witch, I’ve got you covered as well. Here’s Charlize Theron as the evil witch queen Ravenna from Snow White and the Huntsman. Not a great movie by all accounts, but Ms Theron can always brighten a film up.


Caveat venditor

Top tip of the day: If an unknown person on the internet offers you a large sum of money for doing very little, it’s probably certainly a scam. The latest example of this comes to us from New Zealand, where women were offered thousands of dollars for photographs of their hands and feet. Unsurprisingly the money never showed up, but some of the photographs did make it to a fetish website.

Clearly the people that did this are assholes of the first order. Taking advantage of people is a shitty thing to do. However, if the worst thing that happens to you is untraceable foot photographs showing up on a fetish site, then maybe you can treat it as an important life lesson that was cheaply learned. Whoever you’re dealing with, whether it’s selling a sofa on craiglists or photographs for drooling internet perverts, always get the money up front.

I particularly enjoyed the byline to the news article – “Internet watchdog warns ears and elbows could be next as young people are being duped into sending pictures of body parts to fetish websites.” That makes it sound like there’s some bizarre hierarchy of perversion. Watch out kids, after ears and elbows, it’s just a small step to the serious hard pornography of armpit hair and nasal passages. These perverts are working their way around all parts of the body and they must be stopped!

Only a handful of people were scammed, so it’s probably the work of a single maladjusted fetishist with nothing but a gmail account and zero social skills. Somebody should tell the internet watchdog that pretty much by definition fetishists tend to have highly focused interests. They’re not going to switch their sexual attention from feet to ears just because their scam got spotted.

FetishGiven this post has been all about fetishes, you’ll have to excuse me if I indulge one of mine with this image. I’m always a sucker for an elegant and well dressed lady in a tight pair of boots.


I wonder who thought this was a good look to go for? Did they start with the outfit and then go looking for a matching chair, or vice-versa? Or was the outfit and the setting all just a lucky coincidence? Are there people out there with a leopard skin fetish? Or are they aiming for the camouflage fetish market? Does she curl up, concealed on the chair, waiting for her moment to leap out with claws unsheathed? Have many unsuspecting male submissives been surprised and mauled by that most dangerous of predators – the indoor leopard domme?

Miss HybridI’m not sure who this attractive but somewhat oddly attired lady is. I’d guess it’s from a more commercial and conventional porn shot than a femdom one, but that’s only a hunch.

Updated : Thanks to my wise and learned readers (specifically Simon) I can now attribute this to the Miss Hybrid site. I was partially wrong about it being from a conventional porn shot, as Miss Hybrid’s material definitely has a fetish and femdom slant, but there’s more regular sexual activity than the standard femdom clips. Also, for anyone reading this and wondering how I could be such an idiot as to miss the big logo on the image – I changed the image. The original had the logo chopped off, but thanks to the attribution I managed to find the original version with logo intact.

That’s Mistress Hillary to you

I couldn’t do posts on politics and photoshopped images without featuring this famous one of Hillary Clinton. It’s from Spy magazine in 1993. That was Bill’s first term, when Hillary was driving for a health care plan known (inevitably) as Hillarycare.

These days this would be considered as the kind of amateur photoshop job that can pop up anywhere on the internet,, but back then it was fairly eye catching.  I remember seeing it and feeling oddly aroused. This was from a time when I hadn’t fully figured my sexuality out. I wonder how many Senators and Congressmen – from both sides of the aisle – saw it and felt the same way?
