Fatal Femme

Is there an official name for a fetish focused on ethically compromised female assassins/sidekicks in movies? If not there really should be. I think I have that one.

Kill Bill is of course packed with this type of character, perhaps most notoriously GoGo Yubari. James Bond had Fatima Blush and Xenia Onatopp. Sin City has deadly little Miho, who might not have been evil, but was certainly amoral. Also in the not evil but also not exactly good we have Black Widow and Angelina Jolie as Mrs Smith. In the comic book realm, and more as evil side kicks rather than assassins, we have Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Dr Girlfriend (who I always found strangely sexy).

The latest character to add to this list is Gazelle from the violent but highly entertaining movie Kingsman. It’s not exactly Citizen Kane, but it is an fine pastiche of Bond movies and the original TV Avengers. I particularly enjoyed watching Gazelle (played by Sofia Boutella) kill people with her prosthetic steel legs. If I ever make it to Supervillain status, hiring someone like her will be right at the top of my list, just after buying a hollowed out volcano for my headquarters and picking out the color swatches for my minions uniforms.


Negotiating directions

If you’ve never visited a pro-domme you might expect that setting up a first visit involves discussion around interests, activities and compatibility. You’d probably expect basic instructions on cost and session etiquette. And with a good pro-domme all those things do happen. However, what you might be surprised by is the level of detailed instruction you’ll receive on finding the play space. Often it’s a multi-step process like some sort of complicated blackmail pickup scheme. You have to go to a particular street corner, then call a particular number and await further instructions. Alternatively you’ll get a lengthy email detailing exactly where to park, how to approach the building, what to say if questioned and which doors you should and absolutely should not knock on. There’s one SF playspace that had several pages worth of instructions just on how to get in, and apparently I got the cut down version of it!

Although I’m poking fun here, I absolutely get why people do this. I’m sure most pro-dommes live in dread of idiotic clients pissing off their neighbors and attracting the attention of the law. Nobody needs a horny guy in a gimp suit wandering around the alley behind their house clutching a fistful of hundreds and prostrating themselves on random doorsteps.

If you want to know what can happen when neighbors take an unwelcome interest, just take a look at this story featuring Mistress Evilyne. By all accounts she’d done absolutely nothing wrong. The fact people are quoted as “concerned the children might be exposed to something that they shouldn’t see at their age” makes me instantly hate them. There’s nothing that denotes petty small mindedness more than an appeal to think of the children. However, whatever the rights or wrongs, that didn’t stop the press featuring her whiny neighbors in numerous stories, including one from a national paper I hate too much to link to. Happily most of the comments to this instance of the story, including one from Mistress Evilyne herself, suggest a generally unconcerned and broadminded British public.

Mistress EvilyneThe happy image above is taken from Mistress Evilyne’s site. She’s actually featured in a previous post of mine, at a particularly distinctive London location. If you’re in the Orpington region and would like to see her in person, then her site contains all you need to know. Just try not to slam your car door too loudly when you arrive or accidentally corrupt any of the local children.

Just hanging out

While browsing tumblr for a good strap-on picture for yesterday’s post I stumbled on the image below. It’s one of those shots that I love while being baffled by it.

There’s a very attractive lady, but she seems to be relaxing in a urban wasteland. There’s a big black strap-on, but nobody to fuck. There’s high heels and lingerie, next to a barbed wire fence and graffiti clad concrete.

Don’t get me wrong – I like the photograph. I just can’t help thinking about the 10 minutes before the shutter was pressed. How did they get here? And what was the conversation leading up to it? Did they originally set out to capture this particular shot? Did someone stumble across this setting and think to themselves – “Interesting gritty urban space. What would really work here is a half naked blonde lady sporting an enormous black strap-on.” ?

HangingOutThe attractive lady in question here is Mistress Adrienne. As you might guess from the skyline, she’s a NYC based pro-domme. If you’re interested in experience her large strap-on for yourself, you can find her session information here.

Fifty shades of spray

The best and funniest article on the new fifty shades book would be this digested version of it. I have to respect any article that can repeatedly feature the phrase “My enormous cock” in a mainstream British newspaper.

The worst one I’ve seen so far would be this review, oddly enough from the same newspaper. The reviewer thinks the first trilogy was a fun and perky representation of a mild female sexual fantasy. In the new version she thinks the eponymous Mr Grey is an emotionally abusive stalker who has serious jealousy issues. Yet it’s the same goddamn story! All the problematic issues she cites were there from book one. She even starts the review by saying it’s basically the same book, with the same scenes and same dialog, just told from a different point of view. Apparently it’s OK to act like a abusive asshole, just don’t voice your inner dialog.

Talking of enormous cocks, here’s a happy looking lady sporting a decent size one. I’d love to see a femdom parody of fifty shades where Christian gets the fucking he so richly deserves.

StraponFunI found this via the OnTheKneesNow tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t know the original source.

Cheap celebrities

Last month I featured a post on Taylor Swift and her recent fetishistic music video. I wasn’t surprised to read in a follow-up article that a lot of the outfits for the video came from the LA based Stockroom. What did astonish me was that they actually returned the majority of the items. Can you do actually do that? It’s not like they hadn’t been used. The evidence is right there in the video. And it was only $13,000 worth of stuff to start with. I’ve no idea what it cost to make that video, but I’d guess the wardrobe was a pretty small fraction of the total.

Personally if I ran the Stockroom I’d have had a special ‘as worn by someone famous’ sale running the moment the used goods came back in my direction. It’s not like they’re running a rental service over there.

Of course this topic does me the perfect excuse to feature someone looking lovely in something fetishistic. This is Ms Ava Zhang, an LA based pro-domme.

Ms Ava ZhangIf you’re in the LA region and interested in seeing her latex collection in person, her etiquette page is here and her contact information here.

Pleasure & Pain

The post title sounds like a lead into something seriously kinky and sexual, but in fact it’s taken from a mainstream exhibition running at the Victoria & Albert Museum – ‘Shoes: Pleasure & Pain‘. There’s a good article on it over at the Guardian, which talks about the history of shoes, and how they’ve been intertwined with culture, fashion, sex and fetishism. This particularly bit made me smile…

For a few decades in the middle of the 17th century, there was a fashion for ladies’ indoor shoes to come attached to a flat panel, which joined the bottom of the high heel to the toe. Not only did this lift the wearer above imaginary dirt and clod-hopping Puritans, it also provided a satisfying sound as the shoe made contact with the floor. Soon that flat-footed slap, which could be heard several beats before the wearer entered the room, became the mark of real lady.

I don’t particularly fetishize footwear, but I can still appreciate the the click of a heel and the sound of a strutting boot on a hard floor. It’s a pretty effective mood setter, particularly when someone is tied down and can’t easily turn to see what’s happening. I often find myself smiling at the cliche of it, but enjoying it all the same.

BootsThis rather beautiful drawing is from the Croquis Nocturne tumblr. From the posts on the tumblr I’d guess that the artist is also the tumblr owner. Worth checking out if you appreciate this image.

Famous people doing stuff

Taylor Swift has a new music video out featuring lots of her famous friends. That means someone I’ve never listened to has created a video with a bunch of people I’ve never heard of. I feel like I’m one step away from yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

While I might not have my finger on the pulse of modern music, I can appreciate a video featuring lots of aggressive women in fetish gear beating people up and shooting things. That never gets old. The video is also a grab bag of film references, so it’s fun to play spot the homage. From a quick look there’s Sin City (referenced by the poster below), The Fifth Element, Tron, Kill Bill, Matrix, Watchmen and every Bond movie. It also puts me in mind of the girl gang from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, but that’s probably because they’re both a pastiche of the same thing rather than being a direct reference.

Bad Blood poster from Taylor Swift video

A spring garden with Lydia

I should start this post with a warning: It features images from a piecing session I did with Lydia a few weeks ago. So if you wish to avoid image of naked needled me, then I’d suggestion not clicking any of the links below.

The negotiation for our play was – as usual – very short. I think I said “How about doing some piercing?” and she said “Sure.” That was job done. We’re not big on complicated scripts. I like being surprised and giving Lydia scope for her devilish imagination. A piercing session gives her that ample scope, as she has shown in the past (e.g. here, here and here). In this case she created a decorative piercing all across and down my back. She said the layout and design was inspired by the idea of a walk in a spring garden.

You can see the top part of the design in this shot here and from another angle here. Not content with decorating the top of my back she also planted some needles in my butt, seen in this long torso shot and this close-up. The round design on my butt cheeks is known as a button and is particularly painful. The shafts of the needles cross each other and trap flesh in between. This means any kind of movement pinches and squeezes nerves between needles and creates very intense sensations. Moving around wasn’t really on my agenda, but apparently it was on Lydia’s, as piercing was followed by hitting, and striking, and prodding. That tended to produce a few wiggles.

The marks left when everything had been removed were particularly impressive. I loved the patterns created in the skin. In total I think we used around 120 needles with a gauge varying between 25 down to 18. It wasn’t one of the most intense piercing sessions we’ve ever done from a pure pain perspective. However, it was one of the most meditative, focused and aesthetically pleasing.

Lady LydiaPhotograph of Lydia is by Mandy McGee photography.


Mirrors feature heavily in most playspaces. Ask any pro-domme and they’ll typically tell you how important it is to have a lot of mirrors around. Quite frankly, until very recently, I never really understood that. After all, I know what I look like, and don’t have any desire to stare at myself. I might be masochistic, but I’m not narcissistic. The domme normally does look fabulous, but I can see her anyway. So what’s the point of the mirrors?

In recent months I’ve begin to appreciate them a little more. Originally I looked on them in the same way I might look at pornography. Is it hot? Is it visually appealing? Often the answer was no. Seeing me tied up and getting beaten wasn’t hot, because the comparison I always made was with commercial porn. But now I’m beginning to look at them as an alternative view on our dynamic. I’m not simply looking at two bodies, one hot, one not. I’m looking at two people doing some crazy kinky stuff. I’m watching a mutually fulfilling interaction. Seeing that play out from another angle in a mirror can be really interesting. I just had to let go of my pornographically conditioned view on what exciting kinky play looked like.

MirrorI found this image on the Femdom Style Counsel tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t have an original source.