Context is king

I’ve often observed that the context for an image is very important. Put an image in a fashion magazine and I’ll think of it as a sales pitch for a brand or a designer. My instinct will be to look at the clothes and the model from an intellectual, not emotional, point of view. Advertisements are about selling things, so there’s an inherent degree of mistrust in the interaction. Put the same image in a femdom tumblr stream and it changes how I perceive it quite dramatically. I’ll start looking for and projecting D/s elements. I might spin little stories about the scene in my head. I may think of myself in the scene, or how I’d interact with the model. It’s exactly the same image I’d flip past in a copy of Vogue, but somehow somebody else labeling it as erotic and kinky gives me permission to do the same. It creates a far more emotional reaction.

The two shots below are examples of the kind of images I’m thinking about. I found them both on the Strangely Compelling tumblr. The first was a shot for Numero magazine by Greg Kadel. You can see more images from the shoot here. The second is from a sequence titled Orchidee Noir by the photographer Jose Herrera for Oxxo Magazine.

Fashion shot with femdom elements
Fashion shot with femdom elements


Public service film, British style

This advert for road safety strikes me as quintessentially British. Sexual innuendo, double entendres and weirdness in seemingly normal suburbs are a big part of British culture and humor. Road safety and kink aren’t obvious companions, but go ahead and click the link and you’ll see why I featured it. It puts me in mind of Personal Services, a British movie from the 80’s about commercial sex, kink and suburban strangeness. The scenes in the film bear no relationship to any kind of sex work I’ve ever encountered, but it is pretty funny, as this set of clips demonstrate.

While I’m on the subject of advertisements and motorbikes, am I the only submissive male around here with a crush on Carly Foulkes, the girl from the T-Mobile ads? I always kind of liked her in the early pink look adverts, and throwing on motorcycle leathers only added to the allure. There’s something very sexy about a girl who can ride a bike or drive fast. A skintight leather suit doesn’t hurt either. I’ll leave you with a picture of the beautiful Ms Foulkes herself.

Carly Foulkes

Relieving the stress

In the last couple of posts I talked about stress and panic in BDSM scenes, particularly when playing with sensory deprivation and bondage. Dealing with just that pairing alone can be challenging for a submissive, and it gets even tougher when pain is stirred into the mix. I therefore thought in this third and final post on the topic I’d share a technique that I’ve found helps me deal with such sessions.

What I try and do when the hoods and straps go on, and I feel that first tickle of panic, is to visualize the scene from outside. I try and create a mental model of the room and imagine what a camera would capture. I picture what I must look like, where my limbs are, how they are positioned on the furniture, where the ropes are. I picture the dominant, where I think her body is in relation to mine, what equipment she has. I try to integrate what limited sensory input I have into this mental model – the feel of a cushion, the tightness of a rope, the touch of her hand.

The goal is to overcome the turning inwards that comes with panic. That overwhelming feeling that nothing else matters but to escape. Picturing the scene helps keep a coherent thought processing running. It also ground me in the reality of what is happening. I can ‘see myself’ and reassure myself that I’m in a safe place. Typically doing this mental exercise for a few minutes gets me past difficult moments and into a place where I can relax into the bondage.

A variation on this is just to picture the dominant’s face. I often do this when pain is added to sensory deprivation. It’s an easier picture to create when rational thought is hard. It also allows me to make a stronger emotional connection and to feel that I’m suffering for a purpose. That I’m suffering to please this specific and important person.

I’ll finish with a couple of beautiful faces that I’d be happy to try picturing if they felt like inflicting some pain on me.

Famke Janssen
Amber HeardThe first of these is the actress Famke Janssen, who played Xenia Onatopp in Goldeneye (in action here and here). She also played Jean Grey in the two X-Men films (the third one only exists in an alternate universe I refuse to be a part of). The second shot is Amber Heard, an actress who was in Zombieland (good), The Rum Diary (bad) and the upcoming Robert Rodriguez movie, Machete Kills (who knows). I found both images via the Dominant Ladies tumblr.


I’m beginning to wonder if my blogroll is going to need some major revisions come July 20th this year. That’s the release date for the new Batman movie – The Dark Knight Rises. This film features a powerful double whammy, in the form of catwoman as played by Anne Hathaway. I know from past posts that there a lot of catwoman fans out there (HMP and lovetosubmit, I’m looking at you) and Anne Hathaway fans aren’t exactly thin on the ground (calling Servitor). I therefore fear that this deadly combination will just be too much for some of my submissive fellow travelers, a peak of perfection that will leave them drained, apathetic and with no reason to keep blogging. We’ll just be left with a lot of puzzled female bloggers wondering what the hell happened and where everyone went.

In an effort to lessen the shock and acclimatize everyone ahead of time, here’s an intriguing new poster from the movie (full resolution version here). I kind of like it. And by ‘kind of like’ I mean ‘Dear God, would you look at that.’ I only hope the movie itself is a little tauter than the previous one. I enjoyed it, but I think it would have benefited from more aggressive editing and a shorter running time.

Dark Knight Rises - Catwoman Poster

Site Updates

I’ve done a little site maintenance work. Hopefully there will be at least a few links of interest here for people.

To the Femdom Image page I’ve added:

To the BDSM Equipment page I’ve added:

Finally, to blogroll on the right and to the Blogs page I’ve added:

The image below is of Mistress Eleise de Lacy, whose blog has been added to the pro-domme section of my blogroll. It’s by the artist Ariel Belle and was featured in Sinical magazine. I’m a sucker for vintage re-creations that play with time, fashion and cultural eras as this shot does. Alternatively, if you prefer a more modern look, I was also tempted to feature this image and this image. I can’t imagine there are too many submissive guys who wouldn’t appreciate that pair of images. Feel free to browse in the direction of the Femme Fatale Films site if you’d like to see more.

Mistress Eleise de Lacy - Femme Fatale


I don’t have a smoking fetish. I hate the smell of cigarettes. And yet, I have to admit, it can look pretty damn cool. It’s not just the swirling smoke patterns that look good. There’s something intrinsically cool about someone smoking with style.

Movies from the 40’s had a lot of great smoking scenes. Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall always stand out in my mind. For example, this scene and this scene from ‘To have and have not’.  Alternatively, if you like your noir a little more modern, Rosario Dawson had a nice scene in Sin City.

SmokingI found this image on the Thou Shall Love Thy Mistress tumblr.

Tease and denial with chocolate chips

This is a bit of a silly photograph sequence, but it made me smile. It features Ember of the Suicide Girls conducting a tease and denial session with Sesame Street’s cookie monster.

Of course the Sesame Street characters are always ripe for parody. There’s the Avenue Q take-off and porn song, which in the weird cyclical nature of the Internet has been reworked back to the original Muppet characters. I also always enjoyed Dave Chappelle’s riff on it.

Cookie Monster in bondage
Cookie monster tease and denial
Cookie monster tease and denial

Good. Bad. I’m the guy with the blog.

I had an interesting day today. I had hot sweaty sex (of the non-kinky kind) with a gorgeous blonde. That was good. I had my rental car towed and had to retrieve it from the impound lot. That was bad *. I had a 13 course meal in a French/Californian restaurant. That was good. The meal may have contained potassium benzoate, that would be bad.

I have no idea what image would be appropriate for all that. But I’ll go for a shot of a hot sweaty blonde from the undah-wear tumblr. It’s not strictly a femdom shot, but I’m guessing I’m not going to be the only submissive male turned on at the image of a sweaty female body. The term ‘sniffer’ is often used in a derisory fashion, but I think scent is a much under appreciated part of sex. It pushes buttons deep in the brain that the other senses just can’t get near.

Oh, and 10 bonus femdom points for the first person to get the post title reference. It’s an easy one, but I can’t resist the quote.

Woman at ballet rail* It turns out to be particularly tricky to retrieve your car when you picked it up in the early hours of the morning from a rental agency and have no idea what the license number is. Or the color. Or the model. Or even the number of doors. It had a drivers door, so I’d stopped caring once I’d initially established that fact. Combine all that with an automated traffic system with the phone menu from hell, and you can imagine the level of frustration created. I might be a masochist but even I have my limits.

Awaiting her moment

The cane flexing shot is a femdom porn cliche. It pops up all over the place, particularly with mistresses dressed in sexy authoritarian but non-fetish outfits (for example this, or this, or this, …) That’s not to say it doesn’t work. It’s a cliche for a reason. For a lot of submissive guys (including this one) it pushes buttons. However, I normally try and steer clear of the obvious femdom tropes on this blog. They are too easy to find in a hundred other places.

I liked this shot for doing something a little different with the idea. She’s not sneering down the camera lense, but looks to be lost in thought, flexing the cane as a reflex as she ponders the moment. There’s a nice ambiguity to it and it’s possible to imagine any number of storylines to accompany it.

Mistress flexing a cane and waiting outside a doorwayI found it on the Poe’s Mistress (aka French Twist) tumblr. I believe it’s a shot by Ellen von Unwerth. She’s a fashion photographer who started life as a model before moving behind the camera. I suspect the image is therefore from a mainstream fashion shot of some sort.