Hanging a left on geek street

Despite matching a number of the geek stereotypes (smart, bookish, analytical, software hacking guy) I typically don’t like the stereotypical geek TV shows. Things like Star Trek, Doctor Who, X-Files and the new Battlestar Galatica do absolutely nothing for me. However, there is one exception to this rule – Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I love this show with a passion that goes well beyond any rational measure and borders on the scarily obsessed (although not quite to the extent Simon Pegg portrays in the brilliant series Spaced). Powerful female characters, clever writing, multi-layered story arcs and tweedy British sex symbols – what’s not to like?

Of course my favorite character was always Willow, the quiet, shy, super smart, super nerdy red head, whose alter-egos always turned out to be über-dommes. The first of these was vampire Willow, shown in the first image below, who tried to both kill and make-out with her good counterpart. Then came dark Willow, shown in the second image, who pretty much tried to kill everybody.

If you’ve never seen the show, then it’s well worth queuing up on netflix. There are no sparkly vampires, and if you feel the need to intellectually justify watching a show about teenagers, then feel free to browse some of the academic papers writen on it.

Vampire Willow

Dark Willow

Bang. Bang. You’re dead.

I was highly entertained earlier this evening by a recording of an interview with Ms Mona Rogers. It’s available on the masocast site and is entitled ‘Who the s**t are all these fools?‘ As you might expect with a title like that, it’s a very frank and open discussion, covering such topics as how she got involved in BDSM, the differences between the scenes on the East and West coasts, her style of domination and how she feels about dating submissive men. However, what really made me laugh was her description of the funniest/strangest scene(s) she’s ever done. It’s right at the end, starting around the 48 minute mark into the interview. The whole interview is worth listening to, but if you want to skip straight to this part of it, you’ll have to wait a minute or so for the download to complete. I’m not really sure what particular kink the scene would fall under, it’s certainly not femdom. But however you’d classify it, I think it’s worth remembering that no matter how odd you think your personal kink is, there’s always someone out there with a weirder idea.

Ms Mona RogersImage is of Ms Mona Rogers (who has featured on this blog before), and was taken from the DomiDollz site.

Outdoors with a strap-on (revisited)

When I came across this image earlier today on the willie2serve tumblr site, my attention was initially caught by her happy grin. She looks very pleased with the large weapon she’s wielding. But something about her seemed familiar and after a few seconds of puzzling I realized I’d actually created a post last year using an image from what I assume is the same scene. She also has a happy face in the other shot, although it’s a quite different expression. And now I’ve seen the formidable tool she’s deploying, I have a little more appreciation for the not quite so happy face the guy is pulling in the other shot.

Outdoors with a strap-on

Pucker up

Here’s another example of an image where it’s the backward glance over the shoulder that makes it work for me. The rest of the view is fairly spectacular of course. But despite that beautiful perspective, it’s her expression that elevates the image. It’s a playful, teasing look, but with a degree of condescension about it. She’s amused at the effect she having, and aware of the control it gives her. “Go ahead,” I can imagine her saying, “stop staring, lean forward and pucker up those lips…”

Beautiful POV shotI found this image on the Library Vixen tumblr site.

Formative Images

Servitor at his ‘Contemplating the divine‘ blog recently ran a greatest hits post, where he reposted some of his favourite captioned images. In it he mentioned the important role Cruella had played in his sexual development and gave examples of some of favourite Cruella photographs. I share his feelings about the importance of the magazine during my earlier years, and his comment sent me scurrying back through my archives to see if I could track down any of the key images that I remembered.

It’s notable that after 15+ years I can still clearly remember dozens of great individual Cruella images. I don’t think there are any other image creators I can say that about. In the case of the image I’ve selected below I can remember first downloading it (I’m not sure if it was ever in their magazine) and being transfixed by it. I had no idea why, injections were certainly not something I fetishized, but it gripped me all the same. There’s just something about her expression, her stance and that needle that makes it work for me. It’s an image I’ve seen many times over the years, and it still gives me a shiver when I look at it.

Cruella image of mistress with syringe

Nikki Domino

I’ve posted in the past on the importance I place on eyes when shooting a close-up face shot. There’s that old cliche about them being the window into the soul, but like a lot of cliches, there’s a kernel of truth to it. More than any sneering expression, a woman’s eyes can convey a powerful impression of dominance, and nothing consistently pushes me into sub-space quicker than lengthy eye contact during an intense play session. I may also have occasionally mentioned, just in passing, only now and again, my attraction to dominant women in glasses. This particular images was therefore a show stopper (click cutter? browse blocker?) when I stumbled across it.

Close-up of Nikki DominoThe lady with the beautiful green eyes is Nikki Domino, a pro-domme based out of D.C. I found this particular image in her gallery page, and should you wish to see her with your own eyes, then her contact information is here.

Three new blogs

I’ve added the following three blogs to my blogroll over on the right.

Mistress160’s Abode is run by a lifestyle dominant and documents her ongoing D/s relationship with her husband Sol. There’s a wealth of information there, covering everything from getting started in BDSM to more extreme edge play. I particularly enjoyed her very lengthy description of a chemical play session she’d organized, which has inspired me to try something similar in the near future. That also happens to be the post that led me to Mistress160’s blog in the first place, thanks to the miracle of referral logs and her link to an old post of mine.

The Fetish Furniture Factory is managed by Vanessa Chaland and features a large amount of queening and cuckolding. She also describes the custom furniture that she designs and modifies specifically for those acts. The one based around a Sardax drawing looked fairly ingenious, and was even appreciated by the great man himself.

Finally, last but certainly not least, is Sexonomics, a new blog by Brooke Magnanti aka Belle de Jour. As its name suggests, she intends to focus on social and political issues relating to sex. It’s still early days for the blog, but given how much I enjoyed her writing as Belle, I have high hopes for this one. As I alluded to in my earlier post on ‘Women and porn‘, I’m very grateful to intelligent sex positive people who can reach out and confront some of the lazy stereotyping that passes for analysis of sexual issues in the mainstream media.

Billy Piper from 'Secret diary of a call girl' in dominatrix outfitThe image is of Billy Piper playing Belle de Jour in the television version of ‘The secret diary of a call girl’. Which I admit is a bit of a loose connection to the blogs themselves, but it seemed a shame to mention Belle and not take the chance to post it.

Cake with sprinkles on top

I try not to post too many images from The New Bootblack’s Oubliette. It’s one of my favorite tumblr sites, and I don’t want to end up simply echoing all the images posted there. This one however, was too good not to repost.

The posted comment with the image was a simple “Happy birthday, fucker.” This is certainly short and to the point, but for me doesn’t really capture the moment. I like to imagine that it’s actually her birthday, and the slave in question has spent many hours working on this cake. But upon its presentation on the lady’s special day, a tiny almost imperceptible flaw is discovered. In such a situation obviously only one course of action is open. Smash it to the floor, piss on it and then force him to eat his imperfect piss soaked cake like a dog. That seems only fair.

Mistress pissing on a cake

The original source for this image is the wonderfully named Super Vixen Bitch site.