Pensive Domme

This is the kind of image that needs a caption competition. If she pondering the inherent contradiction in the idea of freely given slavery and the nondualism of pain and suffering? Or is she trying to remember if she needs to buy more milk on the way home? Whatever she’s thinking, it’s rare to see a BDSM image of someone looking thoughtful, pensive and maybe a touch sad. It makes for an interesting change.

Pensive DommeThis is from the Sub Miss fetish photography site. You can find a number of other intriguing galleries there, including a large version of this image and its sequence of asssociated images.

Lydia with whip

I spent a happy but painful few hours earlier this week on the receiving end of Lady Lydia’s whips and canes. So in honor of that, here’s a nice shot of her doing what she does so brilliantly. Despite the watermark text, this is taken from a men in pain session that she filmed for them in 2007.

Lady Lydia with WhipLady Lydia has a session space is Seattle if you want to see her in person, or a good collection of clips if Seattle isn’t in your travel plans anytime soon.


I think this is a great drawing, although I’ve no real idea what the artist was originally trying to convey. The rod and apple have fairly obvious symbology, but the collared chrome pig and the initialed dog dish are a little more puzzling. At first I thought it was a fetishized femdom version of a political cartoon. It feels like there should be a caption about decadent fat bankers in thrall to cruel Mistress Capitalism. But as far as I can tell from the artist’s comments, it’s just a drawing of and for a friend, in a style inspired by the famous Hajime Sorayama.

Fuchsia by PapaNinja (Serge Birault)The artist is Serge Birault. He goes under the handle PapaNinja at his deviant art site, and he has a gallery site where you can purchase his work.

The eyes have it

I’m sure most people looking at this image would not immediately think of female dominance. Prior to posting, I spent a long time staring at it, trying to figure out exactly why I thought it was an appropriate image to post here. She’s not sneering at the camera. Or staring down at the viewer with a cold expression. There’s no leather gear in sight. And no whip clenched between her teeth. Yet, for some reason, it instantly appealed to me as a femdom image.

I think it’s because of her eyes. They seem to stare right into me. She has a very penetrating, knowing look. And that reminds of intense moments, deep in a session, when the mistress looks into my eyes. Those are the moments when I’m vulnerable, in pain, exposed and unable to hide. The usual protective shell we build around ourselves has been stripped away, and the mistress can look into me and know me in a way nobody else does.

A Penetrating StareI found this on the human error tumblr site.

Mistress Ryo’s Boots

While I like and appreciate a good pair of boots, I don’t fetishize them to the extent that I know some guys do. This pair however, is pretty special. Over the top lacing and then just for good measure, multiple extra buckles around the laces. Anyone licking those spotless is going to have a pretty sore tongue.

Mistress Ryo's BootsThis is taken from Ryo’s gallery page on the Mistress Blade site. It’s all in Japanese, so I’ve no idea what most of it means, but there are a lot of nice fetish (rather than femdom) photographs.

Kink on G4

I came across this link on that favorite site of all procrastinators everywhere – I’m not really sure what ‘Attack of the Show’ is, or who Candace Bailey is for that matter, but as far as mainstream representations of kink are concerned this one didn’t seem too terrible. It’s obviously mostly an excuse to show some attractive women in tight latex, but I can imagine at least a few people out there might have thought: “Hmmm, that looks kind of fun.” Which is better than the more usual: “Wow, what a bunch of freaks.”

The dominatrix in the clip is Mistress January Seraph. She does a pretty good job consider that the presenter looks great in latex but doesn’t know one end of a whip from another. And her playroom looks like a really fun place to session in. Here she is as ‘Nurse Seraph’.

Nurse January SeraphImage shows Mistress January Seraph and was taken from this gallery page.

Captioned Images

There’s a curious niche porn genre where people take existing images and re-purpose them by applying captions. Essentially they subvert and twist the original erotic intent into something more suited to their particular kink. Themes that repeatedly seem to crop up are cuckolding, chastity, forced homosexuality and incest. The popularity of these themes in this particular niche makes sense to me in two ways. Firstly, they’re infrequently represented in mainstream porn (although I have seen more cuckolding titles cropping up recently). And secondly, they require deeper context beyond what body parts are inserted where. An image of two men and a naked woman is a common and unexceptional threesome scene. To make it into a cuckolding scene means supplying additional non-visual information about the relationships between the participants.

A lot of the time that captions are so clumsy and badly written the whole thing fails horribly. But I am intrigued when somebody succeeds in drastically twisting the original image intent. Here’s a pretty good example, which takes a standard glamor pose and manages to imply chastity, cuckolding and forced homosexuality all in a single image. I found this in LittlemanRayburn’s galleries on imagefap.

CuckoldOne blog that has pushed this idea even further is the ‘suck it for her’ tumblr site. As the name suggests this is all about forced (or encouraged) homosexuality, with a side-order of cuckolding. But instead of using more neutral glamor style shots, the author there starts with very explicit images of women giving blowjobs. And then subverts what would normally be seen as a submissive female role into a dominant one. A couple of typical examples from there would be this post and this post.

The problem with browsing these kind of images is that after a while you start mentally captioning any suitable image you stumble across. I found the amazingly beautiful image below on the ‘purple’ bit tumblr site. And then had to mentally slap myself when I realized I’d spent 5 minutes staring at it trying to craft a good chastity/cuckold caption. Hopefully it will only be a temporary affliction.


Smouldering Look

Smoking is a disgusting habit. Bad for your health. Your clothes. Your breath. And bad for everyone around you. If only it wasn’t so easy to make it look so damn cool.

SmokingI found this on the ‘weird things that turn me on‘ tumblr site. Although I feel the site owner should really revisit that title. There are certainly a lot of posts that might succeed in turning someone on. But I don’t think there are a lot in the weird category, at least by my possibly warped standards. Although this one does pose an obvious exception to that.