There’s a curious niche porn genre where people take existing images and re-purpose them by applying captions. Essentially they subvert and twist the original erotic intent into something more suited to their particular kink. Themes that repeatedly seem to crop up are cuckolding, chastity, forced homosexuality and incest. The popularity of these themes in this particular niche makes sense to me in two ways. Firstly, they’re infrequently represented in mainstream porn (although I have seen more cuckolding titles cropping up recently). And secondly, they require deeper context beyond what body parts are inserted where. An image of two men and a naked woman is a common and unexceptional threesome scene. To make it into a cuckolding scene means supplying additional non-visual information about the relationships between the participants.
A lot of the time that captions are so clumsy and badly written the whole thing fails horribly. But I am intrigued when somebody succeeds in drastically twisting the original image intent. Here’s a pretty good example, which takes a standard glamor pose and manages to imply chastity, cuckolding and forced homosexuality all in a single image. I found this in LittlemanRayburn’s galleries on imagefap.
One blog that has pushed this idea even further is the ‘suck it for her’ tumblr site. As the name suggests this is all about forced (or encouraged) homosexuality, with a side-order of cuckolding. But instead of using more neutral glamor style shots, the author there starts with very explicit images of women giving blowjobs. And then subverts what would normally be seen as a submissive female role into a dominant one. A couple of typical examples from there would be this post and this post.
The problem with browsing these kind of images is that after a while you start mentally captioning any suitable image you stumble across. I found the amazingly beautiful image below on the ‘purple’ bit tumblr site. And then had to mentally slap myself when I realized I’d spent 5 minutes staring at it trying to craft a good chastity/cuckold caption. Hopefully it will only be a temporary affliction.