Fun and Games

If you like mixing gaming and erotica then you might want to check out this article by Polygon. Written by Annie Whitacre of Sex Positive Gaming, it covers some of the best of the current offerings. While there’s nothing specifically femdom, it does seem to feature a lot of kink and alternative sexualities.

Personally, I like to keep my gaming and my kinky play separate. If they are going to intersect, I’d rather it was in this kind of setup.

I believe this is by the artist Mosbles. You an find their Patreon here.

Fixing Things

After my previous post on what not to do in a session, I thought I’d follow it with a more positive one. Namely, if things do go wrong, what are some good approaches to fix the situation.

Before doing that, I’ll add two important qualifiers. Firstly, these aren’t my brilliant ideas. These are what I’ve observed creative and talented dommes do in my sessions with them. Secondly, I’m purely talking about mechanical issues here. When the battery dies, the body won’t bend or the rope just won’t cooperate. Not issues in the scene dynamic or emotions. Those are a far trickier set of problems that are above my paygrade.

Those qualifiers out the way, here’s three tricks I’ve seen successfully employed when a domme’s plan A has failed…

  1. Playfully blame the submissive and use that to pivot the activity. A tongue in cheek – “Well look what you’ve done now!” – remark when the clip leaps off for the third time can a great excuse to set-up a new activity. After all, if I can’t keep those clamps on my nipples, it’s only fair she kicks me in the balls a few times. Most people don’t like being blamed unfairly, but a playful funishment for something that’s obviously not the submissives fault can be a nice way to shift gears and get away from the problem.
  2. Shift into problem solving mode, making the submissive simply part of the puzzle to be cracked. The objectification part of this can be very hot. Suddenly there’s not a one-on-one dynamic. It’s just a domme figuring out how to make some recalcitrant equipment do the right thing. I’m no more or less important than the hard points, ropes or carabiners.
  3. Ditch the problematic activity, shift gears to something totally different and loudly announce that fact. Most submissives will be so excited at the prospect of the new thing, they’ll totally forget whatever wasn’t working. If a domme announces she’s going to stop trying to get her humbler to fit me and instead is going to sit on my face, I’m not going to be lying there, struggling for breath and thinking to myself – “I wish we were still fiddling around the wingnuts on that humber. That was so much more fun than this.”

Speaking of face sitting, here’s some courtesy of the Mistress Land site. I don’t know what activity they were doing 10 minutes prior to this, but I think it’s a safe bet that he’s no longer thinking about it.

Blogroll Updated

I’ve done some long overdue blogroll housekeeping. Dead links have been purged and I’ve added a few new sites. Additions to the front page’s dynamic blogroll and my links page include:

Hopefully there’s something of interest in there for all my readers. Thanks to social media there are a lot less kinky bloggers around than there used to be, so I always appreciate those that do write and post. If anyone knows of established femdom or kinky blogs that are regularly updated then feel free to point me in there direction via comment or  email.

This playful image is from one of the new links – Bastienne Cross. She’s a Toronto based pro-domme. I like the fact that her galleries include a mixture of styles, including a lot of her laughing. It’s not all latex, leather and snarls.

Animal Crossing

One winner from worldwide quarantine seems to have been the Nintendo game Animal Crossing. It’s not only been a big mainstream hit, but also a hit in the kinky community. I’ve seen an amazing number of dommes in my social media feed talking about playing it and involving their subs in helping them. I thought that was just my particular slice of the kinky world, but then I came across this Vice article and this Wired article. People are even figuring out ways to connect sex toys up to it.

I find it amusing that it’s a Nintendo game that has triggered this kind of response. They’re the ultimately kid friendly gaming company. Sega and Sony were always more edgy, and PCs  the Wild West frontier. I guess it’s a sign that people will always be attracted to a high quality well designed product and then, once you’ve attracted them, people will always try and pervert it.

Personally, I’m an old school PC RPG fan. The kind of games where you start off killing rats in a grumpy villagers cellar, spend many hours in what’s basically a fancy spreadsheet in a nice frock, and finish by taking on the local God to stop the world being sucked into hell. There is probably an interesting post to write on the contrast between dommes liking fun collaborative social games and submissives like myself wanting to micromanage the hell out of wizards and clerics in a single player fantasy game. Unfortunately, this isn’t that post.

I believe this is from the artist Mosbles7.

Ch Ch Ch Changes

Regular readers may notice a different look for the blog from today. As step one in my overhaul process I’ve updated to a new more modern theme. It’s still pretty simple and clean, but it should work a lot better on tablets and phones. Google tends to punish sites that don’t support mobile devices with ranking demotion, and my old theme wasn’t set-up for mobile at all.

If you notice anything broken or not working then please let me know via a comment. I’m also hoping this’ll help with the speed and comment issues I’ve seen in the past, although that would be a happy side-effect rather than primary goal. At the very least it should make life easier for everyone who spends their life attached to their phone, even when they’re say sitting on someones face, like Meana Wolf is here.

Meana Wolf

Shit or get off my face

This paper mag article on the NYC BDSM scene is pretty short and light on detail. However, I have to salute the writer for its opening line – ‘Shit or get off my face’. That’s memorable. It’s a phrase that provokes an initial ‘huh?’, until you realize the writer is a dominatrix. Then it generates more of an ‘Ewww!’.

rodzoThis artwork is by Rodzo. Fortunately for those of a delicate disposition he’s an artist big on the face sitting part, but not so much on the poop.

International Fetish Day

Apparently International Fetish Day is a thing and I just missed it. It’s the third Friday of the year, which seems a rather silly scheduling decision, as there’s no memorable date. Are they trying to overlap it was workplace casual Friday’s? Maybe forget the jeans and t-shirt and turn up in your gimpsuit?

Fashion and horological issues aside, there’s a good article on it at The Debrief. It talks about kink, fetish and queerness in a very open and approachable manner. It’s the kind of mainstream article that can help demystify kink and encourage discussion.

Personally, I’m more of a masochist and power exchange kinkster than a fetishist. That said, if I was going to pick out a few specific things that push my fetish buttons, this image would be a good starting point. There are boots, leather gloves, facesitting, a happy lady and red wine. Those last two may not typically be listed as a fetish, but all five of them make me smile.
