Used panties for sale

Men buying women’s used underwear online is a thing. Not really my kind of thing, but I do like the free market ethos behind it. The women involved get an extra source of income and the men get their particular kinky itch scratched. Of all the many sexual financial transactions that happen, this seems like one of the easiest and safest.

If this is your particular kink, and you’re also into powerful women, then let me direct your attention to this sale of Queen Victoria’s Underpants. Admittedly they’ll be a bit pricier than the average pair from a Craigslist ad. At around 120 years old they’re also probably mustier and sturdier than most guys would like. But just consider who the original owner was. She ruled the largest empire in history, at almost one quarter of the earth’s landmass and one fifth of the population. Forget minor celebrities with products named after them, this is a woman with an entire historical era named after her. That backpage ad for used underwear may feature an attractive young lady in tight leather, but is she related to most of the royal families of Europe? I think not.

While I’m on the subject of attractive ladies in tight leather, here’s one offering someone a close-up view of her particular garments. Queen Victoria would not have been amused.

Lady in tight leather skirt

Face-sitting explained

The recent British face-sitting protests (covered in my previous post) gave Salon a chance to publish an article explaining exactly what face-sitting is. Hopefully for most of my readers that’s a fairly superfluous explanation. What caught my eye was the comments. The article described face-sitting as being typically about domination and a lot of the comments were along the lines of ‘I never realized I was being dominant/submissive doing this’.

As I’ve argued before, there’s no such thing as an inherently dominant or submissive act. Intent and context is key. The act of sitting on someone’s face can be dominant, submissive or just squishy moist sexy fun times. The same holds true of pretty much any sexual act, yet this kind of simplistic labeling often crops up. People will claim a domme can’t give a blowjob, or have PIV sex with a submissive, or that anal sex is inherently homosexual.

It’s weird because that kind of simple labeling doesn’t crop up elsewhere. A hug can be a greeting, a sign of affection, a consolation or a celebration of success. An arm around the shoulders can be aggressive when trying to convince someone of something or a protective shielding act. Everyone understands these actions in terms of their context and intent. Yet that’s not the case with sexual acts. I wonder if it’s down to inherent insecurity about sex. When people are unsure of themselves they like to simplify and follow simple rules. They don’t want to be caught out by hidden social conventions and therefore reduce everything to context free labels.

Woman On TopImage is from the Brutal Face-Sitting site.

Face sitting protest

Regular readers will know that I like to seek out and post mainstream articles with a link (occasionally of a tenuous nature) to femdom. Typically I’ll spend time explaining why I think it’s femdom related, and then even more time hunting through tumblrs looking for a suitable sexy image to accompany the posts.

I was therefore very happy to spot a Guardian article titled ‘Face-sitting protest outside parliament against new porn rules’. Even better was the fact that it came with some great face sitting photographs. This kind of thing makes a bloggers life very easy. I particularly liked the protestor chanting described in the article…

“What do we want? Face-sitting! When do we want it? Now!”

That’s the kind of civil disobedience I could really get behind. Or under.

Face sitting protest outside parliamentI’ve covered the new UK laws in previous posts here and here. You can read more articles on the protest (along with more photographs) here, here and here.

Stupidity in the UK (cont)

If you’re interested in reading more about the UK’s recent lurch into censorship stupidity, then Pandora Blake has put together an excellent list of links here. If you want to make your voice heard there are a couple of petitions here and here, or you could donate to Backlash which is lobbying against the legislation.

After writing my previous post on the topic, it struck me that the law is even more stupid than I initially realized (if that’s possible). If you’re concerned about the pornography industry and its general effects on society then this does nothing. Regular fucking and sucking porn is entirely unaffected. If you’re concerned about people watching kink and fetish porn then this does nothing. Anyone in the UK can still access whatever they want from producers based outside the UK. The only people this damages are the niche producers of kinky material in the UK. So the goverment has taken away people’s livelihoods, spent taxpayers money on policing it, and achieved absolutely nothing else.

While I’m never going to be in favor of censorship, I do think it’s reasonable to have legitimate concerns about the business of making porn. It’s a topic I’ve touched on before. Yet one area that has a huge number of independent women creating material is kink and particularly femdom. Lots of UK pro-dommes and fetish models have created their own media businesses and, as this vice article makes clear, they’re now going to have to censor their material and deal with even more bureaucracy.

I’ll leave you with another scene that would now be illegal for a UK producer to show. The mans airways are clearly blocked and this is therefore just a few seconds away from being snuff porn (at least in the eyes of those idiots in parliament).

Face Sitting

Turning the screw

After my previous post on Seedfeeder I though a follow-up with some artwork from Rodzo would be appropriate. Their work is stylistically similar, with minimal backgrounds, cleanly drawn figures and simple unfussy lines. They both remind me of illustrators of textbooks or instruction manuals. In Rodzo’s case that would almost certainly be a manual on face sitting and forced oral sex, as his themes are very consistent.

Despite years of looking at erotic images, I’m still intrigued by what pushes my buttons and why. The images below, particularly the first one, really caught my attention, but it’s not entirely clear to me what the trigger factor is. I think it’s the contrast between the serious and brutal metal bondage and her sweet expression. She looks almost demure, and oral sex is such a tender act, yet those clamps and her need to tighten them suggest a different type of interaction.

Rodzo artwork
Rodzo artworkI found these on the Equally Deep In Your Eyes tumblr.

You fugging shyster

I’ve two reasons for featuring this particular comic panel. Firstly, it’s classic example of Eric Stanton’s style. There’s a big powerful woman, some great artwork and real sense of energy to it. Secondly, the dialog is brilliant. Not only the ‘fugging shyster’ bit, but also phrases like ‘spineless schmuck’ and ‘pop my cork’. Modern femdom art really needs more lines like these.

It’s from a short story called Bonnie & Clara, which I assume is a spin on Bonnie and Clyde. The tough as nails lady below is Bonnie and she’s caught the shyster in question stealing her money and seducing her lover Clara. As you’d expect in a Stanton series things do not go well for him. Much beating follows, including a very painful looking dartboard scene.

'Bonnie and Clara' by Eric Stanton

A pinch and a smile

I was planning to write some follow-up thoughts to yesterdays post on degradation and male submission. Instead I got paddled, pinched, prodded and penetrated by Lydia (plus some other stuff that didn’t begin with p). That left me way too mellowed out to write at length, so I’ll simply pop up an image that I found and liked. Her smile is cute, as is the pretty bondage, but it’s the nipple pinch that really makes the image for me. She might be turning to pose for the shot, but she’s not going to miss the opportunity to squeeze that nipple.

A pinch and a smile

I found the image on the male sub imagery tumblr.

Bloggy thoughts

I found writing yesterday’s post updating the blog page a touch depressing. Not because of the blogs that I listed, but because of the small number I had.

Whenever I find a potential blog to add (via comments, emails, blogrolls, etc) I bookmark it and keep an eye on it. My criteria for inclusion is pretty simple. It has to be something I want to read. It has to make an effort to spell and punctuate correctly. It has to be updated occasionally. Nothing more than that. Yet so many fail, and almost always on the third criteria. I had around a dozen or so blogs to look at, and when I came to update my page most had either been deleted or become dormant. It’s the same story when I look at people’s blogrolls. Most blogrolls are full of blogs that have ceased to be, are bereft of life and rest in peace. Clearly even the blogroll owners aren’t even looking at them.

There are plenty of articles giving advice on how to write a successful blog, and I’m not going to repeat them here. However, I will make two points that seem particularly relevant to kink blogs, as there’s a couple of pitfalls I regularly see kinky bloggers stumble into.

Firstly, if you want a long lived blog, don’t begin by writing enormously long posts. Every blogging guide suggests posting frequently, and long posts are anathema to that. I think most kinky people get so few chances to express themselves openly that starting a blog triggers a rush of writing. They’re very excited to be sharing a secret part of themselves and want to get all these important hidden thoughts out to the world. Unfortunately a huge wall of text is not great for attracting readers. More importantly, it associates a high cost to writing posts. Once that initial thrill has faded, the thought of continuing to update at that same level of posting is very off-putting. Rather than switch to a more manageable post style, a lot of bloggers simply give up.

Secondly, come up with a variety of post styles that you can switch between. Writing very personal posts about your experiences and relationships is great. And if your life is a continuous whirl of crazy people doing extreme things in unusual places then that’s probably all you need. But for most of us, even those with kinky personal lives, it’s tough to continuously sustain a personal storyline that’s blog-worthy. Great writers can make any situation interesting, the rest of us need a little help from the subject matter. Personally I have a grab bag of post styles I pick from, which I mentally categorize as: Pretty picture, mainstream idiocy, interesting article, my kinky play, BDSM politics, thought for the day, etc. Having those existing mental templates for posts makes regular blogging much easier. There’s no reason anyone should follow my mix of post topics, but blogs that stick purely to ‘my kinky play’ as their subject matter do seem to have the shortest lives.

I’ll finish with a picture of a typical femdom blogger in action. I’m sure all the best posts are written this way. Don’t burst my bubble and tell me otherwise.


I found this image on the Her Butler tumblr. I think it’s a particularly apt one to use, as I’m pretty certain the blogger in question is Ms Marie. For a time she wrote a really excellent femdom blog which featured a lot of shots from her personal life. Sadly, as is often the way of blogs, one day it just vanished with no explanation. The images of her and her husband still pop up on tumblrs from time to time, and they always make me smile. Whatever she’s doing now, I hope all is going well for her.

Artistic inspiration

When I first saw this image I thought something about it looked familiar. Then I spotted the drawing against the wall. They’re re-creating a scene by the famous Japanese artist Namio Harukawa. I think that’s a great idea. As far as I can tell this is a one off for the back-cover of a face sitting video (with what looks like possibly stolen Sardax artwork on the front), but I think it’d make for a fascinating theme for a photographic series. I’ll personally volunteer for helping re-create Rodzo or Stanton images. On the other hand, Augustine or Annmo Knight might be a little more challenging.

Recreation of Namio scene