Contrasts with Natsukiss

There’s something quite beautiful about the contrasts in the image below. The dark background against the pale flesh and simple white stage. The extreme intensity of the bondage position against the simplicity of the setting. The taut body of the helpless submissive with the poised and comfortable position of the dominant. It’s a lovely shot of Mistress Natsukiss in action. Although, if I’m honest, I really prefer this less explicit but more intimate shot. Both are taken from the same twitter post.

The Thrill of the Tease

My Los Angles trip got off to a fabulous start playing with Mistress Iris. It had been a while since we’d played together and it was lovely to catch up with her again.

I’m always fascinated by the different ways sadism and masochism can manifest. There’s the obvious physical and emotional varieties which I regularly blog about here. Mistress Iris specializes in the rarer kind that manifests at the fine edge of frustrated pleasure and the unsatisfied ache of desire. If you can maintain the necessary balance it’s a wonderfully fine edge to slide along. It’s rare to get me growling unless physical pain is involved, but I was definitely doing my best angry puppy impression in our session today.

This is Mistress Iris deploying her tease talents on some virgin catholic boys with Liara Roux. This is taken from this tweet, via Mistress Iris’s twitter feed.

Beret Time

A couple of weeks back I posted that the veil was the least fetishized item of women’s clothing. I think this image introduces a late contender into that particular race – the beret. In all the years I’ve sacrificed to the studious and dispassionate analysis of attractive models in fetish gear, I think this might be the first hot beret shot I’ve found.

In my previous post on veils, I expressed surprise that it didn’t feature more often in femdom. I’m not going to go that route with berets. I think the hotness of this image is more a tribute to the talent of the women involved – Mistress Iris and Mistress Adreena Angela – than the hat in question. It’s like an UGG boot. You can make it sexy, but you have to work against its natural tendencies to do so.

Image was from this tweet, with latex outfits from Blacklickorish and shot in LA. I’ve had amazing sessions with both Mistress Iris and Mistress Adreena separately, so can’t imagine what the two of them would be like together. If they were taking joint sessions during this time, I hope the lucky LA submissives appreciated it.

On the Steps at Night

Right now I should be somewhere warm and sunny relaxing with friends. I’d planned a non-kinky but fun getaway for a few days post Thanksgiving. Unfortunately I’ve been hit by one of the seasonal viruses that love to show up this time of year. So I figured I’d rather be miserable at home than miserable travelling. Bleah!

While I head off to crawl under a duvet, I’ll leave you with a totally random image to enjoy. This is pretty much the opposite of warm and sunny and has zero to do with seasonal bugs. I just spotted it via this tweet and loved the atmosphere of the shot. I believe that’s Mistress Niko Flux and Mistress Sybil Fury, both pro-dommes based out of NYC.

The image was posted by Kareem Montes, who I assume is the photographer.  You can see more great work from her via her instagram.

Bah, Humbug! (And other related candy products)

Is there a label for people who don’t like Halloween? Other than miserable bastards that is. Christmas has Grinch and Scrooge, but I don’t know of one for Halloween. If it exists, then I’m it. In my world it competes with Easter for worst communal event, a notch below Columbus day and several below Arbor day. For most people getting dressed up in a fun costume is a special event, but for kinky people, that’s just Tuesday.

All grouching aside, I do like this Halloween themed shot of Mistress Damazonia and her partner/submissive in life Natalie Mars. In a world where politicians have failed, and people have lost faith in their leaders, this is a pair of authoritarian rulers I could really get behind. Or, more appropriately, kneel down in front of.

Image is from this tweet.

No Boys Allowed

I don’t feature a lot of F/f material here. Not because it isn’t interesting, but because there’s so much femsub imagery floating around online. It often seems like the de facto BDSM image is a female submissive, and I generally feel no urge to add to that skewed perspective.

However – and I’m sure you knew there was a however coming here – I’m going to make an exception for this post. This image is from Adreene Angela’s all female play party, as featured in this tweet. I like it because the energy and dynamic feels so different to most of the kinky F/f imagery I see. It looks like play rather than a pose, and it doesn’t have the sense of male gaze that’s so prevalent in kink.

Image is from Mistress Adreena Angela’s twitter feed.

Multidimensional Sexuality

I thought this article covering the latest research on the link between sexual orientation and genetics was interesting. The short version is that’s no such thing as a single ‘gay gene’. Instead there are multiple genes that play a role in sexual orientation, and genetics are only part of the story.

Another interesting aspect – as this tweet makes clear – is that sexual attraction needs to be judged on two dimensions rather than one. The classic kinsey scale is one dimensional, running from 100% heterosexual to 100% homosexual. This latest study shows that we need to think in two dimensions – same sex and opposite sex attraction. Feeling more attracted to the same sex doesn’t necessarily mean being less attracted to the opposite sex, and vice-versa. You could be attracted to strongly to both, strongly to one or strongly to neither.

This image is from the Sunstone comic series by Stjepan Šejić. It’s a series that manages to cover a pretty full set of sexual dimensions.

Kink and Cults

This article is longer than the kind I usually share and not specifically femdom, but I found it fascinating, so I’m going to share it here anyway. It’s by Tina Horn and draws connections between religious cults like the Moonies (which her parents were part of) and some aspects of BDSM culture. She’s worked as both a pro-domme and pro-sub, and those with knowledge of the professional scene on the East coast might well find themselves speculating on the identity of the ‘The Space’ she describes in the article. I can only think of one place that fits the bill.

This image of Tina Horn is taken from this interview with her in Slutist magazine.

John Willie

In writing yesterday’s post I stumbled across this page, featuring a series of photographs by John Willie. I primarily knew about Willie as an artist via his famous Sweet Gwendoline series. I hadn’t realized quite what a talented and prolific photographer he’d been. The photographs featured have a surprisingly modern feel to their kinky dynamic. Perhaps the biggest difference is in the type of rope used and the style of bondage. These days everyone has access to fancy dyed bondage rope and tutorials on artistic knots and fancy rigging techniques. Back in the 40’s and the 50’s they were figuring it out for themselves as they went along.

If you’re a fan of his imagery, you might like to know there’s a hardcover book of his photographs available. I’ve just ordered a copy for myself. It’ll sit nicely on my bookshelf next to Eric Kroll’s book on Eric Stanton.


It was International Women’s Day on Friday. I have a good deal of sympathy for Miss Pearl’s point of view, expressed via this tweet

The next person who tries to particularly make #InternationalWomensDay about #femdom is getting a lecture on fetishism of power not being inherently empowering.

If there’s going to be at least one day that isn’t about what excites men’s dicks, this would seem like a good one to start with.

On the other hand, I did really like this IWD tagged tweet from Lucy SweetKill, featuring her, Dia Dynasty, the image below and the following quote from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Of course I am not worried about intimidating men. The type of man who will be intimidated by me is exactly the type of man I have no interest in.

I’m therefore going to claim for the purposes of this post, I’m like the telephone company, simply a transparent conduit for information. I put this all before you, make of it what you will.