An Awkward Couple of Hours

I flew down to LA today for some R&R. Or I guess I should say some D&D – Dine & Domme. I’m looking forward to the trip, but I can’t say I started it particularly brilliantly.

When I got onto the plane I did the usual seat nesting process we all do. Stashing bags away, fiddling with the seat pockets, firing up my devices, etc. I’d just unlocked my iPad when the flight attendant came across to offer me a drink. That distracted me into a short conversation with him, followed by an exchange of pleasantries with my seat neighbor. A minute or two later I looked back down at my iPad and realized it was open on twitter and that this tweet from Mistress An Li happened to have landed front and center on my screen. While I’d being making civilized small talk, my iPad had been endlessly looping a gif of An Li staring at the camera through a toilet seat while spitting, pissing and presenting her asshole. That might make for good porn, but it’s not exactly the first thing I’d want to share with a cabin full of people at the start of a flight.

Nobody said anything, but I can’t believe they missed it. I might as well have been wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with “I’m a colossal pervert” across the front. Sorry seat buddy and Delta flight dude.

Of course in some cases it’s possible to combine airlines, femdom and toilet play porn. For example, I give you the SkyQueens series by Yapoo. If one of these videos had started playing they’d have probably had me arrested by the nearest air marshal.

Yapoo, the Human Cattle

Anyone who has spent any significant time browsing femdom porn has probably comes across material from the Yapoo Market series out of Japan. It features a lot of edge play activities, such as heavy beatings, caging, forced consumption and toilet play, including scat. Despite its extreme content, it’s produced with very high production values and typically contrasts smartly dressed women against their degraded and bruised naked slaves. I’ve featured images from the series in past posts like this, this, this, this and this.

I’d always assumed the Yapoo name was, like most porn company names, fairly meaningless. However, it turns out there’s a cultural and historical background to it. As 11Dutch very helpfully explains in this post and this post, it actually derives from a novel written under the name Numa Shozo and published shortly after World War II. According to this SF encyclopedia article, it features spaceships, time travel and a description of a future society where…

white women are the dominant class; white men are effeminate and idle, while blacks are a slave class (see Race in SF; Slavery). The worst fate, however, is reserved for the “livestock” race of Asians (in fact, Japanese), who have been transformed into heavily specialized chattels, including living human toilets, furniture, and sex toys.

Given the time it was written, there’s an obvious parallel with the collapse of the Japanese empire at the end of WWII and the subsequent American occupation. While the author might have been reflecting his feelings about his changing society, he was obviously filtering it through a very kinky sexuality.

It’s not often a porn company specializing in extreme kink can point to an allegorical novel as the basis for their work. Now that I’m aware of the context, when I look at their material, with the women in regular clothes, the heavy objectified men and the domestic caging/toilet scenes, it’s clear to see the influence of the original book.

This image is from the Team Rinryu site, creators of the Yapoo Market series. In the past I’ve never thought it possible to buy their material outside of Japan, but it looks like they’ve now put together a guide for foreigners to purchase a movie download. If this kind of material seems like your thing, then I’d definitely suggest trying some of their movies.


One of the more remarkable aspects of the Brexit story is the contrast between England and Scotland. While England was mixed on the issue, with a slight bias to leave the EU,  Scotland was heavily in favor of remaining. As a result there’s now new discussion on Scottish independence and how it could remain part of the EU when England leaves. It’s incredible that having just recently won a referendum to maintain the union, the British goverment has managed to create a situation that gives new incentive and opportunity to dissolve it.

Finding specific Scottish femdom material to illustrate this post was kind of tricky. I know of dommes based in Scotland, but that’s not quite the same thing. In the end I’ve gone with a golfing shot by Eric Stanton. It’s a sport that originated there and is synonymous with the country. While the image is classic Stanton in its style, I’m not sure a golf pro would approve of the ladies swing. This mix of fashions is also kind of interesting. The lady wearing the tie looks like she’s from the 1980’s, where the lady next to her is a classic 1950’s Stanton look.

Hole In One cover art by Eric StantonI found this in this flickr stream of Eric Stanton book covers.


It’s not exactly surprising to come across online articles on sex and fetishes. The internet has many corner and niches stuffed with this material. What does surprise me is how often these articles are making there way onto more mainstream sites. I’m also frequently surprised by the quality of the articles. They’re obviously after clicks and eyeballs, but many of them take the subject seriously rather than playing it for a joke.

Take for example this Gawker peice on Small Penis Humiliation (SPH). The link to it originally caught my eye from a side bar on a random auto site I was scanning with my first coffee of the day. I didn’t expect to end up reading a lengthy article talking about cuckolding, submission and penises stuffed into toilet rolls in a break between my first few meetings. It’s not a fetish of mine, but I’m always happy to see more sensible articles on kinks pop up. Even the comments weren’t too bad, which is something of a miracle in itself.

HumilationI’m afraid I don’t know where this artwork is from. If I was guessing I’d say it’s a trimmed version of a cartoon from a old fashion adult magazine. Unfortunately a reverse image search doesn’t lead me to anything.