Wrapping up Archetypes

Apologies if posting is sparse this week. I’ve come down with a case of Covid that I’m trying to fight through. Having dodged it entirely through the first few years of the pandemic, I’ve now had it twice in less than 12 months. Very frustrating.

Anyway, I’m going to try and wrap up the archetype series of posts with a couple of candidates to add to the core list. We’ve had Authoritarian, Seductress, Mother and Queen. How about the Princess or the Brat? In my mind these two exhibit similar characteristics: flirty, playful, self-centered, mean, manipulative and spiteful. However, one comment I got distinguished the Brat from the Princess on the basis of playfulness and convention following. Personally, I think they’re too close together to make them separate domme archetypes. However, it is an interesting thought. Are their two distinct domme styles here? Or is Brat more a sub thing?

This is from the beta crusher tumblr, which tends to specialize in young bratty domme captions (along with a lot of friendzone, cuckold and humiliation themes).

This one time at Orchestra Practice

Writing the previous post on a minor wardrobe malfunction reminded me of a far more traumatic event many years back.

I was a teenager and attending school orchestra practice for my first and – with hindsight – only time. My given instrument was the cello, which I played really, really badly. However, the music teacher must have been particularly desperate for warm bodies and had invited me to join. I was surprised and intimidated to discover that the majority of the orchestra members were girls, mostly from the year or two above mine. This was not a crowd I was used to hanging with.

As I lurked around the edge of the music room I began to wonder if this could be an exciting new world for me. I was shy and terribly nervous about approaching girls. Was orchestra was the way in? Maybe if I actually started practicing, rather than trying to jam a week’s worth of work into the hour before each lesson, I could make a place for myself here. Could the hated cello turn out to be my path to romantic bliss?

As I contemplated these new possibilities a tall older girl detached herself from her group of friends and walked over to me.

“Tell me,” she said, loud enough for all to hear. “Do you often walk around with your trousers undone?”

Glancing down I realized that my zip had chosen the perfect moment to fail. My trousers were agape and my briefs on display to the school’s brass and string sections. Romantic bliss suddenly looked very unlikely. I fled to the washroom to effect some repairs and somehow made it through the practice. A few days later I had stroke of luck – I broke my arm. That wasn’t exactly pleasant, but it got me out of playing the cello, the orchestra and my scene of shame. Every cloud has a silver lining.

That all  happened 30+ years ago and I still die inside when I think about it now. It sadly never transmuted itself into a kink. At least not for humiliation. If anyone wants to pull on a school uniform and beat me up, well that might be a different story.

Image is from Team Rinryu, the folks behind the Yapoo Market series.

A Cocktail and the Lash

Churchill famously described British naval tradition as rum, sodomy and the lash. I’m not sure if there’s any rum in the cocktail being poured below, but there’s definitely a lash and he’s posed perfectly for a bit of sodomy as well. Looks like a fun way to experience that particular historic trio. Judging by their clothing the image is set in Churchill’s era, although I’m not sure when it was actually created.

I found this via the madam is all tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t the source or original artist.


This is a continuation of the bully theme, featuring artwork from brothatslewd. This is more ambiguous that yesterday’s art. There’s clearly a power dynamic involved, but there’s also a sense of a semi-consensual initiation vibe. Although the act of recording it adds another twist to the story. Recording his entry into their club or creating a lever for future control?

This is actually the middle image from a sequence of three. You can see them all via this tweet. I think I can speak for all submissive guys, when I say that I wish I’d been bullied like this.

Pick a Side

Apologies if you’ve one of the tiny handful of people who follow me on twitter, as this post is going to be a rehash of a twitter rant I posted there recently. The tweets were an experiment to see if I could use twitter threads for thoughts longer than 280 characters, and if I’d get better engagement with them. The answers were respectively ‘not easily’ and ‘no’, so I think blog posts will remain my primary form of expression.

The rant in question was brought about by multiple social media arguments I’d seen on controversial kinky activities. Topics like race play, extreme age play, incest porn/roleplay and nazi outfits. All these arguments ultimately boiled down to two basic viewpoints. On one side was ‘as long as its consensual, adults can fantasize about anything’, on the other was ‘this activity has serious implications and you’re selfish/evil for treating it as way to get off’. I think both of those can be defensible opinions. What struck me as crazy was people flipping between the two depending how they felt about the topic in question.

The ‘as long as its consensual’ view is basically a get of jail free card. It’s a perspective that puts kinky play in its own little bubble, with no obvious relationship between what happens in the bubble and the outside world. If you believe it, then you can do a non-con sex roleplay, and not think you’re encouraging rape. Or beat someone and not spend any time wondering if you’re encouraging violence. That’s a valid viewpoint in my opinion, but it’s important to realize, it’s activity agnostic. You can’t logically claim your kinks live in a bubble where consent is all that matters, but arbitrary other kinks don’t.

On the other side, I think it’s also reasonable to argue that kinks very much interact with a broader social context. For example, one could discuss the intersection of race play and racism. However, if you’re going to do that, it means all kinks have to be considered in that context. That means a lot of kinks become potentially problematic, and require deeper analysis and justification. I typically don’t see anyone out there wanting to do that work for their personal favorite kinks.

In actuality, what consistently happens is that people play the ‘as long as its consensual’ card for their favorite kinks, and then try to withhold it when the activity in question gives them yucky feelings. Which seems broken to me. Either play the card consistently and let others do the same, or don’t play it at all.

In the femdom realm the combination of cross-dressing and humiliation is one of those controversial topics that can trigger a similar ‘consensual adults’ versus ‘this is wrong’ debate. The artwork here is by Voloh.

Baby Bird

This 1970’s Japanese Femdom image comes courtesy of Bacchus at ErosBlog. In his original post he mentions the prevalence of spitting in modern porn and how it’s often used to add a note of humiliation into a scene. That’s certainly true, and it’s not a kink that does much for me. However, I think that spitting can be a surprisingly flexible act. Much like a golden shower scene, it can work as humiliation, reward or intimacy at a distance.  It just depends where you direct it.

One spitting technique that’s particularly fun is ‘baby bird’. That’s where the domme carefully drops her spit into the open mouth of the submissive. Done with a snarl it could of course be humiliating, but its typically more an offering dynamic. It’s an intimate act, a reward, but with a sense of control and distance from the domme. Where tease and denial meets kissing. A neat variation on it is for the domme to take a swig of water and then trickle it into the mouth of the submissive. This pushes much the same buttons, but has the added advantage of being able to hydrate a submissive in the middle of a scene when he’s still tied up. I will add, from personal experience, that throwing an open mouth gag into the mix makes this kind of scene particularly hot.

More Yapoos

I’m not sure if 11Dutch spotted my post from yesterday or it’s just great blogging karma, but a year after his last Yapoo themed post, he has just put up another one in his series. Even better, he has managed to find someone working on an English translation of the original novel. There are only 3 chapters completed to date (out of a total of 14), but that’s a good start and I’m going to enjoy catching up with what’s there already.

My thanks to 11Dutch for his excellent find and to the translator N A Feathers for the work to date. This is also gives me a chance to feature some more pictures from the Team Rinryu site. I try and avoid posting their more extreme material on my front page, so I’ll go with a couple of drawings from their blog that were obviously based on the Yapoo themes.

On Trial

I’ve written in the past about the impressive facilities at Avalon Studios in Germany (for example here and here), but I’ve never had a first hand account from anyone who played there. Now, thanks to Mistress Troy and Slave Latigo, I can correct that omission with this article from Mistress Troy’s site. It features an eye opening description of a multi-day scene featuring the imprisonment, trial and punishment of her slave.

I have to say that the scenario described wouldn’t at all appeal to me. Too serious, too formal and too much protocol for my tastes. But I do admire the skill and effort required to realize these kind of scenarios. You certainly don’t need a cell, courtroom and interrogation center to pull off an amazing femdom scene, but it’s great that some people do choose to set-up these kind of facilities for others to enjoy.

This is Mistress Troy at Studio Avalon, along with slave Latigo, Lady Mercedes and Lady Marlon.

Four expressions

In a genre dominated by sexy bodies, fetishistic outfits and kinky activities, I find myself picking up on and blogging about facial expressions more frequently than almost anything else. Yesterday’s post was one recent instance, and today’s features another. With the internet providing an endless stream of bodies in an infinite variety of sexual configurations, I find facial expressions are the most common way I can connect with a shot. Without them the imagery becomes almost abstract.

This example from Divine Bitches is a bit porn-y, but I do like to see people having fun. Or at least 75% of the people having fun.


The mysteries of life

Of all the many mysterious of life – sex, death, religion, love – the greatest must be the mystery of wifi in hotels. Why is it that cheap hotels typically have great free wifi while expensive hotels charge for terrible wifi? Nobody would tolerate a hotel room where the water only worked some of the time and they charged $15 a day to turn the tap on. Yet somehow we (specifically me in this case) tolerate it for internet access.

I originally suspected that socializing might get in the way of blogging. As it turns out it’s much more likely to be the 28.8K analogue modem that I think this hotel is sharing between all its guests.

Anyway, while my current wifi signal lasts, let me share a picture that made me smile. I don’t typically feature a lot of school uniform themed shots. They’re normally cheezy or skeezy or both. I liked this one because the ‘schoolgirls’ (in the best tradition of adult models in uniform) look like they’re having a lot of fun. There’s a fine British Tradition of schoolgirls behaving badly – as exemplified by the St Trinian’s cartoons – and this seems to fit nicely into that mold.
