Jack Vettriano

The Scottish painter Jack Vettriano has passed away at the age of 73. He was a mainstream artist, not explicitly a femdom or fetish one, but kink was clearly an undercurrent in a good amount of his work. I featured two of his paintings in past posts – here and here.

While he had a lot of commercial success he was despised by the critics and art world. This article on him was one of the more positive ones I’ve seen, and even here the writer can’t resist finishing with how he finds his paintings ‘heinous and grim’. It’s a somewhat incoherent article, but I think there’s one thing it gets right…

The main issue for snobby art types like me isn’t the work itself. It’s that he lacked a conceptual edge, a sense of irony and any postmodern self-awareness. He didn’t paint sexy midnight trysts between half-clothed women and Brylcreemed men as a comment on gendered power dynamics or as a riff on art historical depictions of the female nude. He painted them because they were sexy.

There’s something to be said for that. One can enjoy a simpler message without it detracting from other more complex works. Unabashed sexuality and hedonism for the joy of it makes people uncomfortable. Undercutting it – as this writer does by likening it to a greasy double cheeseburger – relieves that discomfort.

They’re not paintings I’d choose to hang on my walls or spend thousands of dollars on. But one can still choose to appreciate them and their openly kinky themes.

This is by Jack Vettriano and entitled ‘Wicked Games’


Here’s a drawing by a new (to this blog) artist – Cel. Their work tends to the playful and features lots of trampling and big boots. That’s not particularly my kink, but I do enjoy how much humor and attitude they pack into their black and white lines. The men are always portrayed very simply and minimally compared to the female figure, which I think works well within the theme.

You can find a lot more from Cel on Reddit, Twitter and Twitch.


Apologies for somewhat slow pace of posting recently. I’ve been having trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. Not sure if that’s due to work stress, election stress or simply age. In an effort to improve matters I’ve been trying to cut down on late night screen time, which is typically when I write posts.

Maybe a relaxing vacation is called for. Or possibly a very tight leather sleep sack with lots of straps. This example looks suitably relaxing, although it might be tricky to get up to pee in the night with all those locks.

This is from Elise Grave’s Bondage Liberation site. I believe that’s Elise in the center and Troy Orleans lurking off to the side.


Continuing the theme of femdom artists from who maybe don’t get as much coverage as they should – this is from Vernice61. There was a flurry of their work posted to tumblr a dozen or more years ago. I even swapped a few comments with them via this blog. Then the tumblr vanished and I’ve not seen anything from them ever since. That’s a real shame for fans of intense femdom art that covers a lot of kinks.

You can find more of their work via a gallery that was uploaded back in 2012 to the e-hentai site.

Trinity and Roxanne

Continuing the theme of duos with a Matrix influence (a niche but important genre), here’s Mistress Trinity and Roxanne Waters, with sub Heavy. There’s a lot of lovely latex, leather and bondage on display. They would have all looked very at home at Sydney’s Hellfire club – the location for the BDSM club scene in the original movie. The background extras were apparently the regular club goers, dressed in their usual kinky gear.

Image sourced via this tweet.

Black Rose Seduction

Here’s another new (to this blog) artist. This is by Rosie, as featured in this tweet. You can find more of her work over at Deviant Art, featuring a lot of sissies, dolls and ABDL. I believe the characters here are part of a larger comic series entitled Black Rose Elegance that can be found here.

If you like this piece then Rosie takes commissions and has a Patreon available here. You can also find more on her Twitter.

Fragrance of Choice

A third and final image in my series of femdom art that’s both interesting and unusual. This is by the Russian artist Waldemar Kozak and is entitled ‘I choose this fragrance.’ His work is (mostly) not femdom but it is erotic, with a style that incorporates pop art, vintage, sci-fi and surrealism. Not sure what’s going on here, or why the nurses have taken a break from treating their patient to search for fragrances, but it is an appealing image.

Updated: See this comment from Bacchus for what seems like an excellent explanation for what’s going on in this image.

The artist has a deviant art site, although it has sadly not been updated in a few years. You can also see a lot of his art on this page. I’m fairly certain I featured this image in a past post, although I can’t track it down now.

Session Time

Interesting thread here by Lady Vi on how she feels session time should be measured. In her view negotiation and aftercare is very much part of the scheduled session time, not something that happens outside it. She therefore always allows at least 15 minutes before the session ends for that aftercare and clean-up process.

Obviously every pro-domme runs her sessions how she sees fit. Totally not my place to suggest differently. However, I will make a few observations from my experience on the client side.

Firstly, while that approach is the most common one, it’s not entirely universal. I’ve sessioned with experienced dommes who used most of the booked time for play and let aftercare spill beyond that. They presumably built that fact into their schedules and their pricing structure.

Secondly, because there’s not a single approach, it can be confusing when playing with different dommes. My first domme used to play for almost all of the scheduled time, so I assumed that was the standard. I was confused and a little put out when I played with others and found that it wasn’t common. Of course I adjusted my expectations in time, but what a domme might have assumed was entitlement on my part was really just differing experiences.

Finally, there is the risk of feeling shortchanged if the aftercare period wraps up quicker than expected. Miss Grey makes this point in a tweeted reply. I’ve walked out of some sessions feeling buzzed, looked at my watch and realized there was theoretically 10+ minutes of session time left. That’s a quick way to lose the buzz.

Personally, I like the approach Miss Grey adopts. I’d rather pay a higher hourly rate and allow some flexibility on the time for aftercare. To draw a slightly odd analogy, I think of it a bit like the bonus dishes that a fine dining restaurant may send out. Logically, you know you’re still paying for them as part of the overall charge, but it creates a happy positive energy when you get them.

This shot of Miss Grey and friend is from her website. She’s an SF based pro-domme and disciplinarian.

Never A Kink Around When You Need One

I’m surprised I’ve never developed a humiliation kink. God knows, I’ve given myself enough opportunities.

My latest non-consensual attempt happened in my building’s elevator. I was heading out to get coffee, wrapped up warm against the chill of Seattle in April. A rather attractive younger woman got on, smiled at me and said hello. She kept glancing across at me, asking how my day was going and made some cheerful small talk about the weather. I wasn’t delusional enough to think she was flirting, but it’s always nice to have a positive interaction with neighbors. I walked up to my coffee shop in a cheerful mood. It wasn’t until I’d arrived and taken off my  black woolen hat that I realized that I’d put it on inside out. The white care label was sticking straight up on the top, like a giant surrender flag of lost dignity. No wonder she kept looking back at me. It’s not often you see a 50 year old man who still hasn’t figured out how to dress himself properly.

Here’s once answer to the problem of errant clothing – an official uniform and a domme who inspects every aspect of it extremely closely. That’d certainly help focus the mind of a morning. The drawing is – of course – by the brilliant Sardax.

Fetish Archive

Dazed magazine has a nice article on the UK Leather and Fetish Archive. Housed in London, it has over 70 different donated collections, covering a variety of kinks and sexualities from the last hundred or so years. I’d love to get chance to browse it, but unfortunately you need to be in London to do so. Maybe I should donate an archive of this site when I finally decide to shut it down?

One of the collections was donated by Eva Oh and includes this illustration of her by Sardax.