90’s Flashback (completed)

Underling has an interesting blog post about BDSM pornography in the days before the internet made it widespread and easily available.

….I remember occasional visits to the seedy back rooms of certain London bookshops. There I rubbed shoulders with fellow perverts (perhaps some of you among them!), all of us studiously avoiding eye contact while waiting with barely concealed impatience for access to the spanko shelves…

From Underling’s post entitled ‘In the back room’

I was fortunate, in that the window between me being old enough to actually purchase porn and the internet becoming a ubiquitous presence was only a year or two. But for a short period of time in the early 90’s, during my college years, I did do a bit of furtive shopping of my own. The magazines I purchased in that time were treasured and well thumbed possessions. So when I stumbled across the image below, despite the late of watermark, I instantly recognized it as one from the Cruella family of magazines. Specifically a magazine I’d owned called Goddess number 16.

However, unlike Underling, I had been spared the need to trawl around seedy shops in Soho to acquire it. I was saved by the strangest little shop I have ever encountered. In ’94 I was working in a small British seaside town during my summer break from college. A few hundred yards from my lodgings was an old fashioned newsagents, run by an old Indian gentleman and his extended family. It was a tiny corner shop, square in shape, with just a single counter against one wall, and three magazine racks covering the other walls. It looked like it had been frozen in time since the 1950’s. And yet it carried the largest collection of pornographic magazines, and in particular BDSM and fetish magazines, that I’ve ever seen. Everything was there: Janus, Februs, Kane, Cruella, Goddess, Victoria, Obey, etc. He even carried magazine special editions and spanking novels. For a young and nervous femdom aficionado it was like a little piece of pornographic heaven.*

I’ve no idea if the owner of the shop was actually a fan of kinky porn, or just a fan of the higher profit margins it commanded. But whatever the reason, God bless him for it.

Goddess magazine* Apart from those times when he put his younger daughters to work in the shop. Then it became a place to purchase chewing gum whilst studious avoiding looking at the enormous wall of explicit pornographic material.

Added Stig to Femdom Artwork

I’ve re-organized the femdom artwork page into three separate pages. It was getting too big and cumbersome as a single page. Hopefully this new arrangement will allow me to add more artists without the load time bogging down for all my readers.

Stig is the first artist added into this new structure. His work may not be the most sophisticated or visually appealing in the femdom domain, but it does possess a strong underlying sense of sadism, which gives it a certain appeal.


Butterfly Boarding

I was completely unaware of this particular needle play technique until a few days ago, when I stumbled across a post on it via Mistress Sade’s blog. It instantly leapt high on my ‘to do’ list for 2011. It looks like it would be very intense.

For anyone as in the dark as I was, the photograph below should give you a pretty good idea of what happens. This particular image was taken from Domina Yuki’s site and, as you can see, she’s pulled the cock and balls through a board and then pinned it down with a large number of needles.

If you’re interested in more detail on exactly how it’s done, then the images from Mistress Sade’s blog post (entirely unrelated to the shot below) are considerably more graphic. I really advise you not to look if close-up images of needles and penis piercing is likely to disturb you. That said – the original blog post is here. I found the sequence of shots quite remarkable, both from the obvious skill in execution and the beauty of the arrangement.

Butterfly Boarding by Domina YukiAbove image is from this gallery. It’s not completely clear who the other Mistress is, but I believe that’s Domina Yuki with Domina Ai Li. Both are pro-dommes from the Bay area.

Kissy Kissy Baby!

This looks like an image from the same artist as this post. I’m still not exactly sure exactly who the artist is, but this particular file was in a rar entitled ‘tink’, so that at least gives me a clue. I just love the labeling on the shoe. That labeling turns a good image into a wonderful image.