Marks of a different sort

Vice magazine has an article on people who use tattoo’s as part of BDSM scenes. I was aware of people in heavy D/s dynamics using tattoos for ownership/bonding, but I’d never really thought about the act of giving them being part of a scene. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Needle play is a scene thing. So is writing on bodies. So is permanent marking like branding or scarification. It’s therefore hardly surprising people would want to combine all three.

Maybe it’s the boring middle-aged tattoo free guy in me, but it seems a pretty scary thing to do. Not in the marking itself, but in the potential after effects. Scenes are very transitory, and relationships can come and go. Those you have when your young and exploring new sexual dynamics are particularly vulnerable. I think it’d be one thing to regret tattoo’s you picked yourself, and quite another to regret a “My little cum slut” tattoo you got from a domme you dated a decade ago.

Writing2These body writing shots are from a Japanese femdom video.

Coffee and Kink

My fellow Pacific Northwest dwellers may be interested to learn that Portland is gaining a kinky coffee shop. It’ll be called the MoonFyre Cafe and is being organized by Mistress Pixie Fyre. As well as the cafe part, it’ll also boast a space for classes, a play space and an aftercare space.

While combining sex, kink and coffee seems very quintessentially Portland, it’s not the first on the West Coast. Wicked Grounds in San Francisco has been around for many years now. The shot below shows Mistress Alice and Mistress Leila enjoying a coffee in that space. Apparently the gentleman they’re with is drinking his coffee via a straw while having his balls electrically zapped.  Perhaps he just wasn’t getting the kind of caffeine high he wanted, and felt he needed to step it up a notch or two? It’s probably still more pleasant than drinking at Starbucks.

Torment in the Wicked Grounds cafe

Fussy tea drinker

Some people can be very particular about how their tea is made. This woman would appear to be one of them. As the old saying goes: If at first you don’t succeed, have the results poured over your head by an annoyed lady, and then try try and try again.

Pouring out her teaYou can see some more artwork from this sequence here. Based on the Google Translate of that page, I believe this comes from a manga series entitled Blade of the Immortal.

Update: Thanks to a helpful comment I can now say this comes from the short story ‘Kuzeinke no Saidai no Show’ contained in the series Sister Generator written by  Samura Hiroaki.

Dick questions

The latest Dan Savage article has three questions all about dicks. I found the final one particularly interesting. The gentleman in question had decided to wear two condoms (probably not the smartest decision he ever made) and as a result had triggered a blowback on orgasm. It turns out that pinching closed the end of your dick while pumping up the pressure is not a good plan.

“We sometimes see a similar phenomenon occur with people who wear constriction bands or cock rings that are too tight and try to either urinate or ejaculate with the ring on,” said Dr. Newman. “The result is a traumatic stretch of the urethra and microscopic tears in the lining of the urethra (mucosa). This disruption in the lining allows for electrolytes in the urine (particularly potassium) to stimulate the nerves in the layer beneath the lining (submucosa), thereby creating a chronic dull ache, such as PPP describes.”

I mention this because playing with orgasms and ruining them in inventive ways is definitely a part of femdom play. I’ve had orgasms with sounds in the urethra, or electrical probes in the opening, or simply when the domme has palmed the head at the critical moment. I think it’s worth knowing what the potential side effects to that can be. In theory the urethra will heal fine, but if you want to avoid taking any chances, don’t block it during ejaculation.

ViceThis image is from the Divine Bitches site.

Where do they get those wonderful toys?

The Kink studios may not quite be Batman (ref here), but they do seem to have a greater array of fancy bondage furniture than anyone else out there. Maybe there are some Japanese studios that rival them, but I’d be surprised. Great gear of course doesn’t necessarily make a great scene, but I think it’s always fun to see a fancy new toy and imagine playing with it. I’ve been in some very well equipment dungeons, but none of them had a full body dunk tank.

This is from Men in Pain and features Miss Brooke, Lucy Lee and Diablo. I was amazed to see it’s from back in 2004.



Don’t be scared Kanye

I’m continuing the celebrity theme – moving from Beyonce to Kanye West. In one recent silly and pointless twitter feud (is there any other kind?) he was accused of enjoying ass play, a claim which he firmly denied. So amazingly dumb was the whole thing it made Jenny McCarthy look like the smart one. That’s not a phrase I ever thought I’d find myself writing.

If he genuinely keeps partners ‘away from that whole area’ then he’s really missing out. Ass play can be a lot of fun. But I suspect Kanye knows that already. Shame he couldn’t own up to it.

Ass play artwork by Yumine GuoImage is by the brilliant and talented Yumine Guo. The original, inspired by the artwork of Junji Ito, can be found here.

Well that was fun

Eagle eyed readers may have spotted that this site wasn’t quite itself over the last few days. There was a distinct lack of dominant women, images shamelessly filched from tumblrs and my random musings on the world. Instead there was a lot of ‘account suspended’ and ‘access forbidden’ nonsense. There were a couple of reasons for this.

The main problem was me being kidnapped by a posse of leather clad dominatrices who spirited me away to endure hours of painful torment and indescribable pleasure. In my absence the site obviously ceased to function and fell into decay. While you were wondering what ‘403 Forbidden’ meant, I was refusing to hand over my webmaster password to a lithe leather clad lady, no matter how vigorously she licked my nipples.

The other problem was of a more mundane technical nature. No leather or ladies involved. Just a hosting service that claimed my site was exceeding its allocated resources. I pay for my hosting, but apparently I wasn’t paying enough. So without any warning or notification it got cut off. It was so cut off that even I couldn’t log in or debug anything. Obviously as a dedicate webmaster who cares for his readers I wasn’t prepared to settle for that, and whipped out my credit card to splurge on an upgraded private server for the site. Unfortunately that took a day or two to set-up and for the DNS changes to propagate across the web. It also involved a lot of me yelling at the hosting company via their crappy ticket system. Fun times it was not.

Apologies to anyone who tried to access the site recently. Believe me, I was trying to fix stuff as rapidly as I could. By way of apology, please accept this rather fun image from Men In Pain. He might be screaming, but it still looks like a more relaxing situation than my last few days.


Happy Thanksgiving

In America it’s the Thanksgiving holiday this week. As a British person in the States it feels like two random days off for no reasons whatsoever, given the holiday has zero emotional connection for me. Not that I’m going to complain about two free days off work. I can slack off with the best of them. I also think that one particular British person came up with the best quote about the holiday in today’s political climate, along with one of the best arguments on risk I’ve seen in a while.

For an image I’m going to steal from another British gentleman. In this case it’s the twitter feed of Sardax who featured this image a couple of years ago. I hope all my American readers have a fabulous turkey day. For everyone else, take comfort in the fact that Thursday is awfully close to Friday, which means the weekend is just around the corner.

PilgrimIf you like this image then please consider subscribing to Sardax’s main site.

Ruining is all the fun

Fans of ruined orgasms and milking play might enjoy these two tumblrs: Forced to Cum and Eternally Edged. The animated gif is almost the perfect format for presenting these kind of teasing shots, and both of them feature them heavily. I don’t want to have a huge animated image on my front page, but click through on the still below to see one particularly entertaining example. I love their gleeful looks.

GleefulLookThis is captured from a movie by Christina Qccp (the lady clapping in the back). If you want to see more from her then she has a professional website and a movie site with loads of bondage and ruined orgasms shots.