Vice magazine has an article on people who use tattoo’s as part of BDSM scenes. I was aware of people in heavy D/s dynamics using tattoos for ownership/bonding, but I’d never really thought about the act of giving them being part of a scene. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Needle play is a scene thing. So is writing on bodies. So is permanent marking like branding or scarification. It’s therefore hardly surprising people would want to combine all three.
Maybe it’s the boring middle-aged tattoo free guy in me, but it seems a pretty scary thing to do. Not in the marking itself, but in the potential after effects. Scenes are very transitory, and relationships can come and go. Those you have when your young and exploring new sexual dynamics are particularly vulnerable. I think it’d be one thing to regret tattoo’s you picked yourself, and quite another to regret a “My little cum slut” tattoo you got from a domme you dated a decade ago.
These body writing shots are from a Japanese femdom video.