Ruining is all the fun

Fans of ruined orgasms and milking play might enjoy these two tumblrs: Forced to Cum and Eternally Edged. The animated gif is almost the perfect format for presenting these kind of teasing shots, and both of them feature them heavily. I don’t want to have a huge animated image on my front page, but click through on the still below to see one particularly entertaining example. I love their gleeful looks.

GleefulLookThis is captured from a movie by Christina Qccp (the lady clapping in the back). If you want to see more from her then she has a professional website and a movie site with loads of bondage and ruined orgasms shots.

Slipping on the shackles once more

Regular and observant readers may have spotted that I haven’t written about my own play sessions for a while. I haven’t been hiding anything. Since Lydia retired I haven’t played at all. It’s the longest I’ve gone without getting my kinky itch scratched for many years.

I suspect part of the reason for that is that I’m still partially in denial about Lydia. While I played with other dommes when I traveled, I only ever played with Lydia in my home town. She was always my reference point. Going through the process of finding someone else and seeing them regularly to build that new relationship will be a very clear statement about moving on. At some level I’m still trying to come to terms with that. On an intellectual level that seems pretty crazy, but I’m OK with being a little crazy.

Fortunately, this coming week gives me a chance to dip a toe back into kinky waters, as I’m going to be down in San Francisco. That means a chance to visit Domina Yuki and Domina Ai-Li. I’ve played many times in the past with these two talented dommes (for example see here, here and here) and I’m really looking forward to seeing them again. It’ll give me a chance to relax and play without having to deal with a lot of extra baggage. For doing my first couple of sessions since Lydia, this seemed a great way to go. Hopefully when I return I’ll have my kinky fires lit and will start exploring the Seattle scene more.

I should have the time to keep blogging when I’m on vacation, but posts may be a little more erratic than usual. Apologies in advance for that. In the meantime I’ll leave you with a shot of Domina Yuki and Ai-Li in action



Here’s some sushi to finish our tasting menu of food related posts. I’ve seen plenty of articles about eating sushi off naked women, but never anything on using naked men. Apparently it does exist and even has its own name – Nantaimori. Never let it be said this blog isn’t educational.

The artwork below is by the artist Voloh. You can see more of his work at the Hentai Foundry (click through the warning splash screen).

Nantaimori by Voloh

Good doggies

Stories about people on leashes seem to have been popping up in my browser recently. First, there was this story about Britney Spears walking a guy on a leash during her stage show. Apparently she does it as part of every show, but this made the news because it was C list celeb rather a random member of the public. Pulling people out from the audience is nothing new for bands. U2 did a great job of incorporating it into their shows. Green Day used to get audience members to play with them. Sticking an audience member on a leash is a new one to me however.

The other story was about a couple kicked out of a mall because the woman was being walked on a leash. There was also a good follow-up article I spotted on them. Personally, while public play doesn’t do much for me, I like seeing people having fun and doing something different. Public spaces should be for everyone. I have to put up with bad fashion, crappy music and screaming kids in malls. The least other people can do is tolerate a happy looking couple with a leash.

PublicPlayThis is a striking trio, but I think even I’d draw the line at people shopping like this. I’m afraid I don’t have an original source for this image.

Cosmo Sex Shocker

There’s no shortage of articles mocking the sex advice articles from Cosmopolitan magazine. I’ve even been there and done that. However, while their track record may not be great, I was pleasantly surprised by this article on Mistress Couple and La Domaine Esemar. It’s well written, non-judgmental and surprisingly informative. Good job Cosmo.

The image below is taken from this blog post on the La Domaine Esemar site. That’s a washing prior to a weenie roasting.

Image from La Domaine Esemar

T & D by KT

After yesterday’s post and artwork I feel a whole sequence of tease and denial posts coming on. There are three artists in particular that always spring to mind when I think of that topic. The first of them is Kami Tora. The artwork below is a pretty classic example of his work in this area. Cute figures. Exaggerated body parts. A nice sense of tension. And a fair amount of spurting or trickling fluids. Tease and denial by Kami Tora

Lovely Marks

I’m not exactly sure where this shot is from. It looks like an out-take from a porn shoot. Whatever the context, I do love those marks. I’m sure that would seem weird to most non-kinky people, and even a few kinky people, but there’s something very satisfying about post-play marks. I’m sporting some across my chest from a session with Lydia a couple of days ago, and every time I see them in the mirror I smile and rub them.


Learning to boogie with Eric Stanton

I’ll finish the sequence of posts on comic book artists and 50’s fetish with one of my favorite artists of that or any time – Eric Stanton. The image below is from a sequence called ‘Bruised and Battered‘. It’s not often you see a chamber pot and sock suspenders in fetish artwork.  If the text is a little hard to read then let me reproduce his speech bubble – “Karin! Honestly! I don’t know how to boogie! I’m doing the very best that I can do!”

Stanton of course wasn’t a mainstream comic book artist, but in the late 50’s and early 60’s he shared a studio with Steve Ditko, the creator of Spiderman. It’ll never be known how much of a role Eric Stanton played in the creation of the famous wisecracking webslinger, but as this blogpost makes clear, he was definitely involved to some extent.

Eric Stanton - Image from Bruised and Battered series


Users of Google’s Blogger service just received a rather nasty surprise. From March 23rd they’re going to eliminate all adult blogs. If you purely have text content you might escape the purge, but almost all blogs I know and enjoy feature the occasional photograph or video clip (hmp, servitor, Victoria Vista, RedRump, etc.). That puts them directly in Google’s firing line. As Bacchus has written in the past the pornocalypse comes for us all.

It’s a horrible act of vandalism. There’s millions of pages of pages out there that people have poured millions of hours of work and thought into. Some fraction of them might get relocated, but huge chunks will be lost and all the links that have been established between sites will be trashed. In the past I’ve written sympathetically about how adult content gets treated in large technology companies. I often think it’s a lot of small bad decisions and subtle social pressures that leads to adult content getting treated as a second class citizen of the web. However, in this case it seems to be a single and deliberate decision. A particularly poor, thoughtless and cruel decision.

Of course the important thing to remember when you’re using a service like blogspot (or facebook, or gmail, or yahoo or any ‘free’ offering) is that you’re not the customer. You’re the product. And companies kill product lines all the time.

I’m sure many bloggers will be cursing the person responsible for this over the coming months. Perhaps it’ll help to imagine it’s the gentleman in the image below and he gets a stripe for every blog killed. This image is particularly suitable to feature here as I found it on the Femdom Times site, which has now been suspended for violating the WordPress TOS. Originally it’s from the Femme Fatale Films site.


Short back and sides

After receiving some positive comments on my recent shaving post I thought it’d be worth doing a follow-up. It doesn’t appear to be a particularly common fetish, at least judging by the available images online. However, as you might expect, where there’s a sexual interest, there’s someone there to help address it. The images below are from Ms Tytania, a London based pro-domme. She runs an enforced shaving and grooming salon, which sounds ideal for all UK kinksters with a barber fetish.

I’ve only been shaved in sessions three times and, oddly enough, all three were in LA. I’m not sure if that’s a SoCal cultural thing around grooming or simply a coincidence. I’m always very clean but can get a little hirsute in the lower regions. The shavings themselves were fine. It was the prickling growth in the days afterwards that caught my attention.  I could never quite decide if it was a happy reminder of recent fun or was simply itchy and annoying. I guess it was both.
