More of a good thing

What’s the one thing you typically want after a vacation? In my case it’s normally another vacation. This year, courtesy of some friends heading to San Francisco, that’s exactly what I’m about to enjoy. After relaxing at home over Christmas and New Year I’m going to take a long weekend in the Bay Area. Of course this is only putting off the inevitable return to work, but putting off the inevitable is pretty much what life is all about.

Kinky shenanigans may well be on the agenda. Hopefully I’ll fit in some blogging around them. In the meantime, given that I’m feeling pretty happy about the idea of vacation2, I’ll finish with a happy image. Regular readers may recognize Mistress T and Mistress Sidonia in this shot. I’m afraid I don’t know the name of the smiling gentleman in the hood.

Happy TrioI found this on the Happy BDSM tumblr.

Happy Holidays

If you’re someone who celebrates Christmas then I hope you have a happy one. While many of my readers might qualify for the naughty list, I hope Santa is good to all of you.

If Christmas is not part of your traditions then I expect you’re probably fed up with all the themed blog posts on it that pop up at this time of year. I can only apologize for launching yet another one out onto the internet.

Christmas Fun

There’s an app for that

I’ve been meaning to write a highly critical post about the Good2Go app that Slate reviewed a few days ago. Fortunately, as is often the way, my laziness carefully calculated procrastination has paid off, with the Girl on the net doing the job for me. In a far more coherent way than I would have managed, she accurately points out that consent isn’t a simple contract approved with a one time rubber stamp. It certainly shouldn’t be a rubber stamp skewed towards ‘yes’ that gets recorded to some cloud database.

While this particular app is stupid, I’ve often thought there was a role for an app in managing BDSM activity lists. If you’ve not seen one of these before, take a look at this particular example. That gives 200 different activities, with 10 different interest level designators, checkboxes for what you’ve tried and top/bottom differentiation. What’s more it’s formatted to be printed out, so presumably the idea is you fill it out on paper and take it along to play parties. I’ve got to think that an app would be better than handing out flyers to everyone you meet in the dungeon. The app couldn’t negotiate the scene for you, but it could at least do a quick intersection of two different lists and highlight the overlap. Plus, you could update it on the fly and maintain switchable lists for different situations. We could call it the iHanky.

I’m not sure what the gentleman below put on his activity list, but I hope he put a 5 against ‘Getting injected into the urethra with a solution made from Tabasco sauce’.  Because judging by what the two ladies are holding, that’s what he’s about to enjoy.

InjectionThis image is from Baroness Essex, an English pro-domme based in East Anglia and London. It features the Baroness with her PA Katherine. I found it via the Bei Fuss tumblr.

The infinite virtual bookshelf

After my last post on the topic of inadvertent data sharing with family members, Servitor left a comment reminding me that separate user accounts can help solve the problem. That’s actually very good advice. All my laptops are Windows devices and it does an excellent job of providing sand boxed environments for each user. Keeping separate email and social media accounts for kinky stuff is an obvious thing to do, but extending it all the way to your local device also makes a lot of sense.

Unfortunately iPads and apps are terrible in this respect. The Kindle app is particularly bad. Not only does it show all your books in its library, but I can’t even find a way to delete stuff from the shelf. I’ve got all sorts of random porn and kinky writing mixed in with history books, classic crime novels and modern fiction. When I visit someone’s house I always enjoy being nosy and browsing their bookcases. Unfortunately the kindle app designer thinks that not only should your bedroom and living room bookcases be equally on display, but also those well thumbed magazines stashed under your virtual mattress. Now I live in fear that anyone using my iPad will browse my electronic bookcase and get an eyeful of some bizarre BDSM fiction that I purchased on a horny whim in a lonely hotel room many moons ago.

Torture OutsideHere’s what I think should have happened to the kindle app designer the day after he came up with his initial design specs. Maybe an hour or two with these two ladies would have encouraged him to try a bit harder.

Cramped and crated

I’m flying down to San Francisco for a long weekend. Kinky fun is on the cards, along with some good food and drink. Hopefully I’ll have some interesting experiences to report back on. In the meantime I’ll try and keep the posts coming, but they may be more erratic than usual.

Flying on US domestic airlines is never a particularly pleasant experience, even for a short trip. However, I’ll hopefully end up with a bit more leg room than this poor guy. If Emirates First Class is at the top of the travel scale, and United Coach at the bottom, where does a dog crate rate?

Cramped in a crate

I believe this image is from the Riding Mistress site.

Ethical erotica (cont)

After my last post I realized it would be remiss of me to discuss ethical erotica and not mention Pandora Blake. She could be a poster woman for the movement. In the past she’s written posts on fairtrade porn, feminist porn, ethical porn and the censorship of them all. She’s covered how to make it yourself, how to sell it yourself and what can happen when you do that. She even gave away material that her credit card processing company wouldn’t handle.

Her main site is called Dreams of Spanking and, as the title suggests, features much spanking. There’s a variety of gender combinations which I think makes for a pleasant change. Personally I can admire all manner of well reddened bottoms. There’s also a tumblr, which is where I found the image below.

Scene from Dreams of Spanking site

You can see another image from this scene here, along with the original version of this image here. The full scene is available here.

Let’s hope the wind doesn’t change

I pull all sorts of odd expressions during play. Hell, I pull all sorts of odd expressions all the time. Just taking the top off a jar or figuring out the tip on a check can generate a wide variety of strange facial contortions. So I’ve a lot of sympathy for the lady below. There she is, putting maximum effort and concentration into caning this guys ass, and she ends up getting caught with this particular snap. I can only hope the gentleman on the receiving end appreciates the effort she’s putting in. Judging by his well marked posterior and his clenched fist that shouldn’t be a problem.

Strange Expression

This is Mistress Megan from Club Dom.


I’m safely back in Seattle after my trip to Las Vegas. Having enjoyed a few days of sunshine, fine dining and alcohol I now feel I should adopt the role of the martyr and be both scourged and purged. Unfortunately I know that scourging in my case is yet another form of decadent enjoyment. If I really wanted to do penance for my visit to the city of sin, I should probably sit alone in a small beige room. Being beaten only warms my libidinous instincts.

This image, by Édouard-Henri Avril, is a good reflection of my conflicted state. He’s being both beaten and stimulated. I suspect that this is a win/win scenario for him.

Artwork by Edouard Henri Avril


This post may meander past some odd topics but, unless things go radically off course, it will finish with some femdom. So stick around. Or not. Your call.

A few days ago, on my post about a boy who locked himself in his parents handcuffs, hmp commented that kids will find everything. I don’t have children, but my own childhood would certainly validate his comment. My parents didn’t have kinky toys, but they did have a couple of sex manuals, including the famously illustrated Joy of Sex. In the days before widespread consumer internet, and with no cable tv, this was my equivalent of cross with late night Cinemax. No matter where my parents hid it, and they certainly tried lots of places, I could always find it. It was like ESP, only with less ouija boards and more used tissues.

You’d think that reading an educational sex manual designed for loving couples would be good preparation for actually having sex. That it’d help me be a more caring and sensitive partner. And it’s true that I didn’t grow up thinking that a violent jack-hammering followed by semen all over their face was what most women were looking for. Sadly however, none of its wise words stuck with me when I (finally) encountered a real naked and eager woman. Absolutely the only thing I remembered was that it advised men to always take their socks off before removing their trousers (pants in the US) to avoid looking silly. I did that. I was very pleased with myself. My thought process was “Remember socks then trousers … remember socks then trousers … good job … looking pretty suave … naked lady … real naked lady … wow … errrr … is this the foreplay thingy? … I guess I lick … something … maybe …”

Even today when I’m getting naked with someone new, that memory comes back to me. I only wish a few more male porn models and photographers had read the same book, as silly looking naked men in socks crop up all the time. Just in the last few weeks my posts have featured this guy, this guy and  this guy. The image below is another good case in point. Admittedly the Joy of Sex didn’t have anything to say about getting undressed when you’re about to be anally and orally penetrated on a couch by two women wielding strap-ons. Perhaps it would have given a pass in this situation, but I kind of doubt it.


This image is from the Girls Abuse Guys site. I found it on the Felm Cyber tumblr.

Talking over a bear

This rather intriguing artwork is by the artist Waldemar-Kazak. It’s called ‘Talking over a bear’ and you can see the original full size version over on his Deviant Art page. I’m not exactly sure what the story is behind it. There’s a very 50’s feel to it, an edge of melancholy created by his expression and a weird sexy vibe (at least in my strange brain). It looks like it should be an illustration for a twisted short story in something like the New Yorker.

Talking Over A Bear

I originally came across this in the Femdomarts tumblr.