Bigger isn’t Better

As a fan of CBT I thought I knew most of the crazy things men can do, or have done, to their C’s and B’s. Turns out I was wrong. This ProPublica article is a an eye opening and wince inducing look at surgical penile enlargement. Some of the procedures it describes would have even hardcore CBT fans screaming ‘Red! Red!’ It’s really interesting, and very well written, but I can’t imagine any of the doctors featured will be too happy with it.

Personally I’ll stick to penis enlargement via painful procedures the old fashion way, no scalpel required. Just pinching, biting, slapping, whipping and flicking.

This is another old image I dug from a tumblr archive. It’s original from the Mean Dungeon site.

A Worried Look

I dug into the archives for this one. It’s from an old tumblr dump I took some years back. I’ve no idea who the original artist is, but it looks to be set in the 50’s, judging by their clothes and appearance. Inspired perhaps by the pulp novels of that time? I love their expressions. He looks worried. She looks both predatory and scornful. The clothes being neatly folded on the chair is another nice touch for setting the scene.

A Career in Pictures

I always enjoy when experienced pro-dommes post past images from earlier phases of their careers. It can be fascinating to see the evolution in their style, clothes and play spaces.

If you share my interest then I’d recommend browsing Domina M’s recent tweets. She’s been sharing some lovely shots from her 20+ year career. Regularly browsers of femdom material will probably recognize a number of them, as her work with Will Santillo (examples here and here) has been widely reposted. She’s also written about some of those early shoots here.

The image I’ve chosen below is a very early one from 2001 (tweeted here). It actually involves two legendary dommes. Obviously that’s Domina M herself in the shot, with her wardrobe and dungeon sourced from her mentor, Simone Justice.

Domina M is currently based in Paris and you can find her professional site here.

Mr. and Mrs. Stokes

This 1897 portrait, by the famous American artist John Sargent, is of a Mr. and Mrs. Stokes. It’s unusual for the era, with Edith Stokes front and center in casual street clothes, while her husband Newton takes a more passive background position.

I love the dynamic, with the wife full of life and confidence in the center, while he adopts a neutral, almost servant like position. The same dynamic and energy captured in a modern photograph wouldn’t look out of place on my femdom social media feed.

According to this article it was originally supposed to be a more traditional painting, featuring her in an evening gown standing alone near a small table.  It was Sargent’s idea to switch to street clothes and pose her petting a Great Dane.

But when the dog became unavailable the day Sargent went to fetch it, it was Newton himself who, as he writes, “had a sudden inspiration, and offered to assume the role of the Great Dane in the picture”

Given the dynamic of the picture, and the fact the husband was inspired to take the role of a dog / supporting accessory in the picture, one can’t help but wonder if there was a hint of femdom in their relationship. This article on the pictures expresses the view…

Newton was ahead of his time, confident and secure enough to be relegated to the literal shadow of his wife.

Which may well be true, but it might also be true that he actively enjoyed that role.

Moderation Madness

Tumblr continues to stumble along, a shadow of it’s former self. I just got an email out of the blue telling me that some of my tumblr content was flagged as adult. This is for a dormant femdom tumblr site I haven’t touched in 5+ years. I mean they weren’t wrong, it was adult content, but that’s a hell of a moderation lag time.

Amazingly people are still curating and maintain adult blogs on there. They seem to get blown up fairly regularly, but I have to admire their persistence. Some examples viewed via tumbex are here, here, here, here and here. Hopefully my recent email isn’t a sign that a new purge is starting and they’re all about to vanish.

This beautiful image was sourced from one of my favorite surviving tumblrs – madam is all. Its curator has a good eye for content and their site has been my source for a number of posts here. This particular example is watermarked, but unfortunately I’ve no idea how to go about translating that text into a web search for a proper attribution.

Update: Thanks to a helpful comment – I think this is by this photographer.

Lady and the Tramp

Lady Harper Chase clearly has a talent for creating interesting kinky predicaments. Last month I featured her novel approach to musical performance. This month we have the image below, combining nipple clamps, an apple gag and an unusual way to hurt someone with a bite. I assume he’s been told to hold it while Lady Harper takes a bite or two out of the apple. Seems like a lovely way to create tension, fear and intimacy all at the same time.

Lady Harper Chase is a NYC based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here and her Twitter feed here.

Concentrated Kink

Here’s an image with a very high density of kinks. There’s all sorts of fun stuff going on – bondage, leashes, feet, heels, whips and crushing. It’s extreme, yet somehow it captures the sense of a real life play session.

Sadly, I’ve no idea where it’s from or who the creator is. I found it lurking in a obscure folder on my hard drive. I suspect I got it from a tumblr years ago. Reverse image search didn’t turn up any useful leads.

Attentive Table

I was planning to write a final post in my series on AI. Unfortunately, the weekend got away from me and now I don’t have the time. Instead, here is some lovely femdom eye-candy to start the week. I found it via a tumblr post but the discerning reader will recognize the source as the unmistakable Mistress Sybil Fury. She’s obviously a fan of the Scott Paul Humilator Gag.

Mistress Sybil Fury is an NYC based pro-domme. You can find her links to her online sites here.

What am I, Psychic?

After publishing my previous post on counting strokes in corporal punishment it struck me there was one related thing even more annoying. That is expecting me to automagically know that I’m supposed to do it.

There’ll be the initial hit, then a pregnant pause, followed by a “Well? What do you say?” The brat in me is always tempted to come back with something like “Hmmm. Ow I guess?” But no, it’s always the “One, Thank You Mistress” that has to follow.

This is really part of a bigger pet peeve of mine – assuming that everyone plays the same way. i.e. Their way. I’ve had dommes in introductory sessions tell me off for not knowing the ‘proper slave positions’.  Like there’s some goddamn illustrated manual we’re all supposed to read before we get our kinky freak on. I’ll happily follow orders, but I need to be given them first. There is no one true way.

I’m afraid I don’t know who this is wielding the brush, but she does look like she’s enjoying it.