Blowing Smoke

I’ve successfully navigated another loop around the Sun. Older but no wiser. It has been a year where I spent far too long working in front of this keyboard. Lots of time at my virtual place of employment. Not enough time enjoying situations like the one below. Working always involves some degree of blowing smoke. It’d be nice to find the time to get some of the literal variety blown in my face during the evening.

The image is watermarked to Coherent Light but they don’t appear to be around any more. That’s probably not too surprising, given it’s from 1997. I was still in my 20’s then, which now seems a ridiculously long time ago.

Making Music

Here’s an unusual type of forniphilia I’ve never seen before – a submissive as a music stand. While most forniphilia looks less practical than the inanimate equivalent, this one actually seems like it might work better. They can both hold and turn the pages as needed.

The photograph comes courtesy of NYCs Lady Harper Chase. I’m sure she’s a very accomplished musician,  but it does strike me that for a devious and less musically talented dominant there’s a great opportunity for unexpected torture here. Get your human music stand all rigged up in place, then pull out an instrument you’ve never played before and try to learn it using the most basic beginner tunes. I’d imagine an hour of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ on a badly played violin would be enough to get most submissives reaching for their safeword.

Original source for the image is via this tweet, photographed by photopupnyc. Lady Harper Chase is a NYC based pro-domme and you can find her professional site here.

Love Swing

As a not-so-proud owner of an officially bad back, this kind of shot always makes me wince. I can’t imagine my physical therapist declaring it an approved way to stretch. On the plus side, this set-up does at least have a lot of padding for his wrists and ankles, making it better thought out than similar ones I’ve seen. He just better hope she doesn’t stand up and try pump the swing high like we used to do as kids.

I believe this is by the French visual artist Eric Madeleine in a series titled Corps-objet (Body Object).

Smiles and Strappado

This lovely shot – courtesy of Elise Graves and Bondage Liberation – reminded me of the old tumblr ‘Happy BDSM.’ Its content was exactly as its name suggests and was featured here in past posts.

The original site is now sadly defunct, gone the way of most tumblrs, but I’m a little surprised that nobody has thought to resurrect the concept. For kinky folks I think its contents effect was much the same as seeing posts of cute animals doing adorable things. It’s an ‘ahhh’ moment – a little hit of endorphins and happiness before we go about our day.

You can find the original image, along with others from this scene, via this tweet. Elise is a professional rigger, bondage model and domme based in SF. You can find her Bondage Liberation site here and her twitter feed here.  The male performer is the West Coast based Ruckus.

Lamps – Part 5

Regular and attentive readers will be aware of one of my stranger and longer running series – submissives as lamps. The first entry was back in 2011 and the fourth and last (that I can find) was in 2018. I have a feeling there was another entry a year or two back that was unfortunately lost in the big blog blowup.

Anyway, that’s a longwinded introduction to a 5th (or possibly 6th) entry to the series. Apologies for the delay to everyone out there who have been eagerly awaiting its return. This one comes courtesy of Lady Lux of The Netherlands. Her submissive is so happy about the scene he’s positively glowing.

You can find Lady Lux’s professional site here and her Twitter feed here.

Loviante Artwork

Today’s post features an artist I’ve not covered here before – Loviante. Their work is often quite extreme and explicit, but also has a surreal, dreamy feel to it. Or maybe a nightmarish feel if your kinks don’t happen to run the same way! I like it a lot, while also sometimes finding it a touch disturbing, which is quite something considering all the kinky art I’ve seen over the years.

The work below, sourced via Twitter, is entitled ‘Temple on Madison Street.’ It’s a lovely variation on the theme of worship, with the detail in the Temple’s frieze being particularly beautiful.

You can find more art from Loviante via their Twitter feed and at their DeviantArt site.

Georgian Sexcapades

Anyone interested in the history of kink and femdom will probably enjoy this blog post by Anne O Nomis. It gives a behind the scenes glimpse of a new TV series about the history of sex and specifically about an episode on Theresa Berkley (featured here in a previous post). Working in 1820s London, using her own studio equipped with custom BDSM furniture, she was arguable the first modern dominatrix. Although she’d not have used that term to describe herself. Hopefully the show will live up to the level of research and care that Anne O Nomis has clearly put into it.

The above image dates from 1752, slightly before Theresa Berkley’s time. It’s a British print that now resides in the Library of Congress.

Fun for all Concerned

There’s one particular type of femdom shot I never enjoy. It’s the ones where it looks like the domme isn’t having any fun. I don’t mean shots where the domme looks angry or displeased. Getting mad at someone – even if its only roleplaying – can be cathartic. I mean ones where it’s hard to imagine what the domme is getting out of the scene.

Foot worship shots can be some of the worst for this. A respectful kiss or a shoe shine scene can be sexy. Even face tramping has appeal from a masochist/sadist perspective. But there’s a lot of shots out there where the primary adjectives that spring to my mind are slobbery, sticky and bored.

Here’s a great counter-example of a foot worship scene done right. Everyone looks like they’re getting something out of it. There’s even some grapes on the side for her to snack on while getting her feet massaged and cleaned. It’s all very thoughtful.

I’ve afraid I don’t know who this is or who created it. If you can help with an attribution, please let me know via a comment.

Update: Thanks to two helpful commenters, I’m attributing this to Rina Trevi. I haven’t found the original version to prove it 100%, but this seems correct.  She’s an Austin based vulnerability coach. You can find her Twitter here and professional site here.

Beauty and the Beast

At a quick glance I thought this image belonged to the genre: “Hot domme in fetish gears hangs out in gritty urban environment to create interesting study in contrasts.” It’s not a major kinky genre, but there are a few examples around. For example, this one from the late great Mistress Adrienne.

However, on looking more closely, there’s a pretty clear sign it’s not your average urban environment. That hooded naked man locked away in the pen for one. There’s something particularly sexy about over the top bondage. Adding extra control when it’s not needed makes it so much hotter. In this case to go along with the bars on the door there’s the thick chain hooked outside, the leather hood and the locked hands in mittens. Lovely.

The hot domme in question here is Mistress Trinity accompanied by Heavy, sourced via this tweet. Unfortunately, the space is at Studio Avalon, which AFAIK closed in 2020.

Updated thanks to a helpful comment: The space is probably Residenz Avalon, rather than the studio. Unfortunately, it’s also no longer around. You can see a video from what used to be here.

Perverted Pup

I’ve a bit late to the table with this Onion article from 2013: Masochist Dog Enjoys Being Walked Around On Leash While Naked. However, it made me smile and I figure there’s no time limit on humor.

According to neighbors living near local French bulldog Ruggles, the humiliation-loving canine apparently derives intense pleasure from being stark naked, clipped to a movement-constricting leash, and paraded around in public.

This gentleman clearly shares some of Ruggles perversions. Hopefully, he at least doesn’t leave his walker little presents on the grass outside.

I found this via the Madame is All tumblr. A bit of digging around led me to the original source – Troupe of Slaves and specifically this section.