What happened next?

Here’s an image that I like but I’m also a little puzzled by. Normally a chair is either something to be tied into or to be paddled over. In this case, I’m not really sure what she’s planning to use it for. Perhaps she’s going to do some CBT by sitting in it and leaning backwards? Or maybe tie his balls to the top prior to a cock caning? Inquiring minds wants to know.

Mistress and slave with chairI found it on the Alternative Femdom tumblr. It’s originally from InSexM and I think that’s Princess Donna taking charge of the situation.


I’d be the first to admit that the photographs I publish of my sessions are not the sexiest images featured here. That’s not to say the sessions themselves aren’t sexy. It’s just that the attractive woman in the interesting fetish gear is normally behind the camera, while the skinny naked English guy splays himself in front. It’s a little like this anecdote about George Enescu. All the elements are there, just not necessarily in the right arrangement.

However, all those previous scenes pale into insignificance compared to the aesthetics of one I did with Lydia recently. Even my response on seeing the photographs was – “Ewwwww. That’s cool. But ewwwww!” We were playing with saline injections under the skin, which created big swellings and bumps. From a headspace perspective it was amazing. It created a nice variation in pain, depending where the injections were, as well as a strong sense of objectification. There was the slow filling of the syringe, the little flick and squirt to clear the bubbles, the careful search for just the right place and then the rising pain as she pushed the needle home. Unfortunately, while masochistically interesting, aesthetically it left me looking like someone with a peculiar disease. I’ll share some links to photographs, but consider yourself warned!

For brave readers, this first shot shows both the nipples (which were injected multiple times) and the first few injections to the chest. The nipple injections made them very sensitive and pleasurable to touch. In contrast the injections in the centre of the chest and the sides of the torso were really tender and painful. This shot and this one show the actual injection process itself. The filling itself didn’t hurt too much, it was more the movement of the needle as Lydia squeezed the plunger that stung. Here’s an overhead shot take later in the session. It was surprising how quickly the saline would either leak or absorb, and Lydia had to go back to refill most of the spots. Finally, this shot and this one were taken right at the end, after Lydia had also pierced the nipples. Given their engorged and sensitive state that piercing was almost pleasurable and it cranked their sensitivity up another notch.

If you’re playing with someone who has had the relevant training, then I’d definitely recommend giving saline injections a go. It might look like you’ve got a dose of the pox, but the D/s dynamic it creates is a powerful one. And the swelling fades in just an hour or two.

It feels wrong to end the post with only shots of my bumpy torso. So as a kind of mental palette cleanser, here’s Lydia with a shot taken from her trip to OWK.

Lady Lydia at OWK

Slap happy

I recently stumbled across a news article on the ancient art of Thai face slapping. Allegedly it’s a traditional beauty treatment for removing facial wrinkles, and it’s now being offered at a San Francisco massage and beauty parlor. I have to admit to a degree of skepticism. Hunting around on-line I couldn’t find any web pages dedicated to this ‘traditional art’, although there were a rash of articles last year on how it was being used to enlarge breast sizes in Thailand. One wonders if it’s a different type of slap in that case? It would be terrible to get the two techniques mixed up and end up with a much bigger face than you started with.

Whichever the case, it would appear the gentleman below is in luck. He’s either going to end up with bigger balls, or much smoother prettier balls. Sounds like a no-lose situation. I just hope the lady applying the treatment has done all the required training courses. You wouldn’t want an unlicensed therapist slapping away down there.

Ball slappingI found this on the Pure Beauty tumblr.


There’s an unusual element of ambiguity in this image for a commercial porn shoot. The power balance between the naked man and corseted woman is fairly clear, but there’s plenty of room left to spin personal fantasies from this poised moment. There’s a hint of ancient Rome to it (or Rome via Hollywood), with the raw pillars and the oiled slave. Subsequent scenes reduce the ambiguity but offer particular pleasures of their own.

Naked slave waiting for mistress

I found this image on the Male Pet tumblr. It features Parker London and Bobbi Starr.


I’m back in the damp drizzle of Seattle. Unfortunately, much as I’d like to moan about the weather here, I really can’t complain when the east coast of the US has just been well and truly beaten-up by Hurricane Sandy. I know a lot of my readers and fellow bloggers are located in that part of the world. I hope you’re all safe, well and dry.

For those who made it through with power and internet connection intact, I’ll finish with a little eye candy. Nothing weather related. Just something pretty to rest your gaze upon.

Femdom Eye Candy

Miss Deluxe

I’ll take a break from playing poker (badly) to bring you this entertaining piece of artwork. My research tells me it’s fan art from an animated series called Motorcity. I’ve never heard of the show, but the Wikipedia entry tells me it’s made by Disney, which suggests scenes like this are sadly unlikely to feature in the aired version.

Julie aka Miss Deluxe

I found it on the 24-7-Sub tumblr.

A nice refreshing drink

This clean couple come courtesy of this post on Homer’s blog (Japanese language). As best I can make out via the on-line translation tools, it’s a cover from an old issue of SM (Suspense Magazine). Washing a child’s mouth out with soap and water is an old punishment for bad language. I dread to think what he must have said to deserve this.

I actually did a scene featuring water in the face a few months ago, although it was poured from a bottle rather than power blasted at me. With a cloth over the face it can give some really interesting options for breathplay *. Unfortunately it was after I’d been tied to a bed for a couple of hours, and the trickling cold water against my skin just made me want to pee. With Lydia sitting on my torso, the fact of not going enough oxygen was a minor inconsequential trifle compared to the torture from my bladder!

Domme spraying water into bound submissive's mouth

* Note that breathplay is inherently dangerous, and this form particularly so. You get some oxygen through the wet cloth but not enough to stay alive. This makes it easy to slip gradually into a dangerous state of hypoxia. I’m not an expert but I do play with people who are. I don’t recommend trying it unless you’re confident the domme knows what she is doing.

The only thing we have to fear…

When I was catching up on my blog reading over the weekend I came across an interesting sequence of posts by Lady Anna List. They described a heavy imprisonment scenario, featuring bondage, isolation and sensory deprivation. You can read them in part 1, part 2 and part 3 of a series entitled Incarceration. What particularly caught my eye was the comment about a panic attack during the scene.

He’d fallen asleep and woken up before feeling the entire world closing in around him. Experience has helped him before to talk himself out of his impending attack…
…I’m not sure I would rescue him because this is something he has to get through so he knows he can get through it again in future extreme bondage situations.

That got me thinking about the nature of panic and how we experience it, which in turn led me to this fascinating paper on the subject. It’s fairly readable for a scientific paper and it contends that panic is an evolutionary response to dangerous situations. There’s first a tendency to freeze (so a predator won’t spot us), and then a physical response to divert blood, suck in more oxygen, release cooling sweat and tension muscles before fleeing for home and safety. The paper also talks about agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder where panic attacks can strike out of the blue in everyday life. These panic attacks typical occur in certain locations (wide open or enclosed spaces), or in certain situations (being in crowds of strange people or being far from home). These are scenarios which from an evolutionary perspective represented specific threats, such as being exposed with nowhere to hide, or encountering a number of strangers from outside your tribe.

I found it fascinating because there’s a tendency to think about panic as being purely a mental process, as something you can think your way around. And it’s true that you can condition yourself against it by repeated exposure and positive reinforcement. But the basic response itself is a very deeply embedded one, with real physical manifestations. Nobody would think of telling an agoraphobic to simply snap out of it and think themselves better. And yet I find there’s sometimes a tendency to see panic as a weakness or mental failure in a submissive. In fact it’s really just a million years of evolution doing it’s thing. Like the primitive drives for sex or food, it’s all about maximizing the chances of passing the genes on.

The other interesting takeaway from the paper was in the final section, where the author talks about the difficulty of studying panic in the laboratory. He should get out the lab and into his local BDSM playspaces. I can guarantee his local dommes will have a wide collection of experimental subjects they can push into carefully controlled panic situations!

I’ll leave you with a shot of an item that is great for pushing my panic buttons – a hood. That tight enclosed feeling gets me every time.

Hood in vintage BDSM shot

I found this via the clitlickslut tumblr.

Rule 34

For those of you that have never heard of it, rule 34 states that: “If it exists, there is porn of it.” It’s often used in a negative way, implying that there is no limit to how goddam weird people can be. Personally, I kind of like the concept. It’s nice to think of people finding others who share their tastes, rather than spending years with only their imagination for company. Although I can’t say the typical mash-ups of popular culture and porn tropes typically does much for me.

I believe this image is an example of the genre. I’ve never read any of the Harry Potter books, but from the tumblr comments, this is Hermione and Snape from that series. It’s a nice image, although I’m not sure as a pony he should be licking her boots. That’s more a dog thing. It’s always important to get your animal behavior roleplaying right when drawing pictures of fictional characters doing imaginary things in a parallel erotic universe.


Hermione And Snape
I found this on the Mujeres Dominantes tumblr.