A study in contrasts

When browsing tumbrs there’s so much pornographic content available that it can begin to blur together. The endless sweaty naked bodies all start to look the same. Occasionally however, something will stop me dead in my browsing tracks. Here’s an image that did exactly that when I came across it on Wonton Art.

There’s the obvious use of color contrast, with the submissive bright, cheerful and fleshy, while the dominant is grey and forbidding. More significantly, there’s also the stylistic contrast. The submissive is male but feminine, lithe and sensuous. He reminds me a little of a Japanese videogame character, something from a role-playing series that features an angst ridden and sensitive male lead. In contrast the dominant is unambiguously female, but imposing and serious. She’s striding away, her point clearly made. If he’s from a modern videogame, then she’s from a Victorian melodrama, possibly featuring orphans and a cruel governess.

ContrastsI’m afraid I don’t know the artist, but I would love to see more works from him or her. Please leave a comment if you can help me attribute it.


Most femdom blogs that feature feet tend to a worship and idolization viewpoint. Given I start from a more masochistic perspective, I prefer something a little more cringeworthy, and thought I’d follow yesterday’s beating with a little burning. This is Miss Chambers from Cruella exploring the thermal conductivity of her slave’s feet via careful observation of the involuntary motor response to the application of a heat source. Or she could just be stubbing her ciggy out. Either way, it probably smarts a little. If she really wanted to make him scream she should try applying the end of the cigarette to the flat of his toenail. That really is agony.

On a side note, I realize that her outfit is firmly in cliched dominatrix territory, but for Miss Chambers I think it really works. She has featured in posts in the past (for example here) and, for me at least, she always has the look and the attitude to really pull off a traditional domme getup. The black gloves in this shot are a nice touch as well.

Cruella shot of Miss Chambers applying cigarette to slaves foot

Playing footsie

I’m feeling a little sore right now. I’m also buzzed, floating, happy. Lady Lydia gave me a good working over with a variety of slappy, swishy and swingy things. There was one particularly evil device, a short heavy plastic/rubber cane, that had the biggest delay from impact to pain that I’ve ever experienced. It was a case of WHAP…wait…wait…make a coffee…phone a friend…do your taxes….wait…OWWW – fuck me that hurts. Particularly evil when applied quickly in succession so the pain radiates and spreads in layers over time.

Two good learning points. One is that somebody digging their nails into my thighs and then dragging them hard across a very red and bruised posterior gets a spectacular yell out of me. Two is that being beaten on the feet and then tickled on the soles is a truly evil combination. In honor of that second point I thought I’d feature a little bastinado as the image.

Bastinado with Lady JennyThis is Lady Jenny, a pro-domme based in Hungarian. I found the image on the Whipping Mistress blog.

Healthcare, British style with Lady Anna

A few weeks ago Lady Anna emailed me to ask if I’d be interested in reviewing her site – The Anna List Medical Fetish Clinic. She’d give me free access for a month and in return I’d write an honest review on what I found there. Obviously my first thoughts were around the ethical dilemma this posed. The best reviewers – the Michelin inspectors, the New York Times correspondents – never accept any kind of gratis service. They pay as they go. Don’t my readers deserve the same kind of journalistic integrity? My second, third and fourth thoughts were “Woohoo! Free kinky porn!”. After wrestling with these complex issues for at least 7 or 8 seconds, I rationalized that my readers deserve an honest appraisal of the kinky content that’s out there, whatever the risk to myself. I shouldn’t be worrying about the cost to my public image when I have a higher duty to look at all this porn for my readers. And if you don’t like that rationalization, I have others.

Immediately after emailing her to accept I was struck by another troubling thought. What if the material sucks? It’s one thing to comment on random images I stumble across on the web, but quite another to write my typical nonsense when the creative person in question is staring over my shoulder. Fortunately for me, and other kinky porn connoisseurs out there, it definitely doesn’t suck. I think she’s managed to capture on video a really good sense of some very compelling D/s sessions.

I guess I should start with the technical stuff first. She has four main video sections – dental, medical, rubber and operating. There’s also a collection of audio only files and an archive with older footage that’s less overtly medical. Most films are 10 to 20 minutes in length, and are shot in high def with solid camerawork. It’s not simply a static camera that captures everything from a single wide angle viewpoint as I’ve seen elsewhere. There are around 60 films, so far mostly in the medical and rubber clinic sections, and a new film is added each week. As should be obvious from her facilities page, she has a very well equipped set-up, with one of the best collections of medical equipment that I’ve seen. It gets used to for a lot of breathplay, anaesthetic roleplay and immobilizing bondage.

When it comes to the actual sessions themselves, her style is very cool, calm and collected. There’s no ice queen or snarling mistress here, just a matter of fact, it’s for your own good style of domination. There’s a genuine feel to it, which seems a weird thing to say given the heavy medical trappings. After all, you’re clearly not watching genuine medical procedures. Yet there’s a real sense of connection and trust between Lady Anna and her patients. This isn’t a couple of fetish models who just met an hour or so before a scripted scene. She also has a nice style of communication, chatting to the patient, but adding commentary for the viewer in the process.

Sometimes in professional porn it feels like you’re watching a circus act, a kinky cirque du soleil. The submissives are super-subs, pushed through a rapid sequence of extreme and amazing acts. They might express pain, but it’s rare to get a genuine sense of fear or a difficult limit being flirted with. In contrast both Lady Anna and her patients come across as a lot more human. There’s a feeling that the submissive is being challenged and the D/s dynamic between them explored. It’s not fast cutting, high paced material, but it does capture more of the feel of a real session.

Downsides? There’s really nothing that shouldn’t be obvious from the site itself. Obviously it’s just Lady Anna playing with her submissives in a medical fetish context. So if you’re looking for a wide variety of skinny models wearing traditional pro-domme gear then you’re liable to be disappointed. And while there’s less pure medical roleplay than you might expect, the setting is clearly a clinical one. If medical type activities doesn’t appeal, or you’re looking for lots of non-medical style play (e.g. corporal, cuckolding, strap-on, etc.), then I’d look elsewhere. But if the preview material is appealing to you, then I can’t think of any reason not to give it a shot.

Lady Anna List

A tender peg

I’m going to to continue the pegging theme, but defer the text to the tumblr stream where I found this image.

This one shot is instantly better than 98.43% of the pegging porn out there. Why? Because it shows intimacy. It shows both partners getting into it. It shows that it’s not about the man enduring something awful, or about some sort of grudge-fuck by her (although, in my world, if that’s what she wants sometimes, that’s certainly her prerogative).

Obviously as a femdom blogger, I’m not against a forceful pegging as an instrument of D/s. But I have to admit I really enjoy it more as an intimate and pleasurable act, rather than a method of torment. I’m not sure about the percentage figures above, and I’m not entirely this shot is any more intimate that a lot of porn out there, but I do like the general idea of it.

Tender PeggingThis is originally from an Evil Angel shoot.

Living in a state of sin

Time for a pop quiz. What do Idaho, Utah, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana all have in common. Any ideas? Well apparently they all still have anti-sodomy laws on the statute books. I’m not just talking about sweaty hard bodied man on man depravity. These states also outlaw it for good clean living Christian married couples indulging in a little ass play (as God may or may not have intended, he’s not the best when it comes to clear communication). Of course since the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v’s Texas the laws are all unconstitutional and unenforceable, but that doesn’t stop the legislators keeping them on the books to send a message. That message presumably being ‘We’re the only ones that should be allowed to ass fuck the people who voted for us’.

I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. I was recently amazed to discover that the US had anti-miscegenation laws in 16 states right up until a Supreme Court decision in 1967. And Alabama didn’t get around to actually removing its version of them from their constitution until 2000. Both of those facts both astonished and depressed me. At that rate the anti-sodomy laws should finally be disappearing around 2036.

On a tangential note, I often find the stories behind these very significant Supreme Court decisions to be fascinating. The 1967 case, appropriately named Loving v’s Virginia, is an uplifting tale of a couple’s fight for their right to live together. The New York Times gave a good overview of it in the obituary of the wife in question. The background to the Lawrence v’s Texas case was very much less positive and uplifting, as described in this New Yorker book review. The only common theme was the police behaving like assholes (pardon the appropriate expression) in both of them.

I’ve no idea where the image below was shot, but they look like a couple having fun, and possibly violating a few local laws at the same time. Let us all hope that any handcuffs that appear will belong to her.

Intense pegging sceneI found this on the Sensual Pegging Tumblr. You can see a larger version of it in the post there. Originally it’s from the Strapon Dreamer site.

Spanking theory

When I look back over my posts it strikes me that I’ve featured a surprisingly small amount of traditional style spanking. I have to go all the way back to last year to find a posted image that even alludes to it. This isn’t a deliberate choice on my part, but clearly there must be a degree of subconscious selection going on here. I also don’t think I’ve ever directly asked for a spanking, although I have enjoyed them when a session has naturally evolved in that direction.

In some ways I find spanking an odd activity. I don’t mean that it’s weird or wrong, but just that it seems to possess unusual characteristics that other activities don’t share. It has a historical and a cultural meaning that doesn’t exist with other types of physical D/s interaction.

One thing that held me back for a long time from doing my first pro-domme session was the idea that it’d feel weird. I imagined that I’d be embarrassed by the scene or start laughing when someone tried to tie me up. In the event that didn’t happen. I’ve done scenes that most non-kinky people would think were very unusual, and found them entirely normal, at least for my strange measure of normality. In hindsight I think that this is down to the lack of context. I have no cultural conditioning around how two people should behave when doing play piercing, breathplay or heavy bondage. I just do it and enjoy it. And yet when I get pulled over someones lap for a spanking there is a passing moment of discombobulation. It has a meaning and wider context that come along with it, despite the fact I was never spanked in that fashion as a child.

I got to thinking about this while reading Red Rump’s entertaining tale of his early yearnings for a little babysitter spanking action. Like Red Rump, and a lot of kinky people, my desires started when I was young. However, I didn’t focus on a particular activity. Instead I fantasized about very general ideas of control and restraint. The idea of pain and punishment was always subservient to this broader sense of being dominated. For a lot of spanking fans it seems to be the other way around, where the specific activity is the focus and the elements of domination flow from that. I think it’s telling that the two activities with the most cultural context, spanking and bondage, also attracts the most dedicated and focused followings.

Personally, despite rarely having them, I have always enjoyed a traditional spanking. The sense of closeness to the dominant and the physical communication between the two bodies make for a very unique experience. But I think for me it’s in spite of the cultural background. That’s something I have to overcome in order to simply enjoy the raw activity for what it is. I suspect for a lot of spanko’s it’s the reverse situation, and a lot of the enjoyment comes from the broader context it has and the personal meaning they bring to the act.

Anyone managing to make it through all that random wurbling from me deserves at least a good spanking picture, so here you go. She certainly seems to be enjoying applying that hairbrush with some serious force.

Happy SpankerI found this on the lash kisser tumblr site.

Black, white and blonde

I’ve noticed images from Femme Fatale Films popping up on any number of tumblrs and blogs recently. With examples as striking as this shot (which came to me via the Femdom Marriage tumblr) I can’t say I’m all that surprised. I love the calm composed nature of the shot, as well as the color contrasts between the dark clothes and whip, his marked pale skin and her long blonde hair. I can imagine her inflicting a very deliberate controlled whipping, all fury and no sound.

Mistress with whip from Femme Fatale FilmsThis is Mistress Eleise de Lacy, and the session it is taken from is called Dining Service. You can see a short trailer for it in their updates section or join for access to the full video.

Bringing up the rear

Here’s the last of my field of three horse related posts. It’s a little more artwork from Robert Bishop, this time featuring a nicely costumed bucking horse. Unlike the previous animals, this one seems a bit feisty, but she doesn’t look like she’ll have any problems keeping him under control. I suspect she might even enjoy a little intransigence from her mount.

Robert Bishop artwork of woman riding man dressed as horse


Riding gear is a fairly common theme in femdom porn. It’s a natural fit. Leather boots. Tight jodhpurs. Riding crops. There’s also the idea of a woman controlling a big powerful dumb beast with a snapped command or a flick of her wrist. That has a certain resonance.

However, it’s pretty rare to see an actual horse involved in a shot. Normally the man plays that role. In this case the male in question has been forced one step lower in the hierarchy, from beast to inanimate footstool. The horse itself looks fairly bored by the proceedings. I just hope for the footstool’s sake that it doesn’t decide to take a pee at this point. I’m a fan of water sports, but horse piss lapping around the knees is definitely a deal breaker. And there’s a good entry to add to the list of sentences I never imagined myself typing.

Slave acting as foot stool while mistress mounts horseThis is taken from a set of images created by the femdom town site. I found it originally on the Whip Mistress blog.