It’s sometimes interesting to follow the path of an image on tumblr. I’ve seen this one pop up repeatedly in different variations. I think it’s a great image. I love the way he’s restrained and yet open. She can tantalize him with a gentle kiss or squeeze her hand to inflict a little pain. As far as I can tell this is the original format format from elements studio (although I can’t find it on their site). Yet I’ve seen it in black and white, or with the logo surgically removed or in various cropped forms that alter the focus and overall composition. I’ve no idea why this particular image has been tweaked so often, as it works wonderfully as is.
Tag: Fm
A Sole Kiss
As a major change of pace from heavy whipping shots, here’s someone appreciating a freshly washed pair of feet. I’m personally not much of a foot guy, unless they happen to be kicking or trampling me, but this was unusual enough to catch my eye. It’s not often I get to feature an image of someone in a sari. They look like a couple having fun.
I originally found this on the femdom section in reddit. My internet detective skills, honed by many years of
tracking down porn productively blogging, led me to the mainstream Indian movie 1940 Lo Oka Gramam from 2008. According to the plot synopsis they end up being declared outcasts and having their heads shaved for this happy frolicking on the sea shore. So a sad context to a happy looking shot.
All the more to aim at…
I thought I’d finish my short sequence of whip posts with these two beautiful images from Mistress Trish and thrash. She’s aiming at a particularly delicate target, and he’s giving her a pretty big bulls eye to go for.
Aside from the visual pleasure of the whip in motion, these shots caught my eye for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I like the way he’s leaning into the strike. He’s helping her to hurt him, which I think is always hot. I also like their expressions. Hers is gleeful and happy. She’s clearly concentrating on what she’s doing, but taking the time to enjoy it. In contrast he looks very inwardly focused, concentrating on his sense of self. I suspect it feels like time is running at a very different pace for the two of them.
Mistress Trish is a professional dominant based out of NYC. This was taken from her gallery page and shot by Aeric Meredith-Goujon photography.
When a problem comes along
She certainly looks like she’s going to whip him into some sort of a shape. Possibly a messy red shape. That’s one hell of a whip.
I think you’d have to be a pretty brave masochist to volunteer to be on the end of this. My experience with single tails consists of screaming and writhing on the receiving end. I’ve never actually thrown one. Intuitively however, I have to think that with something this long, the sweet spot between ineffectual slapping and skin ripping agony is relatively small. Get it wrong and it’ll be a little late for safewords.
I’m a little curious where they shot this. Doesn’t look much like a typical dungeon environment. Although maybe I’m hanging out in the wrong type of dungeons. I do like that couch.
The lady is Goddess Diosa and you can find clips of her in action (including this scene and giant size version of this image) at her clipstore. I originally found this this image on the Rue Monorgueil tumblr.
Site Updates
I spent a little time this weekend cleaning up links and adding new ones. In no particular order, some of the changes included…
Adding Domina Liza’s blog to the pro-domme section of my blogroll. It’s a new blog but I’m confident it’ll be an interesting one. She already has a post up about the bed of nails I referenced in an earlier post of my own.
Adding Princess Annie Domine‘s blog to the femdom section of my blogroll. It’s also relatively new, but I’m hoping her writing on how she finds her way into the real life D/s world will be of interest to both dominants and submissives.
Adding links to the Submissive Guide and Clarisse Thorn’s blog to the BDSM articles page. Both have a lot of good background reading if you’ve never encountered them before.
Adding some links to James Pendergrass’s fiction to the Femdom Fiction page. Check out his free fiction at SM Tales if you’re looking for some new femdom stories.
Adding the following tumblr sites to my Femdom Image page: Alternative Femdom, CBSteve, Littleman Rayburn’s Captions, Rue Montorgueil, Women Power and Worshiping Women.
Hopefully there’ll be a little something for everyone to enjoy in those new links. The image for this post comes from one of the new tumblrs, Alternative Femdom. I’m not sure of its original source, or exactly what the context is, but I do enjoy their two expressions. And, as they say, you can solve anything with duct tape.
A few days ago I published a strap-on post entitled smirks. This one follows a similar theme, but is much more about smiles than smirks. The difference is a subtle one. Smirking is self-satisfaction, where smiling is much more about engagement with others.
Despite that distinction, both posts make me feel happy inside. That’s kind of an odd reaction to porn. Typically the intended response is one of arousal. These two shots definitely push my buttons in that regard, but that minor sensation of arousal is subordinate to the overall impression of shared enjoyment. Normally in porn the viewer looks to project himself into the scene. In this case they look like they’re having so much fun, it almost feels rude to do that. I just want them to enjoy themselves.
Images are from Strapon Dreamer.
Here’s an interesting implement of torture. Looks like a wartenberg wheel on steroids. I’d guess it’s some sort of kitchen or craft utensil that has been cunningly repurposed. I like the use of the humbler to keep him in place, along with her hand resting gently on his back.
I found this on the Willie2Serve tumblr site. It’s originally from the Russian Mistress site.
Short and sweet
Stupid Comcast knocked out my internet access for most of the night. It has returned as I’m about to head to bed, so I’m just going to throw up a little D/s eye candy in this short post. Enjoy!
This is from the Alias Slave tumblr.
Rapt in rope
I spent several hours tonight entrapped by a rather large amount of rope. Somewhere between a 100 and 150 feet of it by Lydia’s estimate. I’m not sure we’ve ever used that much before, except perhaps in a couple of suspension scenes. In this case I was flat on my back, with a rope harness around the torso acting as an anchor point for all the other strands that captured my limbs. There were also electrics, clamps and chopsticks involved at various times. Oh, and classical music. Normally that wouldn’t be torture in itself, but when you’ve got a microphone and a sound activated electrical device hooked up to your genitals, well lets just say you don’t want too many rolling drums or crashing cymbals.
We didn’t snap any photographs, but I thought the one below seemed appropriate for a couple of reasons. Firstly, there was a head harness involved, although in my case it was a single strand as a knot gag and then a pair of strands as an inverted Y across my nose. Secondly, nipple caressing was also featured. Unfortunately, it was the other way around, and done immediately after the removal of four really vicious little clamps. That means every touch, no matter how gentle, was agony. It takes a particularly cunning sadist to twist something that should be pleasurable into a painful torment.
I found this image on the Sweet Note image board.
His chiropractor would not approve
I like the bowed shape the guy is making here. The vertical rope, with him curving back to receive the flogger creates a nicely composed scene. I’m not sure if it was originally in black and white, but it certainly helps the shot, with the two of them silhouetted against the dappled tree.
However, after tweaking my back last year, I can’t look at these kind of shots without wincing. I’ve got to think that the reverse flex is really hard on the lower disks. At first I thought it was just how he’d chosen to stand. But as I study it now I’m wondering if there are stinging nettles in front of him. If so, that’s a particularly devious predicament bondage set-up.
I found this on the Domenique Von Sternenberg tumblr.