What to think…

The first image below is floating around on a number of femdom tumblr’s, having started life (AFAIK) on maymay’s Submissive Secrets. I can’t argue with the surface level sentiment *. The left image is far more aesthetically and erotically pleasing, and I’d definitely prefer it as a representation of femdom than the one on the right. However, contrarian that I am, I can’t help feeling the urge to dig a little below the surface and maybe quibble with some of the subtext.

In picking that particular right hand image I feel the creator ‘cheated’ somewhat. I’m sure Lady Joanne is a wonderful woman (you can see her site here) but that photograph certainly doesn’t do her any favors. That costume is a horrible cliche, her makeup extreme and the activity depicted lacks any chemistry. However, I’m sure the creators goal wasn’t simply to highlight a single bad photograph. After all, there is an endless supply of bad porn photographs of all types. The contrast being made here is something more that qualitative. The left shot very obviously lacks any traditional fetishwear or kinky props. There’s no clearly defined activity, just a sexy shot of woman pushing the man back in a forceful way. So surely you could change the right shot for a ‘better’ kink heavy photograph, without changing the basic message?

Lets say, for example, we changed the right photograph for one of those I’ve included below (click to enlarge). I picked these fairly randomly from a large collection of similar ‘men in pain‘ shots. They all show various fetish outfits, traditional BDSM props and more extreme activities. They’re certainly not my favorite femdom shots, but there’s at least a few elements in all of them I find appealing. I like the intensity, the drama and the physical manifestation of the control.

So if one of these images had been used on the right, what difference would it make? It really shouldn’t change the basic message, right? Yet somehow, I think it does. With one of these on the right I don’t think I’d care which of the images came to mind of our generic Miss X. On one hand it’s sexy fun D/s and on the other it’s intense sensation D/s. I’d definitely prefer she didn’t freak out and treat me like a weirdo, but anyone who did that probably was never going to end up on my Christmas card list anyway. I’m proud of some of the crazy stuff I’ve done. It’s not always necessary, but it is enjoyable.

All the commonly depicted BDSM accoutrements – ropes, whips, cuffs, pegs, needles, boots, corsets, buckets of soapy frogs – are just tools. Ways to mediate and amplify power exchange. They often incorrectly get put to center stage in porn. Yet this misuse doesn’t mean they’re not still useful (and fun) tools. They weren’t specially selected by a secret committee in an effort to make kinky people look silly. So lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater. I’d like people to think of femdom and think of a women taking control and having hot forceful sex exactly the way she wants it. I’d also like people to think of it and picture a woman skillfully suspending a guy with many feet of rope and then whipping him (and her) happy with a single tail.

Two shots contrasting femdom images

Alternative femdom shotAlternative femdom shotAlternative femdom shot

*  Although I’m not sure what is with the ‘being young sucks’ part of it. I think I was 13 or 14 years old the last time I thought that, and at that age outing myself as submissive to women was way down my list of priorities. Back then I’d have said I was a dominant Gorean rope master with an interest in furries if it would have landed me a date.

A delightfully devious device

This looks like a particularly exciting device for nipple torture. I think it’s called a nipple tree. There’s a name which conjures up a fairly weird mental image. I’ve seen them used before, but this is by far the prettiest, with its chrome and perspex design. I imagine it must ideal for very carefully inflicting just the perfect amount of pain via the clover clamps.

As for the mistress in these shots, I could swear I know who it is, but I just can’t connect the face to a name. It’s driving me slightly nuts, and reverse image searching hasn’t helped. So if you can help me attribute correctly then please leave me a comment with the lady’s name.

Updated: Thanks to a comment by Downlow I’ve finally identified the mistress as the talented Dante Posh. She’s a NYC/NJ based pro-domme, although she also travels extensively. I believe this is from a scene she shot for the English Mansion.

Mistress using nipple tree
Mistress with nipple treeI found these two images on the appropriately named Tortured Nipples Tumblr.

Vintage Beating

I’ve no idea when this was actually shot or what was the original publication context. I just like the semi-authentic nature of it. Clearly it’s posed for a photographer, but there’s a smack of verisimilitude that you don’t find in a lot of old shots. Or in a lot of modern shots for that matter.

Vintage BeatingI found it on the Slaves of the Goddess tumblr site.

A picture never lies

I’m annoyingly still sick, but decided to put a hold on the medical theme for the moment. As an alternative here’s an interesting shot.

When I first saw it (on the New Bootblack’s Oubliette) I assumed it was a ruined orgasm shot. It looks like she’s capping his penis just at the critical moment. I liked the fact he was unrestrained and relaxed, accepting what she did to him. I also liked the lack of fetish gear. I imagined a slow tease and denial session, with a ruined orgasm to finish. That was a pleasant little mental movie.

However, when I did a reverse image search, I found it was from hegre-art.com. That is by no means a femdom site. There’s actually a short free video clip from the scene, and it’s pretty clear it’s just a massage and handjob, no ruined orgasm at all. Perfectly fine porn from within that genre, but not exactly how I’d pictured it when seeing the image in the original femdom tumblr context. Essentially a lot of the aspects that I liked about it were projections of my own imagination given the context the image was presented to me in.

Woman capping naked male's penis

Inspecting the goods

I’m still suffering from some random flu bug, so I’m going to use that as an excuse to continue the nurse/medical theme.

This shot is a little more serious than the dominatrixy over-the-top latex uniforms often seen for medical play. She looks like a woman with a plan. If he’s lucky a sperm sample is somewhere in his future. Although if she follows that by reaching for a felt pen and marking dotted cut lines then his luck will have taken a decided turn for the worse.

NurseI found this on the Felm Cyber tumblr.


It never fails. I take a nice long vacation from work for the holiday season. I get a bunch of dinners and parties lined up. And then I get sick with some stupid bug.

Updates and comment replies might therefore be a little erratic over the next few days as I try and shake off whatever the hell is attacking my throat and sinuses right now. In the meantime I’m predicting a medical theme for the next set of posts. I sadly don’t have a nurse in a crisp white uniform to sooth my feverish brow with a cooling cloth but it doesn’t hurt to dream.

This image does feature a nurse, but there doesn’t appear to be a lot of soothing going on. I’m not sure of the exact medial procedure she’s planning to use, but I’d predicting he’s going to feel particularly well cleansed when she’s done. It was of course created by the great Namio Harukawa.

Nurse and patient in Namio Harukawa artwork

Puppy chow

After the last couple of posts I thought I was done with the dog theme. Then I came across this Max Fisch posting that I felt I had to share.

My partner had a puppy play session and we were buying the proper food. She didn’t want to use real puppy chow due to health concerns while I’ve never had a huge issue with it as the sub’s love it. I have used jerky as a substitute for dog treats, but the dog food itself I never had an issue with. Maybe I have just watched Showgirls too many times and the puppy chow line has become stuck in my head so it seems normal for humans to eat dog food.
We ended up compromising on Cocoa Puffs. They did the job, although that seems like quite the condemnation of Cocoa Puffs!
Queen Titania

I’ve always felt that following a busy pro-domme would make a great reality television show. They always have such unusual and yet interesting problems to solve. How do you work out what’s a good food for puppy play? Where do you research the health risks of dog food for humans? Of course I’m sure any TV show would screw it up horribly. They’d turn into a laugh at the freaks special, rather than an empathetic look at interesting people doing unusual things.

I have to admit, whenever I think of eating dog food, I think of Red Dwarf and Lister stuck on a particularly icy moon. Anyone not in tune with early 90’s British comedy has probably got no idea what I’m talking about, so here’s a little taste (with the relevant moment about 2 minutes in).

I’m afraid I couldn’t find a shot of a submissive eating puppy chow, or cocoa puffs for that matter. However, I did have this shot of Mistress Madeline and her doggy slave. It’s not a conventional place to attach a leash, but I’m sure it’s an effective one.

Mistress Madeline with doggy slave

Obedience training

Continuing the theme from yesterday’s post, here’s a nice tableau of owner and pet. He seems to be keeping quite obediently to heel, while she stands proudly and possessively over him. I always thought it was the dog that was supposed to be aggressive and protective, but he looks like an old softy in contrast to her fierce expression.

Dogs often have a habit of licking themselves in embarrassing ways at inopportune moments, normally when guests are staying. It seems from the second photograph that she’s managed to redirect that impulse into a slightly more useful cleaning function. He’s really putting his tongue to good use there. Lets hope he doesn’t start trying it when her parents next come over.

Mistress with slave as dogMistress with slave licking assThese are taken from an old series of images that circulated on usenet. I think they were all scanned from Japanese femdom magazines, so I don’t have an online attribution to give.

The happy couple

Well at least one of them looks happy. He’s not looking entirely overjoyed at the idea of getting his flower plucked.

I know traditionally a newly married couple should be eager to retire to the matrimonial bed, but these two seem particularly hasty. He has still got his bow tie on. That’s surely not a common thing to wear while being rogered from the rear by your young new wife.

Wedding scene with strap-on by Camille

I found this on the Awesome Femdom tumblr site. I think it’s by Camille MM. It’s not signed but it looks very much like her style.

Updated: Via a comment Camille confirmed it was one of her images. Now I have the original image I’ve updated the post with it. At least if anyone copies it from here the signature will be now be present.