I couldn’t fuck a gorilla

This image made me smile, although not for any specific femdom related reason. I do like the odd vertical stocks/box that he’s trapped in. They look kind of fun. I also like the fact that she’s wearing a fairly normal item of lingerie, rather than an over the top leather number. But the main thing I liked was the horribly fake dungeon wall effect. It’s just so bad. What fantasy are they catering for here? It looks like dungeons by Disney.

What it really reminded me of was the mad doctor apartment in the Steve Martin movie ‘The man with two brains.’ I couldn’t find the specific illustrative clip I wanted on youtube, the one where Dr. Hfuhruhurr smashes through a whole sequence of fake dungeon doors, but I did find this clip which shows the fake dungeon/condo interior. In my clip hunt I also came across this, which could be an object lessons for any domme wanting to do a little tease and denial.

Fake DungeonThe image is originally from the men in pain site.

Hanging Around

These images first caught my eye for the interesting rope suspension. I always think that suspension shots are the most aesthetically pleasing form of bondage. I know when I mention bondage aesthetics a lot of people are going to think of ornate body ties, like the kind of rope corsets featured here and here. I think they’re fun, but more pretty than practical. In contrast suspension is both beautiful and a very intense and effective way to restrain somebody.

I’ve done it a few times and have been amazed out how tricky it is to get right. It wasn’t really until our third attempt that we got an effective position that I could stand for an extended period. It stretches the body in unusual ways and requires very careful consideration of how to spread the load between pressure points. The effort is definitely worth it however, as it really promotes a great submissive headspace. The body is exposed, vulnerable, available. Unlike normal bondage, where I can sometimes brace myself against the pain, suspension encourages acceptance. There’s nothing to push against, just ropes that move with you.

Although it was the rope work that initially caught my attention, it was the third image below that sold me on writing this particular post. Don’t they make an adorably cute pair? Of all the hot kinky and fetish shots I’ve posted over recent months, I think that photograph is probably my favorite. I always love a happy session and a smiling domme. There’s another shot showing her smile available here.

Suspension scene with mistress and slave
Suspension scene with mistress and slave
Smiling mistress with slave

I believe this is Mistress Aska from the SM Play Live site.

Lovely Lurker Love

I recently discovered that today is the sixth annual love our lurkers day. There’s an official logo and everything.

I’m not a huge fan of the expression ‘lurker’. It suggests someone with a slightly nefarious purpose. However, I do appreciate the sentiment behind the love our lurkers day. It’s a cheezy thing to say but without you wonderful people this blog wouldn’t exist. Everyday I get a few comments, often from other people with blogs of their own. But everyday I also get thousands of visitors coming by to take a look at whatever random rubbish happened to make it from my brain into a post. And I guess to check out some new hot femdom images. That also probably plays a small role in my stats count.

I write this blog for a whole host of different reasons, but the main one is to share stuff I like. I wouldn’t keep doing it without that. So here’s to all the readers and lurkers out there who come here to share it with me. Thanks for dropping by.

If you ever thought about leaving a comment, this would be a great time to do it! Maybe just a mention of where you’re from, or what you’re into, or even what you’d like to see more/less of here. I’d love to hear from you. The comment system asks for a name/email/website, but you only need the first two. Also the email isn’t published and doesn’t even have to be a genuine email address.

In the meantime here’s a lovely young lady sharing a little happiness with you all. And as a special extra, just to celebrate the lurkers, here’s a bonus image for the male submissives and a bonus image for the female dommes.

Happy face sitterI found the above image on the Femdom Style Counsel tumblr site. The special bonus linked images came from the art or porn site and from the Dishevelled Domina tumblr site. I’ll leave figuring out which came from where as an exercise to the reader.

Manscaping with Cybill Troy

Here’s a fun sequence of action shots. They feature nurse Cybill B Troy very kindly helping out a gentleman with his personal grooming. Judging from the redness on his chest and armpits it’s clear this has been a fairly major work of topiary. I know there a different waxing styles, perhaps they should call this one the Full Cybill?

I’ve never suffered this extent of body hair removal, but I did have a fairly painful experience involving duct tape. The mistress (Lady Lydia) had wrapped me in it prior to some heavy CBT and breathplay. Two or so hours later I’m feeling very spacey and happy at the ‘end’ of the session. Then the duct tape starts coming off, together with large chunks of hair from my arms and legs. It’s one thing getting tortured when you’re braced and ready for it. Quite another when you’re relaxed and unwound, expecting at any moment to rejoin the real world. Lydia was of course delighted by this particular turn of events and laughed throughout the removal.

The image comes from this set on the Den of Iniquity site. There’s also a video in their members section to go with it. If you’re not a fan of edge play you may want to click carefully, the image set contains a lot of needle shots and a little blood.

Nurse Cybill B Troy
Nurse Cybill B Troy
Nurse Cybill B Troy
As a complete aside, I just noticed that the wikipedia page on waxing has this comment on the Brazilian – “some believe can become more unpleasant if receiving cunnilingus from a bearded partner.” How random is that? It even has multiple footnotes to support the comment. Weird. Still, if you’re a lady with a bearded partner and you’re contemplating a Brazilian, now you know. Either everyone’s hair has to go, or it all has to stay.

Swapping spit (one-way only)

This is the last of a progressive trio of posts going from gags, to gags with fluids, to just fluids alone.

I always find drool and saliva play interesting from a personal perspective (I enjoy it) and from the contradictory reactions it provokes. I suspect if you showed these images to a non-kinky person (unfortunately I don’t have one handy to test) their reaction would be one of ‘Ugh. Nasty. She’s spitting in his mouth.’ And spitting does indeed have a very negative connotation. Yet a normal part of making out and kissing involves sharing saliva, albeit as a side effect rather the main event. There’s even a slang expression for kissing that explicitly calls it out – swapping spit. So a sloppy kiss is fine, but separate the mouths by a few inches and suddenly the same liquid is yucky. It seems that just introducing a slight suggestion of spitting or drooling dramatically changes the dynamic of the act.

I’d guess that evolution has programmed us with an innate aversion to something spat out by someone else. It suggests a nasty taste or rottenness, something unhealthy. Most guys aren’t going to have an issue making out with a random cute girl they meet in a bar. But have the same cute girl spit in their drink and they’ll be very unhappy, even though there’s really no difference from a hygiene perspective. Of course from a kinky perspective, any activity that invokes a strong emotional reaction is going to be an interesting one play with. Particularly when it centers around issues such as trust, intimacy, disgust and social taboos.

Mistress drooling into slaves mouthMistress drooling into slaves mouth

Straddling the toilet

Yesterdays post on gags and forced consumption put me on the hunt for similar material. Here’s a nice shot featuring a whitehead gag, along with a leash and some painful looking nipple clamps. While he’s no doubt aware of what’s about to happen, the blindfold adds that little element of suspense.

I have to admit that while this looks kind of fun, I personally prefer a more controlled and close-up approach. I think some submissives get off on the idea of being pissed on, where some consumption may also happen. It’s more of a humiliation vibe for them. For others the consumption is the key act, and being liberally sprayed from a distance almost feels like a waste. That’s more a worship approach. I’m definitely in the latter camp. I don’t find being pissed on particularly humiliating, it’s just wet messy fun. Where controlled consumption has a strong D/s dynamic for me.

Of course I could be doing the mistress in this shot a huge disservice. Maybe she has really excellent aim from a standing position.

Mistress straddling gagged manI found this on the Femdom Marriage tumblr site. It’s originally from the Femme Fatale Films site.

Mmmph! Mmmph!

Mistress Troy Orleans has a new blog post up about gags, with a long list of gag types and a nice picture of some of the examples in her collection. The part of her post I particularly liked was this section.

Open mouth gags, such as my preferred variety, the Spider Gag, are my favorite of all gags (piss friendly gags a close, and similar, second) because usually when someone’s gagged, he’s also pretty strictly bound, and that makes me drool and where better for it to go than his mouth? (Not that deposited fluids are at all limited to spit. Or mine.). Another plus for me with the Spider Gag is hearing his teeth click against the metal. It just sounds really uncomfortable and unpleasant there’s something so hot to me about a guy enduring not-sexy pain for my pleasure.
Mistress Troy Orleans

That kind of forced consumption is always a major kink of mine. It manages to be both very personal and objectifying all at the same time. Plus, there’s something equally hot about a woman enjoying my suffering of non-sexy pain. Of course if I’m enjoying it, albeit by proxy, doesn’t that make it sexy pain? I guess that’s the eternal conundrum of the masochist sadist relationship.

When it comes to doling out non-sexy pain my mind immediately went to dental scenarios. Here’s an interesting looking gag, a well stretched tongue and a devilish glint in a dentists eye. Maybe I’m just not trusting enough, but I’m not entirely sure she’s been board certified.

Femdom DentistThe logo on the image is for the serious bondage site, but I believe the domme is Alice and it’s from her BondageLand site.

Happy childhood memories

I love the strange covers of the trashy erotic novels and fiction magazines that appeared from the 1950’s through to the 1970’s. They’re often very lurid and melodramatic, with weird sexual ideas. This one is a particularly good example of their what-the-fuck strangeness, with its newly minted lesbian castratrix. I found this on the femdom artists site, and Her Majestys Plaything also featured some similar covers in a recent post.

The reason for the post title is not because I was almost emasculated by a strangely large lesbian archer as a child. Although that might explain a few things if it were true. In fact, oddly enough, the title is due to my Uncle. He was an ordained Methodist minister by profession, politically active in the local community and highly literate. As you’d expect with that kind of resume, his study was crammed with dense complex books relating to religion, philosophy, sociology and politics. But one enormous bookcase, almost covering an entire wall, was packed with erotic novels. He had all the classics (Delta of Venus, The story of O, Fanny Hill, etc.) but the majority were kinky and explicit works of a more recent vintage. They featured everything from vicious female Nazi doctors through naughty British schoolgirls to seductive French countesses. Sometimes all in the same book.

As you might expect for a horny teenager with kinky tendencies, that bookcase was my holy grail. I planned my visits to his house like an Oceans 11 style heist caper. How could I sneak into the study, dodge the various family members, acquire a book and escape for some private time, before replacing it undetected? Unfortunately I was less George Clooney and more Groucho Marx when it came to the smooth execution of complex plans, and usually ended up being forced to ‘borrow’ one of his conventional books as cover. It’s hard pretty hard to jerk off to the life and works of Catholic philosopher Thomas Aquinas unless you’re a real sicko. Finally, one happy summer, we traded houses with his family for a few days, and I spent every night sneaking his sleaziest nastiest books back to my room. I think I probably slept five or six hours in total over 4 very onanistic nights.

Naked Archer

Site Updates

I’ve added two new blogs to the Femdom Art section of the blogroll over on the right. They are Otto’s Femdom Spanking Art and Banjo’s BBS. My thanks to Underling’s recent post for pointing me at them.

On the Femdom Fiction page I’ve added a link to the stories section at askjolene.com. The site doesn’t provide great tools for tracking down femdom stories specifically, but it has got a lot of searchable BDSM and kinky material that can be fun to query into.

Finally I’ve added a number of new tumblr blog links to the Femdom Image page. There are:

The image below was posted both to Femdom Empire and Blackpantyhose. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on but it made me smile. There’s the forceful and slightly angry looking mistress. There’s the cowed and woebegone looking submissives. And then there’s the cocks, in a little world of their own, standing proudly to attention, or at least flying at half-mast. It makes for an amusing contrast. For a man there’s always big brain and little brain, and they’re frequently not on the same page.

Mistress with subdued slaves

Some times its a discomfort within the ass

I get a lot of random spam posted to the comments on this blog. They are mostly useless rubbish, but occasionally the odd one makes me smile. I was particularly impressed with a recent example that claimed I’d been specially chosen and that I just need to fill in a form to make the link from their junky random page permanent. It takes a special kind of nerve to turn a bogus link from a spam farm into some sort of prize.

However, the one I came across today takes the comedic prize. Bad translations are rife, with many channeling the spirit of 1980’s Japanese electronics manuals, but this one managed to get lucky and almost match my blog content.

Some times its a discomfort within the ass to read what weblog owners wrote but this internet web site is actually user genial !

I’m flattered that they think I’m user genial. While a discomfort within the ass sounds painful, in the right hands it can be kind of fun. For example, I give you the following two images.


That looks like my kind of discomfort. The first one I found on Pegtastic tumblr site and the second on the Confession of a sex addict tumblr site.