Poking the piñata

Here’s a pretty cool suspension rigging. He’s hanging in a nicely tied bundle, available to be swung back and forth as needed, with a perfectly positioned posterior. Unfortunately he’s not looking too happy about it. In contrast she’s obviously enjoying herself, smiling with just a touch of lip curling sneer mixed in. Her boots aren’t in the more traditional/cliched (strike whichever you prefer) domme style, but they fit this prison like setting nicely. I’m guessing no matter how much she beats on this piñata no candy is going to be falling out, but that’s not going to stop her trying.

Suspension With Strap-OnI found this on the snail meilk site, but it’s obviously originally from the men in pain site.

Paging Marcel Marceau

I don’t really do role playing. Most of my fantasy involve me being helpless while a sadistic woman enjoys tormenting me in creative ways. That pretty much fits with standard kinky play, no extra layer of acting or creativity required. I also dislike having to think too much when I’m playing. I spend most of my life having to think creatively and solve problems. It’s therefore great to simply let go in a session and slip into subspace, where my opinions don’t count for anything.

That said, I do appreciate the idea of role playing, and I like reading about what other creative fantasy’s people manage to come up with. I was therefore very entertained by this post on The Hang, where regular contributor loucabrazzi listed some of his favorite sessions. All the sessions he describes are a little outside the usual cliches of school mistresses, nurses or prison guards. And his number one session is definitely not one you’ll see in the average kinky porn shot.

1) A Mime session with Mistress Tess in which she plays a mannequin and I’m the “Poor Soul” who wishes her to come to life, but it turns out that once she did come to life, she was a sadistic woman. I did a funny dance routine, with my pants falling down, to Frank Sinatra singing, “All I Need Is The Girl” while she was standing completely still. The whole role play was done in mime with neither of us saying a word or making a sound (even when I was thrashed) and the music was fantastic.

Every time I read that it makes me laugh out loud. I think it’s brilliant. Whenever I happen to drive past a known dungeon location I have a secret smile to myself about what exciting hijinks may be taking place inside. I’d never considered that they might include mimed dance routine to Frank Sinatra in front of a domme pretending to be a mannequin. Followed by a silent thrashing. Now I’ve got a great new mental image to carry with me.

Unsurprisingly, it’s pretty hard to come up with any images of femdom mimes or mannequins to go with this post. I did find this weirdly amusing pornographic shot featuring a mime, but it’s pretty much the opposite of femdom. So instead, given loucabrazzi is a corporal punishment fan, I thought I’d go with something a little more old school and traditional. This is Julia Jameson in an Leda shot that I think was published originally in Ma’am magazine.

Julia Jameson spanking from Ma'am magazine

Twiddling with the blogroll

I’ve made a few changes to the blogroll over on the right. Specifically, I’ve carved out a new section for femdom art blogs. The definition of what’ll go in here is kind of fuzzy, but it’ll include active artists blogs (e.g. RedRump, Underling), blogs writing about and featuring femdom artwork (e.g. he stoops to worship and Femdom Artists) and odd but related stuff I like (e.g. contemplating the divine). The femdom images page will still be the home for more tumblr style blogs that feature a lot of photographs and re-posted images.

For an accompanying image for this post I picked an artist who recently featured both in this post on ‘he stoops to worship‘ and in this post on ‘Femdom Artists’ – Laurent Lebeau. I thought this image was a particularly cute one. No extreme punishment. No ice queen mistress. No beaten and bruised slave. Just a happy and excited guy taking his pants off while the mistress patiently (and slightly nervously in my eyes) waits for him. It looks like the beginning of a very enjoyable scene.

Femdom Art by Laurent Lebeau

The money shot

Here’s another appealing trio of images. The final one is the money shot, both in the traditional porn movie sense, and in the more specific femdom sense. You can see the original full size version of it over at the Femdom Proper tumblr site.

There’s a lot to like in that final image. Obviously there’s the beauty of a ruined orgasm caught at the critical moment. There’s her hand gripping his balls, squeezing as necessary to blend a little pain into the mix. There’s the comfortable like a cat position she’s adopted, curled up on the chair while he stands naked beside it. And finally, there’s the expression on her face. She looks intrigued, amused and satisfied by the effect she’s achieved.

Ruined Orgasm
Ruined Orgasm
Ruined Orgasm

I’m afraid I don’t have an original source for these images. If anyone knows then leave a comment I’ll update the post appropriately.

A better use for a stripper pole

I’ve seen cock trample boards in numerous movies and images. They’re particular popular for showing via animated gifs, for example this. However, until last week, I’d never personally had chance to try one. It turned out to be quite an experience.

The version I was under didn’t have the stripper pole accessory, as shown in the images below, but was essentially the same design. The submissive lies on the floor, supported by a cushion or two, and his cock goes through the hole in the board. The mistress is then free to trample, stomp and rub with her boots or heels. Or dance the charleston should she prefer.

For such a simple idea it’s amazingly effective. It gives a stable platform for the mistress to stand on, so she has very fine control over how and where she applies pressure. The hard surface provides her with something to press against, allowing her to easily trap tender flesh under her heels. She can also play mind games, alternating stroking with torture, or pretending to stamp down hard while intentionally just missing. From my perspective it was a real rush to be able to look up from that position, gazing up at the heels and long legs of the mistress, and having her stare directly down at me. At first glance it looks like it’d be similar to being trampled, but in reality I found it a lot more intense and enjoyable.

Cock Trample Board
Cock Trample Board
Cock Trample Board
These images are taken from this gallery on the cbtrampling site. They have several galleries and a clips store with numerous videos.

The showing of the implements

I did a session last week where, once I’d been initially shackled to a St. Andrews cross, the domme started pulling out various implements from her bag of tricks. She described each of them as she did so, and laid them out on the bench in front of her. It made for a interesting opening few minutes, setting the scene for what was to come.

I was reminded of that when I saw this image. Judging by his pained expression and hand position, this is obviously not right at the start of the activity. But I like to think it’s capturing a moment mid-way through. She’s giving him a moment to collect himself, offer him a little bit of manual encouragement, and to show him what implements she still needs to use on him. It’s the arm around his shoulder and her focused but caring expression that really makes this image work for me.

Leonardo Femdom ArtworkI was sent this by a reader who thought I might appreciate it. He’d enjoyed one of my earlier posts, and wanted to share some art that he felt had a similar sense of emotion and intimacy. So my thanks to him for pointing me at this particular piece.

The magical, mysterious, mighty member

Just a quick post today. I’m sitting in a San Francisco hotel room looking at a lot of clothes that need to fit into a small carry-on bag by tomorrow. Some rewriting of the laws of time and space may be necessary, Or alternatively, I need to find a BBW to sit on my case.

In the meantime here’s an image I found both appealing and slightly surreal. The surreal part is the way the cock seems to descend from nowhere. Not even a glory hole or table cut-out. Just a magical floating cock. But I do find her expression and appraising finger appealing. It looks like she’s considering her options. Stimulate it? Slap it? Or give it a pull and see if the butler appears?

Floating cock with apprasing dommeI found this on the Cock Ball Torture tumblr site.

Standing to attention

Male arousal is a funny thing. I find it’s often treated as a binary state. Erect=Aroused. Flaccid=Unaroused. But the reality is a little more complex than that. It’s probably a safe bet to say that the gentleman in the shot below is fairly aroused. The positive state is hard to disguise or confuse. The converse situation is a little trickier to interpret. There are many times where my brain and body have been very excited, awash in adrenalin and endorphins, but my cock has decided retreat and concealment is the best course of action. There’s a level of pain that my brain and body finds appealing, which leads to arousal. A pinch to the nipples would be a good case in point. But there’s a further and more intense level of pain that my brain still enjoys, but by body (or at least its arousal and hydraulic system) gives up on. A severe caning is wonderful, but some important bits of my body don’t always seem to agree.

None of this would really matter if this state of affairs was widely understood. But it sometimes seems not to be. In non-kinky sex then it’s probably true that a flaccid man is an unexcited man. Or at least a man in need of little blue pills. But kinky sex requires an entirely different set of rules. Just because everything isn’t standing to attention all the time doesn’t necessarily mean the gentleman isn’t enjoying what’s happening to him.

Standing To AttentionI found this on the domme pics site.

Completing the pair

While I’m on a foot theme, here’s another post to pair with yesterdays. It makes a nice contrast, as I don’t think there can be much question as to its particular kinky slant. This is masochism all the way. It’s not quite the same as being stomped with a boot or a high heel, but I suspect the additional tactile feel of a bare feet allows for a fine degree of sadistic control.

However, I do have to admit that my first thought on seeing this image was not about her or the ball squishing. It was about those white socks. You should always removes your socks before your pants (or trousers for my UK readers). There’s nothing more ridiculous than a naked man wearing only socks.

Ball SquishingI found this via The New Bootblack’s Oubliette (always a go to site for feet related fun). It’s originally from the Extreme Ball Busters site.

Masochist, submissive or foot fetishist?

Feet are complicated things. I’m sure most non-kinky people lump all feet related activity into the single category of fetishizing unusual body parts. But those of us with slightly more discerning (or depraved) palettes know there’s a little more to it than that.

A masochist might love ball busting, trampling or general kicking. He (or she) enjoys feet for the options they give a sadist to inflict serious pain in a very controlled and personal way. Alternatively, a submissive may enjoy the D/s aspects of scent, worship and service. Feet have maintenance requirements (cleaning, massage, nail care, etc.) which make them ideal for submissive rituals. Finally, a foot fetishist loves feet as a thing of beauty in themselves. They enjoy looking at them and caressing them, with no need of a D/s or SM dynamic.

When it comes to pornography involving feet, there’s often an overlap between these categories. The same image can be interpreted in different ways depending on the proclivities of the viewer. I think the shot below is a good case in point, where all three alternatives are feasible. There’s physical proximity for the fetishist, scent and subservience for the submission, and painful pressure for the masochist. Personally I’d say it looks slightly more masochistic than anything else, but beauty (and porn) is in the eye of the beholder.

Feet pressing on slave's faceI found this on the Femdom Style Counsel tumblr site. It’s originally from Princess Kali’s site.