We’re Back, Baby!

Eagle eyed readers may have spotted a few issues with this site over the last couple of weeks. At first it was flaky and randomly unresponsive. Then it fell over entirely. This was down to my old hosting company who  – and  I say this with no malice or hyperbole – turned out to be a useless shower of bastards. Multiple support tickets filed generated zero response, so I can only assume they’re about to go belly up and everyone competent has either been fired or quit.

Fortunately I managed to move the site to a new host who have been both responsive and amazingly helpful to date. Unfortunately, the only site back-up I had available to restore was from 2 years ago. Meaning that the last 2 years of posts  – around 350 of them – have vanished from the site. You’ll observe that the post previous to this one is dated from December 2020.  Potentially I could rebuild content using the Web Archive Site, but I suspect I’m just going to move forward from here. Life is too short to dwell on past screw-ups.

Apologies to everyone whose comments over the past two years have been lost. I promise to implement a better backup strategy moving forward. Hopefully normally blogging service should now be resumed. I’ll start this new era with an image from the artist Faun Songs. It features a young lady doing to a young man what I feel my old hosting company just did to me. Only without any lube, foreplay or happy smiles.

She’s Got the Look

If you asked 100 random people to describe the the look of a domme or dominatrix, what do you think they’d say? I’d guess a lot of their descriptions would mention accessories like leather, boots, whips, corsets, etc. Or they might bring up attitudes and expressions like being cold, cruel, aloof, icy, etc. However, what if you forced them to leave out anything about clothing, accessories and attitude? Is there a particular classic look or specific physical characteristics that would be frequently mentioned in our theoretical survey? Also, would it matter if the people surveyed were drawn from the general population or from the kink community?

I should add at this point that this question is nothing to do with how a domme should look. There’s obviously no right way for anyone to look, regardless of kinks, gender or sexual preference. I’m just curious about the stereotypes and cultural expectations we get implanted with. It was a topic that came up in a recent twitter thread with Miss Pearl and I thought I’d revisit it via the blog.

I’ll save my opinion on the question for the next post. For an image I wanted something that wouldn’t bias any comments, so here’s something with the submissive as the focus. I love the contrast between the tender kiss and the squeeze.

I’m afraid I don’t have the source for this image.

Porta Potty

While I’m on the theme of playspaces, here’s a particularly unique example from the yapoo folk. As far as I can tell from the images, it’s a toilet set-up inside a van. That’s certainly one way to get rid of your new car smell.

I’m intrigued to know who thought this up. Was it the sub? Were they thinking – ‘Getting pooped on is great, but you know what’d make it really hot? Doing it in traffic.’ Or was it a domme? Did they wait in line for a club bathroom one too many times and decide they’d create their own they could park outside? And can you valet it? If so, I hope they at least remember to crack a window.

Image sourced via this tweet. You can see more shots from the scene on the Yapoo site.

One More Snap

Here’s a final post in my kinky micro-niche theme of ‘Women photographing men from positions of power.’ Although, having said it’s a micro-niche, it was actually surprisingly easy to find images for it. For example, here’s another one I posted a few years back. I suspect the reason for that is the same reason that lots of books feature authors as a leading character. It’s easy to portray what you know, so photographers create images of people creating images.

This is Mischa Barton shot for Genlux magazine in 2009. The actual photographer was Marc Baptiste. You can see more from the shoot here.

Snapping Her Shot

I’m continuing the theme of ‘Women photographing men in poses of power.’ It’s a niche kink I’ll admit, but when you’re ten years and a few thousand posts into kinky blogging, then getting around to micro-niche kinks is inevitable at some point. This one even has a little suggestion of bondage thrown in.

This is Uma Thurman with Marcus Schenkenberg, as shot by Ellen Von Unwerth for Vs Magazine. You can see more shots from the session here. Sadly none of the others have quite the same vibe as this one.

Photographer and Model

A short and sweet post for today, featuring an image from deep in my tumblr archives. I guess technically, from a fetish perspective, this counts as CFNM. However, I like it for the composition and their body language. He appears relaxed while she is purposeful, but both seem confident and assured in their respective roles.

I’m afraid I’ve no idea where this is from. Reverse image searching didn’t get me anything. It clearly looks like an art shot, rather than a fetish/erotic one. If anyone can help me attribute the photographer then please leave me a comment.

Edge-o-Matic 3000

I think it’s been pretty clearly established that mixing high-tech with a chastity device isn’t always the best idea in the world.  However, that doesn’t mean mixing technology, kink and sex is always a bad idea. For example, these NoGasm and Edge-o-Matic 3000 devices featured here seem like interesting concepts to explore.

From what I can gather – not having tried the devices – they’re automated edging devices. A sensor in a butt plug is used to detect contraction in the pelvic floor, which in turn is used to turn off stimulation via a vibrator. It seems like a neat approach. Speaking for myself, I can never get close to orgasm with clenching those pelvic muscles, so I’d imagine it’d be fairly effective. Also, unlike the Bluetooth chastity devices, it seems pretty safe and unlikely to require a trip to the local ER to remove it. The Edge-o-Matic does include WiFi support for remote control, but the worst a hacker could do would be to mess with your orgasm via the vibrator speed. Demanding money in return for making a vibrator go faster isn’t quite the same as ransoming off the keys to someone’s chastity device.

The main issue I see is that it only appears to work with a fairly basic vibrator + magic wand accessories. I think it’d be a lot more compelling if it interfaced to something like a Tremblr Milking machine or a Venus device. That’d give more intense sensations, which would lead to a really compelling edging/ruining experience. From the bottom of this page, it sounds like those interfaces might be in the works.

If anyone has tried one of these, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. If you’re interested in purchasing one then the source is Maus-Tec and the creator has a twitter thread on it here.

Of course, it’s always hard to beat the personal touch when it comes to edging and ruining orgasms. This is Sasha Foxxx – an expert at the art – shooting for Marks Head Bobbers and Hand Jobbers. I believe this image is from this specific clip.

Service Submissive

The Femdom world is replete with stories of service slaves who fail miserable at their chosen role. These stories all play out in much the same way. Domme engages slave for cleaning, polishing, organizing, etc. Slave does a terrible job unless constantly micro-managed by domme via kinky roleplay. Slave is more trouble than he’s worth and gets dismissed. Domme swears off engaging any slaves for service in future.

Of course, there are always exceptions. For example, this article in Elle magazine – ‘I Hired A Gimp To Clean My Apartment‘ – plays out slightly differently. From the opening paragraphs it seems set for disaster. It features two inexperienced young dommes, an investment banker, and no clear sense that anyone knows what they’re doing or how to negotiate a BDSM dynamic. Yet oddly it doesn’t end with angry recriminations or the investment banker in hospital. While the writer never grows to love her role, it seems her flatmate is more than happy to take charge. So maybe the answer to successfully managing a service submissive is getting a service domme to manage them for you.

Personally, I’ve no desire to clean, tidy or polish. That’s definitely not my skillset. However, I think I’d make an excellent kitchen submissive. I can prep, cook and pour wine with the best of them.


I probably didn’t pick the best week to schedule a bunch of job interviews. Combining those with the US elections has put some major pressure on my stress level. Hopefully I can make it to the weekend without a cardiac arrest.

As a stress reliever, I did enjoy some audiovisual candy in the form of a video – My Bloody Valentine by Machine Gun Kelly. It’s silly pop nonsense, with attractive people bouncing around and indulging in some light kinky fun. It features Megan Fox doing some tease and denial, which is just what I needed to get my mind off Wisconsin voting and questions about intra-team conflict resolution.

My thanks to blog reader Gary for the pointer to this.