Femdom is broken

At least it is according to this post by weezie over on the Not Just Bitchy blog.

Did we keep the receipt? I don’t remember filling out the warranty card. It’s probably lost in a kitchen drawer along with all my appliance instruction manuals. And what is the standard returns policy on a social/sexual/lifestyle orientation?

I actually have a great deal of sympathy for the underlying point of the post. I’d like to see more material focused on genuine emotional connections between people. Random fetish elements and kinky trappings alone do nothing for me. However, I think a good underlying point is lost in a huge overreach, with big generalizations that just don’t stand up.

You’d be hard pressed to find a single collection of images, interviews, articles, or books that doesn’t make the cock (artifical or otherwise) the central star of the story. When did everything become about dicks and not about d/s?

When I look around image blogs or interview sites or article collections I really don’t see a surfeit of cocks. If anything there’s a lack of male bodies and appendages. There are certainly a lot of dominant women (in a variety of attire) and a fair amount of traditional BDSM activities and toys, but I’m typically not having to wade through wall to wall cocks (if you’ll forgive the mental image). Sites like kink.com take a lot of criticism from some sections of the femdom blog community, but whatever their faults, I do think they’ve made a positive contribution by actually introducing more male bodies into their material. I remember the old days of kink porn (the late 80’s and early 90’s in my case), when it mostly consisted of naked tied up women or annoyed looking dommes in leather outfits. Sites like leda showing ‘genuine’ M/f or F/m interaction were the exception, not the rule.

I think we can all agree that FemDom porn is particularly terrible.

Really? All of us? I don’t want to be out on my lonesome here, but…ahem….raises hand. Firstly – particularly terrible? That suggests that within the porn genre itself, the femdom segment is particularly egregious. I’ve argued in the past that femdom porn is actually one of the more authentic genres. It at least sometimes represents how some people in the community play in their leisure time when the camera’s aren’t rolling. Would anyone argue that other well known porn segments (lesbian, milf, teen, racial, ts, etc.) are in some way better or more authentic? And secondly, what absolute standard are we holding femdom porn up to? Thanks to the internet it’s certainly better now than it has been at anytime in the past. So what’s the comparison point? I’d agree there’s a lot of crap out there, and a lot of viewpoints are under-represented, but that’s not quite the same as saying it’s particularly terrible.

I think the argument goes something like this: If a submissive is willing to take a dozen lashings, or engage in CBT, or even go into an orgasm-denial full-time-relationship, that “proves” the submissive loves his partner and is willing to devote his body and life to her.

News flash: HE PROBABLY LIKES THOSE THINGS. See that stiff cock in all of those circumstances?? Do Dominants really truly believe it’s all about them and not about his dick? Does he cuddle? Does he nuzzle their neck without prompting?

It was this section in the original article that really triggered this post, as I found it very puzzling. Obviously any submissive engaging in corporal or CBT enjoys it at some level. That’s why he (or she) does it. Similarly, a service submissive gets satisfaction from cleaning or cooking or whatever service is required. And somebody who cuddles or nuzzles their partner is doing it for the emotional and physical closeness it brings. We enter into relationships for what we think we’ll get out of them. That’s true whether it’s D/s or vanilla, gay or straight, romantic or platonic. The trick of course if finding someone with complimentary needs.

There seems to a presumption in the original article that because CBT might be physically satisfying to the submissive that somehow makes it invalid as femdom. Well here’s a new flash in return – sadists actually like hurting people. When I’m doing CBT, or any kind of intense masochistic activity, I’m not only enjoying the power exchange and the physical sensation, I’m also enjoying the pleasure my partner takes in it. I’d hate to play with someone who was bored or annoyed. The goal is mutual satisfaction, in whatever weird and wonderful forms that may take for both parties. Just because the submissive enjoys it doesn’t somehow make it ‘topping from the bottom’.

As I said at the start, I actually kind of agree with where weezie is coming from. There are many facets to femdom, and most of them are very badly represented in our culture. But I tend to get frustrated when I see ‘My preference isn’t represented’ stretched into ‘and your preference is wrong’.

I was tempted to illustrate this post with a big close-up of a wax spattered cock. But instead I’ll go in a different direction, and try something explicit and yet intimate. This is from the musing and muses tumblr site.

Intimate moment in bath

Would a rose by any other name…

…still hurt as much when shoved into my asshole?

Yes, I know, I bastardized the original phrasing. Despite the common usage, there was no ‘would’ in the original Shakespeare’s line. But it was too hard to resist given this first image.

When I first saw this (on snail meilk) I thought it was fairly unique. After all, how often do flowers feature in a BDSM scene? Forniphilia might be fairly common, but it’s not often you see a human vase. Or at least I didn’t think so until I stumbled across the second image on the Willing Submissive tumblr site. Clearly having a functional but decorative slave is more appealing than I originally suspected.

Slave suspended as rose vaseHuman Vase

Site Updates

I’ve added four new blogs to my blogroll: Tales of a Domme by Dishevelled Domina, The Edge of Vanilla by Tom Allen, Delving into Deviance by Dev and She Rules the Rooster by lovetosubmit. Regular readers may remember the first three of these blogs being referenced in an earlier post discussing the devaluation of submissive men.

I’ve also added five new tumblr sites to my image page: Domenique von Sternenberg, Domme and Pet in Love, Femdom Marriage, Yes Mistress (aka dominance and submission) and Intellectually Frustrated (aka Mistress A).

To complement this update, and in the manner of a fine dining restaurant, I thought I’d offer up a duo of femdom images. On the top we have a classical presentation, eschewing fetish ingredients in favor of a traditional composition with a hairbrush, short skirt and stern look. It was sourced originally from Strict Miss and arrives on our menu via Femdom Marriage. In contrast below that we have a very different approach, packed with strong femdom flavors and layered with many rich fetish textures. It finds itself on the menu courtesy of Mistress Domenique von Sternenberg.

Mistress with hairbrushMistress in latex and slave with gas mask

Not a happy bunny

Welcome to another entry into my occasional and irregular series of posts featuring slaves with unhappy but entertaining (to me at least) expressions. I like the contrast between her calm and faintly amused expression, and his disgruntled glare. Perhaps he neglected to read the fine print on the contract for this particular modelling assignment? As one of my families expression would have it – he’s definitely not a happy bunny.

Unhappy SlaveI found this on the Femdom Marriage tumblr site. It’s originally from the Russian Mistress site.

It’s the little things…

…that make a great photograph. In this case it’s her stretching motion and the associated facial expression as she reaches up to beat his feet. There’s plenty of restrained naked man that’s within easy reach. But she’s not simply waving the strap around, hitting whatever is in range while the photographer clicks off shots. She’s a mistress with a mission. She wants to inflict a particular type of pain, and she’s not going to let a simple matter of height or reach get in the way of that. That simple stretch conveys so much more about the scene we’re witnessing than all the other fetish elements.

Suspended SlaveI found this on the dominance and submission tumblr site. It’s obviously originally from the men in pain site.

Kinky Catwoman continued

Yesterday’s post got a couple of follow-up comments on the snarling sexiness that was Julie Newmar’s Catwoman. lovetosubmit commented about her taunting Batman when she had him in a compromising position, and that certainly struck a chord with me. As a youngster I can remember being transfixed by scenes of her tieing up Batman, long before I knew what femdom, kink or even sex was. So for all the other fans out there of Ms Newmar’s catty glory, here’s her another shot of her, this time taunting the helpless Adam West.

Julie Newmar's Catwoman taunting Adam West's Batman

Kitten has kryptonite claws

This isn’t the first time Superman has made an appearance here, but in this instance Catwoman seems to have actually put a scratch or two in the man of steel. She looks pretty happy about her handiwork. I think the appropriate expression would be ‘like a cat that got the cream’, although that may have other connotations in this particular context.

I know a lot of guys cite Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman as one of their earliest memories of being attracted to a powerful female figure. I certainly enjoyed watching that as kid, but for me it was Julie Newmar’s Catwoman that really grabbed my attention. There was something so much more exciting about a darker and more morally suspect character than the wholesome all American Wonder Woman.

Catwoman And SupermanI found this on the iHonorHer blog.

How I likes em, how I keeps em.

I think this is a fascinating picture. It doesn’t press significant buttons in my sexual id, but it definitely appeals on an aesthetic and super-ego level (to temporarily continue the Freud theme). The coloration is really interesting, with the silver bodies, minimal but coordinated clothing and the mottled metallic background. There’s also a nice sense of geometry and balanced tension to it, with the silver blood puddle adding just a touch of organic messiness. It has a little bit of rodeo theme, but with the cowboy being the one to be run down and hog tied.

The post title is actually the title the female model gave to the piece. She has a deviant art site under the name slinkapics,, which is where this was originally posted. The photographer is Geoff Simpson.

How I likes em, how I keeps em.I found the image originally on snail meilke, and used tineye to track down the original. I’m not sure if Depo Guto from snail meilke reads this blog (some of the cross-posts makes me think he might), but if he does I just want to say thanks for all the images he’s posted there. He’s a great locator and distributor of interesting femdom images, and I certainly appreciate all his work.

Once upon a time…

I don’t feature a lot of femdom fiction or erotic writing in my daily posts. There are a couple of practical reasons for that. A few pages of text is less visually appealing than an image, and I like my front page to be aesthetically interesting. There’s also considerable more investment needed on the part of the reader. If someone doesn’t like one of the images I post they can quickly move on. Reading a story is a much greater time sink.

Despite that I think I should really make more of an effort to highlight good erotic writing. It’s actually my porn of preference, and I’m sure I spend longer browsing fiction sites than I do photographic or video alternatives. Even as a teenager I enjoyed the letters and fiction over the images in the tattered porn magazines we’d pass around at school. My friends always used to think that was kind of weird, so I guess nothing much has changed there.

My fiction pages lists a whole bunch of resources for finding good writing. Author’s like Anne Gray, drkfetyshnyghts, Abe Froman and Musker have produced some really excellent work. I’ve even given it a shot myself, albeit with mixed results.

One author I’ve particularly enjoyed recently is Tyjord. His writing can be a little extreme, featuring lots of enemas, intense predicament bondage, watersports and humilation. There’s also older sister with younger brother interactions, which some people might find off-putting. But if you’re like me, and enjoy your femdom fiction a little edgy, featuring over-the-top situations, he’s definitely worth investing some reading time in. For a gentle introduction I’d start with ‘A place to stay‘, or alternatively head for ‘Christopher’s Predicament‘ to go straight into the more extreme stuff.

Picking an artist to accompany Tyjord’s work is a on-brainer. Augustine’s art fits it perfectly. I believe they’ve already collaborated a few times together, and I’d love to see what they could do in a longer joint work.

Augustine Artwork


Oh, snap!

I’ve never played with rubber bands, but I think I’m going to have to add them onto my ‘to do’ list. I image there’s a nice building sense of tension and anticipation once the band is stretched back. A whip or cane comes as a strike out of the blue, but with a band you can see the energy just waiting to be released.

The domme is Mistress Varla, and the image is taken from this K is for Kink scene. There’s a short video clip also available, with a very entertaining shot of one of the bands being applied at speed.

Incidentally, if you’ve never played with this kind of plastic wrap, I can definitely recommend give it a try. It’s a really easy way to mummify someone and create a sense of heavy bondage without lots of expensive gear. It also shrinks slightly as it warms, which can create interesting effects over a lengthy play session. I’m not sure exactly what type is being used here, but I know the stuff they using for wrapping boxes on pallets works very well.

Mistress Varla with rubber bands