Here’s a fun little story featuring forced feminization, bondage and some paid for sex that doesn’t go exactly as the client expects.
It starts with a young man, an attractive young lady, a bundle of cash and a motel room. Or, as I like to call it, Friday night. Unfortunately for this young man, the room in question appears to be equipped with some very sophisticated Doc Ock style metal tentacles. Given what usual happens when tentacles appear in erotic artwork, I guess he can be grateful that they’re only used for restraining him.

While the young lady slips out of her uncomfortable work clothes, he’s undressed in a rather more brutal fashion. The tentacles then set to work
fitting a corset and, judging from what happens a little later, what must be a particularly
realistic body suit (images aren’t inlined here but you can click the links to see them). By the time she returns with his face mask, he’s acquired a very attractive female form.

With the application of some duct tape (that universal problem solver), he’s ready for the face mask and wig. The result is a beautiful woman with a striking resemblance to the lady of the night who lured him into this cunning trap (I’ll resist the urge to make a 4chan’esque trap pun).

It doesn’t take the tentacles long to
install her discarded work clothes on him, and install him onto the bed. He’s then ready for a busy night of entertaining a steady stream of horny men. It might not be exactly what he was originally expecting, but on the plus side, he’s probably going to get a lot of bang for his bucks.

I’m afraid I don’t know who the artist is. So as usual, if anyone can help me out with that, please leave a comment.