Violet wand goes where?

Apologies for the lack of posts (or comment responses) in the last couple of days. I’m actually on vacation right now, and while I have managed to find time for some kinky play, I’ve been less successful on the blogging front. I fly back later today, so normally service should be resumed then.

In the meantime here’s a fun image that made me smile. I believe that’s Mistress January Seraph with the violet wand. The gentleman she’s toying with doesn’t look all that keen on her attempt to use it to illuminate an area the sun rarely shines in. She has some other ideas for that same area, which also don’t seem to meet with his entire approval.

Violet Wand

These images come from the Inescapable Bondage site, which features various gender combinations, not just Fm.

A mattress in a bare room

This image initially caught my attention because of the rope harness around the male submissive. You see those all the time in Japanese BDSM with female submissives, but they’re rarer in a western femdom context. However, as I looked at the image a little more, it was the setup of the room that really captured my imagination. It’s bare, with plain walls, a bared window and a single mattress for comfort. And the mistress hasn’t even approached the slave. She’s just standing by the door, either preparing to inflict some pain or getting ready to leave him tied up. It looks like a great setup for a lengthy and psychologically challenging scene.

Slave on Mattress

I found this on the diary of a male sub tumblr site, but it’s obviously originally from men in pain.

Head Sitting

You see a lot of face sitting in femdom images, but sitting on the back of the head is rarer. It looks a lot more uncomfortable and far more painful for the submissive. Although it has to be said that the submissive in question here doesn’t look terribly unhappy.

The dominant is the beautiful Mistress Sade, whose blog you can find in my blogroll. I particularly like the way she has the rope attached so she can easily pull his hands higher up his back. I imagine the pressure on his skull and the tension in his upper arms must create an interesting combination of sensations. Before getting involved in BDSM I always thought of bondage as a means of restraint but not punishment. I’ve since come to appreciate the various ways in can be used to inflict suffering. In particular its ability to create a slowly building pain that a submissive can soak into, like a warm bath.

Mistress SadeMistress Sade is a pro-domme based out of New York. Should I ever find myself on the east coast, I will definitely be availing myself of her session request form.

It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it…

The beaming smile is great. But I also like the fact that she’s obviously working really hard at this spanking. The bottom (a particularly apt expression in this case) is even having to hold her leg to remain in position.

Perfume companies make a fortune bottling strange substances and selling them to women at inflated prices via ridiculous ad campaigns. They really need to work on bottling the scent of a happy dominant woman after she’s administered a fierce and lusty thrashing.

Happy SpankingI’m afraid I don’t know who the lady in question is. I found the image on the women with whips tumblr site which, like the vast majority of tumblr sites, doesn’t seem to believe in giving content creator attributions. I was even entertained to spot a shot of Ms Marie and sissy there.

Clean-up Crew

This image caught my eye more for the dominant’s outfit than anything else. I always dislike it when a domestic scene is portrayed, and yet the woman looks like she’s spent the last hour being squeezed and buckled it the latest creations from her local leatherwear emporium. Admittedly it’s probably not the most practical get up for doing housework in, but that’s what the naked slave is for. She’s just giving him a few last minute pointers on exactly how shiny the floor should be by the time she returns from her evening out on the town.

Clean-up CrewImage is originally from Woman Worship. From a quick scan of their updates page it looks like they have a lot of material in a similar vein.

My kind of interrogation

After writing my previous post on extreme interrogations, where I happened to mention sadistic secret policewomen, I thought it be fun to find a couple of suitable images. These come courtesy of Domina Yuki’s tumblr blog, and are much more in line with my idea of an entertaining way to extract a bit more information than simply name, rank and serial number. I like the idea of having her equipment laid out on the table, ready for him to see and anticipate once the bag comes off.

Domina Yuki - InterrogationDomina Yuki - InterrogationDomina Yuki is a pro-domme operating from San Francisco. Her session request form is here. I’m going to be heading down to S.F. in May, so may well try and find out what being on the end of her tortuous tools is actually like!

A full bodied vintage

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression that two wrongs do not make a right. Well here’s a good example of how two rights can make a wrong.

I certainly appreciate attractive dominant women sticking their feet aggressively into my face. And I’m an avid collector and drinker of wine. But this image is all sorts of wrong. I really hope that’s nothing better than a bottle of two buck chuck.

Later in the sequence, she gives him a chance to sample a far rarer and more exclusive vintage. Although shouldn’t white typically be drunk before red?

Red wine and feetThis is a pair of images from a usenet collection. I’ve posted other examples from the same collection several times in the past.

New Blog Links

I’ve added three new blogs to my blogroll.

Cricketed’s Blog is written from the perspective of a man exploring what submission and enforced chastity brings to his life and his marriage. As well as his thoughts, it also contains a really interesting collection of photographs. He has an excellent eye for offbeat and subtle femdom imagery, avoiding the typical cliches of whips, heels and leather.

Woman In Control is by Lady Grey, a lifestyle dominant in a wife led relationship with her husband Karl. She’s written extensively about the evolution of their relationship, and some of her recent posts (onward from Dec 2010) about his re-training under her very strict regime are particularly fascinating.

Mistress Lisa’s Femdom Diary is written by a lifestyle dominant woman. It’s got a nice blend of her thoughts on femdom, pointers to articles, fun images and the occasional video clip.

Romance by Ruslan LobanovI found this image on Cricketed’s Blog. Originally it’s by Ruslan Lobanov (as the watermark shows). You can find more of his work on the photodom site (if you click on one of the blanked off nude images it’ll give you an age confirmation option and then let you see all his work). He also has an account on the deviantart site.

Thinking with the little head

It’s an old joke that a man’s penis has a mind all of its own. I think this image plays nicely into that idea. He’s a humble supplicant in front of his mistress. On his knees, head bowed, legs spread, arms carefully held behind his back. And yet there it is, the upturned and erect penis, staring up at her, bobbing away, happy in its own little world.

She looks fairly relaxed and calm about the situation however. I can just imagine her pondering – “Hmmm, I wonder what we can do about that little fellow. Something painful seems to be in order.”

Supplicant on his kneesI stumbled across this on site.

Kink in the 19th Century

There’s an interesting article in salon on kink and sexuality in the Victorian era. I always knew that there was a fair amount of hypocrisy around sex in Victorian times, but didn’t realize it was quite as extreme as the article describes. The huge number of prostitutes in Victorian London is well documented, but I hadn’t realized it was actually legal. Or that there were even gay male brothels.

However, some alarm bells did go off for me when I read this section of the article…

…..these gentlemen who went to private schools like Eton were whipped for punishment as kids. If they did something wrong they would be publicly birched — a collection of birch branches tied together would be used. The boy’s pants would be taken down and he’d be bent over this special block and it would be public. Any schoolboys who wanted to could come and watch. For many of these boys, of course, it was traumatic, but for other boys it’s an erotic experience. It developed into this masochistic eroticism.

This is a common line of reasoning for the origin of kinky desires, and it always strikes me as facile and simplistic. I don’t remember having needles shoved into me on a regular basis as a child. Or being electocuted, or tied up, or screwed in the ass, or suffocated, or whipped, or pissed on. But I enjoy all those things as an adult.

It’s no doubt possible that some Victorian gentlemen were hooked on flagellation from their early experiences. But it seems much more likely to me that they were simply kinky people utilizing one of the common and well understood ways of the era to inflict pain. If you enjoy power exchange and D/s play, you’ll reach out for convenient tools to create the dynamic. In an era before places like the stockroom existed then a collection of birch branches is a natural pervertible. Nobody is going to be playing with an ErosTek unit when Edison and Tesla are still fighting over the correct way to build an electrical grid. And in a time before widespread use of antiseptics, and when Lister’s pioneering work was still considered a fad, sticking needles in someone or cutting them was never going to be a popular style of play.

The psychology of BDSM and kink is both fascinating and complex. I think it does it a disservice to reduce it to a form of very basic imprinting.

Victorian FemdomThe vintage femdom image is taken from this post on the ‘call me Miss’ tumblr site.