Oxygen is an optional extra

I like to think this image was taken just a few seconds before she slid back a couple more inches and smothered him completely. He looks to be pretty firmly fixed in place. Arms outstretched and held with straps. What looks to be some sort of plastic wrap around his legs. And I think there’s a ball gag in his mouth. She’s been slowly teasing him for the last few minutes, building the anticipation, rubbing back and forth, moving just a little further back each time. Her scent fill his nostrils, and there’s absolutely nothing he can do to stop that final motion that will trap him beneath her beautiful bottom.

QueeningI found this image on ‘The diary of a male sub‘ tumblr site. The owner does a nice job of modifying images to keep a consistent theme to his blog, but as usual all attribution tends to get lost in the process, so I’ve no idea of the original source.

Updated: Thanks to FrenchGuy in the comments below for letting me know this is Bobbi Starr in a Divine Bitches shoot. With the help of their useful (if clunky) search function I managed to track it down to this June 2010 live shoot.

Suck it

I debated about posting this particular image for quite a while. TS women seem to provoke a fairly strong reaction in some people, and I’m not referring to the good type of reaction. I’ve been surprised in the past by the hostility I’ve seen displayed from kinky subs on forums and message boards towards the idea or existence of TS dommes. However, after considering the relative pro’s and con’s, I came up with what I thought was a decisive argument. Namely – “Goddamn it, this is my blog, I like it, I’ll post what I like.”

I have to admit I was also prompted to post it from a comment by Orlando on his 333images tumblr blog, where he claimed a lot of the models in TS porn were being exploited in a particularly twisted way. I normally enjoy his images and comments, but this one bugged me slightly. Alarms bells always go off for me whenever I hear someone outside a particular group claim exploitation on behalf of that group. And I think it’s particularly difficult to make a claim of exploitation when you’re talking about consenting adults voluntarily choosing to be paid to perform safe (albeit sexual) activities. Which isn’t to diminish the problems or obstacles TS people face. But I think it cheapens and devalues the real sexual exploitation that’s out there (trafficked women, third world sex tourism, etc.) if you employ the term widely and carelessly.

Jade and LeRockThis shot is from the TsSeduction site and is from a shoot featuring Sexy Jade and Le Rock. It’s available either as part of their subscription package or can be purchased as an individual shoot.


Robert Bishop was one of the great BDSM illustrators. Through the 70’s and 80’s he produced a large number of pen and ink drawings, for both books and magazines, depicting all sorts of intricate and detailed bondage. The majority of his work depicts either lone female submissives or male dominants with female submissives, and hence I haven’t added him to my femdom artist page. His work never gives me the impression of a man who was really committed to the femdom dynamic. However, despite this, he did create a number of images with female dominants and I’ve picked what I think is a particularly good example for this post.

Robert Bishop femdom artSadly he committed suicide in 1991, depriving the world of a very talented individual. This image was taken from the collection of Bishop images I downloaded from usenet many years ago. Image fap has a lot of his drawings available, for example there are a large number of galleries here. The g.e-hentai also has a gallery of his work.

The gentle touch

There are a lot of things going on for the slave in the image below. He’s been strapped down and his hands immobilized in bondage mittens. There’s some sort of nipple clamp torture in place. He’s got a gas mask on, which is no doubt imposing some degree of sensory isolation. And of course there’s the erostek unit attached to the electrified cock bondage board. All in all, it looks like a pretty intense combination of sensations.

Despite all that, the aspect of the scene that caught my eye was Mistress Sidonia’s placement of her hand on his arm. It’s possible that this was a meaningless and purely transitory gesture that the photographer happened to catch. But I like to think it was a little more than that, and in fact shows a moment of connection between the two of them. I’m typically not someone who enjoys a cold icy dominant. The “Get on your knees and lick my heels you worthless dog” style of play can be fun occasionally. As a general rule however, I prefer someone who actually empathizes with the suffering, whilst still continuing to inflict or even increase it. The “Yes, I know it hurts, and I’m sorry but it’s only going to get worse from here” style of domination. A gentle comforting touch for just a few seconds as I ride the next wave of pain can really help push me deep into sub-space.

On an different note – has anyone played with the type of electrified cock bondage board show in the image below? I’m tempted to get one, but they’re not all that cheap, so I’d love to hear any feedback on them (either via comment or email).

Straps, gas mask and electo tortureThere’s no attribution on the image, but I’m fairly certain it comes from the English Mansion site.

Violet wand goes where?

Apologies for the lack of posts (or comment responses) in the last couple of days. I’m actually on vacation right now, and while I have managed to find time for some kinky play, I’ve been less successful on the blogging front. I fly back later today, so normally service should be resumed then.

In the meantime here’s a fun image that made me smile. I believe that’s Mistress January Seraph with the violet wand. The gentleman she’s toying with doesn’t look all that keen on her attempt to use it to illuminate an area the sun rarely shines in. She has some other ideas for that same area, which also don’t seem to meet with his entire approval.

Violet Wand

These images come from the Inescapable Bondage site, which features various gender combinations, not just Fm.

A mattress in a bare room

This image initially caught my attention because of the rope harness around the male submissive. You see those all the time in Japanese BDSM with female submissives, but they’re rarer in a western femdom context. However, as I looked at the image a little more, it was the setup of the room that really captured my imagination. It’s bare, with plain walls, a bared window and a single mattress for comfort. And the mistress hasn’t even approached the slave. She’s just standing by the door, either preparing to inflict some pain or getting ready to leave him tied up. It looks like a great setup for a lengthy and psychologically challenging scene.

Slave on Mattress

I found this on the diary of a male sub tumblr site, but it’s obviously originally from men in pain.

Head Sitting

You see a lot of face sitting in femdom images, but sitting on the back of the head is rarer. It looks a lot more uncomfortable and far more painful for the submissive. Although it has to be said that the submissive in question here doesn’t look terribly unhappy.

The dominant is the beautiful Mistress Sade, whose blog you can find in my blogroll. I particularly like the way she has the rope attached so she can easily pull his hands higher up his back. I imagine the pressure on his skull and the tension in his upper arms must create an interesting combination of sensations. Before getting involved in BDSM I always thought of bondage as a means of restraint but not punishment. I’ve since come to appreciate the various ways in can be used to inflict suffering. In particular its ability to create a slowly building pain that a submissive can soak into, like a warm bath.

Mistress SadeMistress Sade is a pro-domme based out of New York. Should I ever find myself on the east coast, I will definitely be availing myself of her session request form.

It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it…

The beaming smile is great. But I also like the fact that she’s obviously working really hard at this spanking. The bottom (a particularly apt expression in this case) is even having to hold her leg to remain in position.

Perfume companies make a fortune bottling strange substances and selling them to women at inflated prices via ridiculous ad campaigns. They really need to work on bottling the scent of a happy dominant woman after she’s administered a fierce and lusty thrashing.

Happy SpankingI’m afraid I don’t know who the lady in question is. I found the image on the women with whips tumblr site which, like the vast majority of tumblr sites, doesn’t seem to believe in giving content creator attributions. I was even entertained to spot a shot of Ms Marie and sissy there.

Clean-up Crew

This image caught my eye more for the dominant’s outfit than anything else. I always dislike it when a domestic scene is portrayed, and yet the woman looks like she’s spent the last hour being squeezed and buckled it the latest creations from her local leatherwear emporium. Admittedly it’s probably not the most practical get up for doing housework in, but that’s what the naked slave is for. She’s just giving him a few last minute pointers on exactly how shiny the floor should be by the time she returns from her evening out on the town.

Clean-up CrewImage is originally from Woman Worship. From a quick scan of their updates page it looks like they have a lot of material in a similar vein.