Head in the bowl

Continuing the toilet theme from earlier, this image caught my eye. I like it a lot, although I’m not exactly sure what’s supposed to be happening.

The mundane storyline would involve too much alcohol for him and a particularly unsympathetic girlfriend. The more exciting alternative would be a peeping tom getting a good kicking. But my favourite fantasy storyline here would involve him being forced to drink out of the bowl after she’s just relieved herself into it. The fact it’s shot in what looks like a public convenience makes that alternative particularly nasty.

Blonde dominating man in toilet


I found this fantastic image on Male Submission Art blog. I don’t think I could describe it’s appeal better than maymay does.

I like this image for so many reasons. Both his clear efforts to pleasure her and her openness to that (physically and otherwise), as well as her casual sadism scratching his back leap to mind. His partially dressed state, still wearing jeans, just amplifies the attractive disparity of her pleasure and his pain.

Scratched Back


Men being ridden like ponies – albeit small, weak, clumsy ponies – is a common femdom theme. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen such distinctive spurs used to such brutal effect. With those for incentive I might even manage a lap or two around the Grand National course.

SpursI found this image in this gallery linked to via the femdom city forums. There’s a second shot showing the damage even more clearly from another angle. Originally the entire image set is from the club stiletto site.

Nurse with Syringe. Take 3

I thought my previous post showing a nurse with a particularly scary syringe would be my last word on the subject of kinky injections. But then I found this little gem of an image. The medical chair with the restraints looks fun. And the nurse is very cute. But scary doesn’t begin to describe that needle….

The Mighty NurseThe image is from the front cover of this manga. Unfortunately the rest of it doesn’t seem to live up to the cover’s promise. There’s a little bit of fun femdom (particularly pages 4 to 14), but a lot more of the stereotypical aggressive males taking it on cute young girls. Although page 2 and page 3 are worth looking at just for a WTF moment.

Fisting Snapshot

I like this shot as it has the air of a spontaneous snapshot. She’s got that look of someone temporarily dragged away from their task by some idiot with a camera. Like that annoying relative at Christmas who is always stopping the fun to ‘capture the moment’.

I’m sure it really is a posed shot. But I enjoy entertaining the notion that the second after the shutter clicked, she told the photographer to take a break and returned to seeing just how far she could get her hand into her boy’s ass.

Fisting SnapshotFrom the same usenet series I’ve referenced before.

Nurse Smothering (continued)

As a companion piece to my earlier post, here’s another nurse who thinks that smothering is the best way to deal with recalcitrant patients. The debate on health care reform in the US would be far more interesting if these kind of treatment options were on the table…

Nurse Smothering PatientJudging from the ‘dear boy’ and ‘knickers’ this is a British nurse. So if I had to guess, I’d say its a UK artist from the 50’s or 60’s. But unfortunately there’s no signed name and I don’t recognize the style.