Stare to Nowhere

A final post in a trio featuring eye contact and gaze. Having featured mismatched gazes and intense eye contact, I couldn’t finish without an example of what’s a high fashion classic. Not to mention album covers. That’s the stare in random directions while appearing to think deep thoughts about life, the universe and everything. In this case there’s even the bonus of a huge sculptured head in the background joining in the random staring fun.

Caught in her Gaze

Because I’m a man who loves symmetry, here’s the flip-side to yesterday’s post. Rather than the the averted look, it’s the highly focused stare. The helpless prey caught in the glare of the predator. I particularly like the hand to the face – forcing his gaze where she wants it.

This is Miss Velour – a London based pro-domme – shooting for Femme Fatale Films in  a scene called ‘Caught in the Act‘.

Look Away

I’ve written many times in the past about the pleasure I take in eye contact while playing (for example here). It’s a way to communicate both intimacy and vulnerability. A sense of acknowledging the presence and validity of the domme and myself in the moment. The truth of what’s happening. We’re playing but not hiding.

However, there are also times where I have to look away. Little moments of turning inward and accepting. It’s almost animalistic. The domme is reinforcing her place as the pack leader. She’s both playful and serious: Know your place, avert your gaze and show your submission. Don’t make me have to hurt you to remind you.

The shot below doesn’t look like the most intense scene in the world, but their respective gazes put me in mind of the above dynamic. She’s teasing and challenging him, while he doesn’t want to meet her gaze.

This is obviously from the CBT and Ballbusting site.

Full of Character

I love this artwork from @spicycicada for this amount of character she manages to pack into it. Both figures are cute and sexy, but there’s also a real sense of personality there.

Most kinky artwork fires up my brain’s basic pleasure centers and makes me want to spend some quality alone time to really admire it. A smaller amount of artwork fires up the emotional and submissive parts of my brain and triggers a longing to play and connect. This is definitely one of the latter cases.

Original version of image was posted in his tweet.

Cuck Jr.

About one hundred years ago I wrote a post on how the kink of cuckolding had been co-opted by the right wing as a form of insult. Given the hypocrisy and projection that emanates from that group, it was inevitable that one of their own would be caught in a real cuckolding scandal. That’s now happened with Jerry Falwell Jr, as reported here by Reuters. Allegedly Jerry liked to watch while his wife had sex with a much younger and more virile man named Giancarlo Granda.

The media and late night comedians obviously saw this story as manna from heaven. A place that, based on his own beliefs, Jerry will presumably now struggle to qualify for. What struck me as surprising was how keen comedians were to emphasize they were not kink shaming. Colbert did a very fun bit on the story, but repeatedly stopped to emphasize he was attacking the hypocrisy, not the sex. I think ten or fifteen years ago the story would have been much more about laughing at the weird freaks and their strange kinks. So, progress?

While the story coverage has been extensive, with the inevitable links to the grifter-in-chief, I do think the media are missing a major piece of it. Namely, what exactly is Jerry’s kink? Is it a genuine cuckold scene? A hotwife scenario? A voyeurism kink? I hope for his sake that humiliation is at least part of it, because he’s getting no shortage of that right now.

This shot is from the Subby Hubby site, specialists in cuckold material. I’m sure the handsome and viral pool boy is just about to enter from stage left.

Dominatrix Without Mercy

I’m continuing both the vintage and Jamie Gillis themes with this post. As I’ve written before, this movie popularized the title ‘Dominatrix’, despite being a really terrible movie. It was basically a regular 70’s porno with some weird sex acts thrown in.

What I admire in hindsight is the marketing of this kind of material. As a teenager it used to drive my crazy. I’d discover what I thought would be some hot kinky material, and it’d turn out to be 30 seconds worth of kink in 90 minutes of nonsense. Now, with more kinky material on the internet than I can shake a whip at, I can admire the chutzpah of the 60’s and 70’s porno salesmen. They repeatedly managed to sell the sizzle without the sausage being anywhere in sight.

Jutka and Jamie

I always enjoy posting and gently poking fun at the fashions and tropes of vintage fetish shots. However, I should make clear that I’ve the utmost respect for the people who created them. They were operating at great legal risk, with very limited funds and no easy way to distribute their material. They had no blueprint for what BDSM material should look like and no easy way to get customer feedback. Sex workers today complain – with total justification – about the limits credit card companies and social media impose. Yet the idea of being able to simply snap and tweet an image would blow the mind of a 60’s fetish photographer. They had to deal with printing physical magazines, postal inspectors keen to sieze their material, paper mailing lists of nervous customers and the mob money that funded a lot of pornography.

If, like me, you love reading stories about the early days of kinky porn, then I’d highly recommend this Rialto article on Leonard Burtman and his wife/model Jutka Goz (aka Jennifer Jordan).  Using a photograph of Jutka dominating Jamie Gillis as jumping off point, it tells the story of Leonard Burtman, one of the pioneers of kink and femdom porn. Along the way it touches on such famous names as Weegee, Bettie Page, Irving Klaw, Rene Bond and of course Jamie Gillis. I found it fascinating and touching. I particularly loved the 2018 interview with Jutka, who seems like she’s living her best life in Beverly Hills.

These two images are of Jutka and Jamie Gillis, both taken from the Rialto article. For anyone wondering if she was really dominant, I’m afraid the answer is no.

Jutka remembers the modeling work as entertaining and enjoyable: “It was fun to get dressed up and be outrageous,” she says. As for whether she had a personal interest in spanking, leather, or domination, she laughs: “It was only a role. I’m a good bullshit artist.”

My thanks to DrewP for point me to the article via a comment.

Vintage Pegging

I’m continuing my theme of vintage femdom imagery with another unusual image. This time it’s not the outfits or setting which are odd – they look pretty standard for 70’s kinky porn – but the activity. Whips, leather outfits and bad bondage are common in vintage shots, but you almost never find pegging scenes like this one. Until the last decade or so it was very risky in the US to combine sex with BDSM in pornography and anal penetration fell under that categorization. I’d therefore guess that this is from a European publication. Of course they wouldn’t have called it pegging at the time – that term wasn’t coined until Dan Savage came along in 2001.

Updated: Bacchus of ErosBlog added an amazing comment with some detailed research on this image. It looks like it came from Candy Films, a forerunner of Color Climax Corporation. Almost certainly it was published in the early 70’s, and probably in a magazine called Man Servant.

Equally Strange

Odd and unsuitable outfits for dommes are nothing new in femdom porn. Her leather outfit and big gloves aren’t what most people would pick for a sunny afternoon on a patio, but I’ve seen stranger. What’s unusual here is his metallic looking corset. That looks very uncomfortable and not in a sexy way. It’s a very weird combination of outfits and setting. At least she gave him a shaggy rug to kneel on.

I’ve no idea where this is from. From the style I’d guess it was shot in the early 70’s.

Cocktail Hour

One thing I’ve missed this year is making cocktails for friends. That’s such a pleasurable activity. Making a cocktail is much quicker and simpler than cooking a meal, yet still has those elements of handcrafting and artistry that makes it fun to do. There are endless recipes to try and minimal knife skills required. Plus, you end up with drunk happy grateful friends.

This image is obviously from the Play Girl magazine and features Alex Hawn as the man with the Martini glass. The first version I found of this image had been weirdly edited to chop his head off and photoshop out the gun from her hand. I kind of get the cropping to remove the logo and make the woman more center frame. That’s a pretty common tumblr type edit. But who simultaneously hated guns yet loved this image so much that they spent the time to photoshop the gun out?