Be Careful What You Wish For

This problem page letter in the Guardian made me smile. It’s somewhat short on detail but, reading between the lines, I suspect the man concerned was looking for hot kinky sex involving bondage and exciting leather outfits. His wife obviously had other ideas. On being handed the metaphorical and possibly literal whip hand,  she decided that being in charge meant lots of nice massages and minimal amounts of sucking his dick. I feel bad that their kinky needs are obviously not aligned, but he probably shouldn’t be too surprised that his non-kinky wife’s idea of taking charge looked less like a pornhub video and more like a spa day.

I guess it could be worse for him. His wife might decide that what she really wants to do is spend an hour or two with the Sunday papers and a convenient footstool.

Sadly I don’t have a source for this image. I suspect it’s from a UK femdom site from some years back, but my attribution skills have failed me.

Submission Possible

Anyone who has run out of Netflix and Hulu shows to watch might want to check out ‘Submission Possible’ by Madison Young on Revry. I’ve not seen it, so can’t offer a personal recommendation, but according to Madison it’s “a kinky queer travel show…exploring different kink and queer communities in different cities.” You can read a bit more background on it articles here and here. This isn’t a great time to be pitching a travel show, but after endless food and chef themed travel series, it’d be nice to see a kinky variation.

This is Madison Young shooting for I love the look of predatory intent she has in this shot.

Howl at the Moon

This NYTimes article on wolf-kink erotica and copyright battles is nothing to do with femdom, but too fun not to share. I love stumbling on these odd kinky niches that people are incredibly passionate about. It’s like exploring an ancient underground lake. There’s a small innocuous looking entrance hole on the surface but when you drop through there’s this huge complex space with all sorts of weird evolution happening in the depths.

I did search for wolf themed femdom images but, while it might be popular in the printed word, it’s not a major porn theme. Instead here’s the domesticated equivalent. I do like the fact she’s letting him crawl on the grass rather than the stony path. He must have been a good doggy.

Once again the image search engines have failed me on this one. I don’t recognize the domme or the location. If anyone can help me attribute it, feel free to leave a comment.


I’m keeping the face covering theme going with this image, but taking it in a very different direction. That’s one way to stop someone breathing virus particles everywhere.

This image also made me realize how much I’m regressing in quarantine. The young and innocent me used to look at images like this and sigh, wondering what it would be like to be the man in this situation. In recent years I’ve been lucky enough to treat images like this as inspiration for future shenanigans. Now I’m back to sighing and longingly staring at the image. I miss a firm but gentle hand over my face.

This looks like something from a magazine fashion shoot, but I’ve failed to track down a source for it. If anyone has any suggestions on its origin, then please leave me a comment.

Oh Sir!

A final post on school bullies. This one continues the theme from yesterday of nervous teachers with very forward students.I particularly like his expression and the position of his hands. He looks like he’s trying to become one with the wall. In contrast she’s pushing forward, pulling backwards and floating in the air.

I’d guess this in an illustration from a 1950’s or 60’s pulp novel about college professors and their insatiable students. Sadly I’ve not managed to track down who the original artist was.

Update: This is the front cover of the Amy Harris novel Prize Pupil, publish in 1966. Based on this page, the artist is unknown.

Update 2: A reader suggested that the artist in question is Robert McGinnis. That’s very possible as it’s definitely in his style, but I don’t have a link for the attribution.


I generally don’t indulge in kinks tied to my traumas. Most of my kinks come from a positive dynamic, although it might not look that way to an outsider. I desire to be controlled, objectified, to please, to suffer for her. Not having to think, to be a plaything, is a very relaxing space for me.

In contrast I react very negatively to being bullied or humiliated. As an unworldly book smart skinny geek from a poor family, I got plenty of that when I was at school. I had many tough years of bullying, and have no desire to revisit them. Even just pulling my hair or slapping me a certain way in a scene can trigger a strong negative emotion.

Yet oddly, I can kink on the abstractions of that dynamic. Humiliation, bullying, anger and abuse can be hot in porn or art. I find that odd. For example, I really like the image below. Yet I’m sure I’d hate to roleplay that in a scene. Why does the image work but the roleplay not? Is that because I just haven’t yet fully come to terms with my traumas? Is art a way to work through them gradually? Or is it because the abstraction of art allows me to selectively pick up on the elements I like while not pushing my emotional buttons?

This is artwork from the Rockstar game Bully. I found it – along with some other similar examples – via this tweet.

Paul Kamm

I’m continuing the fine art theme with this post. In fact, I’m even continuing the theme of German artists working between the World Wars. This is by Berlin artist Paul Kamm, who published work in the 1920’s and 30’s. Sadly there’s not a lot of information available online about his background or work. Goddess Ezada Sinn has a post on him along with some of his drawings here.

Offered Prayer

This is by the German artist Rudolf Schlichter. Born in 1890, he survived the the first and second World Wars, despite his work being labelled as degenerate by the Nazis. I’ve featured his work before, and I assume the model in both paintings is the same. According to this article it’s an Elfriede Elisabeth Koehler aka Speedy, who shared his interests in “buttoned boots, bondage and masochistic games.” Clearly the disdainful sneer, beloved of many twitter findommes, is not a new invention.

Time Killers

One of my guilty pleasures during quarantine has been reading the Reddits Relationships and Am I the Asshole. They’re very moreish, alternately amusing and enraging, particularly when consumed via the twitter versions @redditships and @AITA_reddit. They offer a filtered ‘best of’, with quick and easily browsed postings.

My favorite in recent days was this story featuring a bride with a bizarre wedding night ritual. While most newly married couples simply depart for their honeymoon after the wedding, this bride’s family expects them to consummate the marriage while the clan gathers outside the bedroom door. Then they all cheer when the happy and slightly sweaty couple emerge. Some of the bed linen is kept to add to what can only be described as a family fuck blanket.

It’s an insane tradition that nobody should ever follow, but it does make me wish the bride and groom would take the chance to turn the tables on their nosy relatives. They could arrive at the door with bags bulging with rope, coiled leather implements and jiggly rubber outfits. Make the relatives wait for an hour or two outside while creating lots of strange and disturbing noises. Then, just when they think it’s all over, have the bride pop her head out the door and say – “Sorry. We’re totally in the zone here. Killer scene. Could one of you pop down to the kitchen and bring me some clothespins and the big wooden spoon? Also, maybe the big bottle of Crisco?” That should clear the corridor of her parents and cousins pretty quickly.

I’m guessing this image has been cropped to remove the watermark, but I’m fairly certain it’s originally from The English Mansion.