
Foot fetish aficionados might want to check out a new book – Solemates by Adam Zmith. It a short tour of the history of foot fetishism, how it has been represented in culture and why it appeals to people, both straight and queer. Available at the usual online spots and specialists.

The artwork below is by Uruguayan artist Leus and features one of the world’s most famous foot fetishists – Quentin Tarantino. A man so dedicated to the kink he wrote and cast himself in the famous scene with Salma Hayek depicted below.

Happy New Year!

Wishing all my reader an amazing and kinky 2025. If you’re the kind of person to make resolutions for the New Year, then I hope they prove productive and achievable.

Personally, I’m hoping to travel and play more this year. I made that pledge last year and was partially successful. I did get down to LA and SF, and I did get to play once again with the fabulous Domina Yuki. However, I didn’t get back to Chicago or NYC and, if I’m honest, I still didn’t session as much as I’d aimed to. So, still more work to do there.

It’d be fun to pick a new activity to try, but I think that depends so much on who I play with. Certain scenes lend themselves to certain dommes. Maybe I can just aim to try at least one new thing and figure out what that should be when I figure out a session schedule. Puppy play maybe? That’d be a new one.

I’m afraid I’ve been unable to track down the source for this.

On the Edge

In a further sign of kink slipping further into the mainstream, Glamour magazine has an article on Edging. It’s actually pretty good, covering the basics and giving handy tips.

The only thing I’d quibble with is their assertion that edging leads to stronger orgasms. Maybe that’s true for women, which is presumably Glamour’s primary audience. For men however, I think it’s the shift away from orgasm that makes it interesting. We’re conditioned into expecting sex to have a clearly defined build-up to an orgasmic stopping point. Stretching that out and leaning into arousal without orgasm makes for a very different experience. I love combining a steady endorphin buzz with the sense of denial and frustration. It’s a headspace that I can happily live in for days without orgasm.

This is by the artist Mare. You can find their Patreon here.

The Nutcracker

Christmas is almost upon us. That means it’s time for bloggers everywhere to drag out their best Santa themed kinky pictures. I’m not sure where I found this one, but I have a sneaking suspicion it’s an old Playboy cartoon. I think it’d make more sense if the toys Santa was delivering were of the adult variety.

NYC actually used to have a dungeon called the Nutcracker – sadly long gone now.

If you celebrate Christmas then I hope you have a good one. If you don’t then I wish you a generally happy holiday season. Personally, the only gift I’m hoping for is a healthy holiday with no weird flu or covid bugs to ruin my time off.

Traditional Roles

Continuing the theme of kinks of the year: Vice has an article based on Pornhub’s end of year summary. Unlike the Clips 4 Sales report, chastity and cuckolding are nowhere to be seen. Instead it’s the usual porn categories you’d expect. This part of the Vice article did make me laugh…

Stepmom is on there because the weird trend of people wanting to have sex with people related to them by marriage has not subsided just yet, but according to the rankings, it is down two spots from last year. Let’s hope it keeps plunging until we scrub our pornography of any kind of familial relation.

Not sure that marital relationship kink is the real target here. Stepmom is only there because credit card processors force creators to use that as a substitute for the more boundary pushing ‘mom’. No doubt the squeamish article writer would be even more perturbed by that fact.

The other thing that caught me eye was the fact people are searching for ‘tradwife’ content. This is based on the trend of women pretending to be very traditional 50’s housewives in social media videos. I say pretending because it all seems highly performative and somewhat fetishistic. It’s roleplaying by people who are either already wealthy or are making money as influencers. You know, just like typical 50’s housewives did.

I’m not sure what tradwife porn would look like. Missionary position in a dark room? That’s after spending all day making your own lube from scratch of course.

Of course, I’m not against a little traditional roleplay now and again. It’s just a lot more fun to switch it up a bit.

This is from the ‘In a Parallel Universe’ series by Eli Rezkallah.

That Time Again

It’s that time of year again. The lights are on the trees, Celine is blasting in the stores and clip sites are coming out with their end of year kinky reports. It’s a time honored tactic for attracting clicks and associated articles, and I’m happy to join that party.

The Clips 4 Sale site has announced their fetish of the year and it’s Chastity. That’s kind of funny for a clips site that’s all about getting off. The runners up are Gooning and Cuckolding. There’s a certain theme developing with those three – tease, denial, voyeurism and control. I wonder what that says about the state of the world?

This shot is from Mrs Steelwerks.

Two Sessions with Domina Yuki

As I covered in previous posts, I was down in San Francisco before Thanksgiving and had the opportunity to play with Domina Yuki once again. In past years a week’s vacation would have been an excuse to cram in multiple sessions with multiple different dommes. These days I tend to be more restrained (ahem), playing with people I already know and have history with. Given I first played with Domina Yuki back in 2011, we’ve no shortage of history.

This time we coordinated a couple of sessions, with a rest day in-between. I find that approach works well, as it gives chance to reestablish a connection and make any adjustments between sessions that might be desired. I also love the rest day, as it combines the buzz from the first session with the anticipation of the second.

Domina Yuki was kind enough to snap some pictures, which I thought I’d share links to here.

This set-up has me on the floor, chained to a padded board, with my legs suspended from a pulley system. It’s a position that gives the submissive a lovely view of the domme towering over him. Unfortunately, it also places the soles of the submissive’s feet in a very vulnerable position, which Domina Yuki was quick to take advantage of. I’m not sure what was worse – the tickling she administered or these spiky clamps!

This scene has me in a different type of suspension, with belts around my legs and waist being used used to hold me off the floor. It’s a clever set-up, as its fairly quick to establish but still gives that unique sensation you get from hanging from a hardpoint in the ceiling. It also leaves you very vulnerable and open to whatever the domme might choose to do.

The featured shot below shows a sequence we did on a padded table. Domina Yuki built a lot of layers of sensation here, featuring leather mittens, plastic wrap, chains, needles and a ball crusher. Out of shot there’s also a head stabilizing device, held in place with leather straps. You can see a top down view here. The plastic wrap and the chains are a nice combination. You get tightness and immobility from the first, drama and fun clinking noises from the second. While the needles in the cock look dramatic, it’s the nipple clamps that really hurt here.

Finally, here’s a shot of a bondage scene in a chair. There’s more plastic wrap involved, along with a leather posture collar, blindfold and long bondage gloves. I always love to be sat on in these situations. It’s both sensual and objectifying. Of course, there’s a price to be paid for the sexy bits. That price is the ouchy bits. Which are still sexy in their own special way.

My thanks to Domina Yuki for creating these fabulous sessions and taking the time to record them for posterity. Writing this post triggered many memories of our past play and left with me with a warm happy glow.

Home Again

I’m back in Seattle after a fun few days in San Francisco. In a future post I’ll hopefully have some photos to share from the two sessions I did with Domina Yuki.

While they were great sessions, they were less intense than some of the past play we’ve had together (for example here and here). That was at my request. I’ve found that my pain tolerance varies inversely with my general stress level. If I’m stressed then more of my mental and physical capacity is sucked up by that, leaving less for handling kinky pain or torments. With a crazy job, some interment insomnia and the election fallout I’m definitely not at my mental best. That meant steering clear of heavy corporal play or intense CBT on this trip.

One kinky thing that I do find aligns well with stress is bondage. It’s nice to be able to relax and zone out while getting wrapped up. The shot below is a lovely example. This isn’t from my sessions, but was sourced via Trinity’s Bsky feed. You can find the original post here.

Whatever I Want

My vacation has been a lot of fun. I’m always worried about getting sick – which seems to happen on about 50% of my trips – but so far I’ve dodged any bugs. Also eaten a lot of good food and had a fabulous session with Domina Yuki. Much teasing, tickling, paddling and pinching was involved.

More kinky fun is lined up for tomorrow before I return to Seattle. In the meantime, I’m going to continue my theme of picking up new and interesting things from Bluesky. This is by the artist mge2x5 taken from a thread of their work they posted here. It shows a nice sentiment that I think gives all subs a happy shiver whenever they hear it.


Continuing the theme of finds from Bluesky – this lovely image comes courtesy of Sacred Sadism via Your Master Gardener. Although I have zero interest in gardening I always find these kind of shots very appealing. I think it’s the combination of objectification combined with being made into something desirable and aesthetically pleasing. I suspect for a lot of male submissives that’s not a common feeling.