Extreme Breathplay

Rolling Stone magazine has an interesting article on waterboarding as a kink. It features Elise Graves, the bondage aficionado I played with and posted about last week.

Waterboarding is certainly a more extreme kink, although I think its intensity can vary dramatically depending on how it’s done. I actually experienced it a couple of times a few years back, but not in an inverted position and not with a huge amount of water. I was basically horizontal and could lift my head slightly, which meant the water tended to drain away from my nose and mouth. I suspect that makes a big difference to the degree of terror induced. The coldness of the water triggered the mammalian diver reflex, which combined with bondage and a D/s dynamic created quite an unusual and intense headspace.

It’s a kink I could never have indulged in during the years when America was actually using the technique to torture prisoners. That’s not entirely logical – what I did in a Seattle playspace had no bearing on what the government did thousands of miles away – but it felt wrong and immoral to get sexual kicks from something that was being used in such a horrible way. When I did eventually try a lightweight version of it, years after Obama banned its usage on prisoners, we still avoided any kind of interrogation dynamic or roleplay. That seemed too close to a terrible reality.

Of course water and cloth is just one way to take someones breath away. As this Rodzo artwork shows, there are other options.

A Not So Magical Elixir

I think it’s fair to say that a lot of men have an inflated and illogical opinion of the importance of their penis. Nothing else can explain the amount of time and energy that goes into jerking, edging, pumping, photographing, locking up, boasting about and  sticking objects into them. If anyone ever invents a way to harness all that activity, we could solve the world energy crisis overnight.

After years spent in the sketchier parts of the internet, I thought I’d seen every possible male dick delusion. Of course, the world is always a weirder and more wonderful place than you can ever imagine – as this story about an Irishman with back pain reveals. He thought his penis had magical healing properties and spat forth a mighty elixir to cure his ills. More specifically, he thought that injecting his semen into his arm would cure his lower back pain.

I’d love to untangle the thought process behind this. Did he just think his dick was like a magical lamp, and rubbing it would produce a solution to all his problems? Or was there some solid scientific thinking behind it based on stem cells? After all stem cells therapy is a treatment, and stem cells come from embryos, and semen is involved in making embryos – so was he just cutting out the middle thing-that-might-end-up-a man? I also like the fact he was injecting his arm rather than the actual site of the pain. Doctors typically use the arm for inoculations and blood tests, so clearly he was just following conventional medical practice there. Wouldn’t want to do anything too crazy.

Perhaps my favorite part of the whole story was a doctor who “described the case as “unique” and said it demonstrated the risks of innovative treatments that are relied upon prior to clinical research in the form of phased trials.” Of all the things this case demonstrates, the need for proper clinical trials before injecting yourself with semen is probably not the take away I would have gone with.

Alice (from Alice In BondageLand) is clearly taking no chances here. With all powerful medicines it’s advisable to fit a tamper-proof lid and store them in a safe place. I think this household should be safe enough from an inadvertent semen overdose.

Bondage Therapy in Seattle

Bondage virtuoso Elise Graves has been in Seattle for the last few days. Primarily she was here to shoot for House of Gord, but she did reserve time for a couple of private sessions, and I was lucky enough to score one of them. A lovely mix of whipping, electrical play and bondage was the result. We didn’t get pictures, but fortunately for me, she did shoot them in her other session, as shown here.  I’m not sure who the other Seattle submissive is, but my thanks to him for these shots. He appears to be doing a better job of handling the rope suspension than I did.

Rope isn’t normally my favored bondage medium. I realized today that a big part of that is the time it often takes. When I’ve limited time to play, and I’m paying by the hour, I somewhat resent burning a lot of the session getting into and out of bondage. The process can be enjoyable, but not as enjoyable as what comes afterward. Fortunately, with an expert like Elise, that becomes far less of an issue. I’ve played with a lot of word class dommes, but I think she’s the fastest rigger I’ve ever experienced. She very quickly pulled together well balanced positions, with just the right degree of stress.

Elise’s smile in this image is very indicative of the way she plays. There was a lot of happy positive energy in our scene today. This image is from her Bondage Liberate site. I found it via her twitter feed.


On the face of it, this article about a poker player experiencing sensory deprivation to win a bet has nothing to do with femdom. However, I’m linking to it because sensory deprivation is definitely a kink and the hallucinations he experienced actually reminded me of some of my own experiences with that particular kink.

I’ve always been limited to a couple of hours of reduced senses, rather the days he went through. On the other hand, I mix in heavy bondage, pain and breath control, which certainly ups the intensity of the experience. A couple of times in the state I had a sense of space opening up around me, my consciousness drifting in a large dark void, with spinning yellow stars moving around me and away from me. In hindsight I’m surprised I didn’t freak out, particularly given that sensory deprivation is a pretty tough scene for me to handle at the best of times. I think I intuitively knew, much like the poker player in the article, that embracing the vision and relaxing into it was the key to handling it. If memory serves me correctly, it only lasted a short period before I was quickly snapped back to reality by the domme electrocuting my testicles. That’s always guaranteed to capture a man’s attention.

This image is from Lady Hinako. From her blog and twitter feed she’s clearly an expert at heavy bondage and sensory deprivation scenes. I particularly like the contrast in this image between the cute doll like figure and the obvious immobilization and sensory restriction the man inside is experiencing.

Memories of Warmer Days

It’s pretty wet, cold and gloomy across a lot of the US at this time of year. I’m pretty certain there are no visual cures for Seasonal Affective Disorder, but if there were, this would surely come close. It’s a lovely Spring picnic scene with an elegant lady and her helpful pet. Hopefully the inevitable ants will focus on picnic basket and not any dangling lower parts.

I’m not sure who the artist is. Reverse image search suggests the name ‘hisano’, but I couldn’t track down any sensible links to other work.


Some eye candy to start the week. For me, there’s a nice sense of anticipation contained in this image. It’s possible that this is during or at the end of a scene, but I think his pure unmarked flesh suggests it’s a starting point. A moment of focus and adoration before the toys in the background get deployed.

Given the setting, I’d guess this is a pro-domme scene. Unfortunately, I don’t have an attribution. If you can help out with that then please leave a comment.

Meet the New Boss

There was a new US Congress sworn in today. I think the political system here is too dysfunctional to hope for any significant change, but there was one statistic that caught my eye. In 1989 there were 16 Democratic women in the US House of Representatives. This year there are 89. Admittedly that’s still only 37% of the 235 Democratic seats they currently hold, but it’s still progress to be welcomed. Of course over the same period the Republicans have gone from a total of 13 women to – wait for it – 13 women. So not so much progress on that front. I think whatever your politics, if you regularly read this blog, you should welcome more women to positions of power and influence.

The image below is Kyrsten Sinema being sworn in to the Senate by Mike Pence. She’s the first openly bisexual woman to serve in the Senate and was sworn in on a law book, rather than a religious book.  I think those facts are both great. That fact Mike Pence would undoubtedly hate them makes the moment even better. And, I don’t to be shallow about this important moment, but she has also looks fantastic.

Save All The Things!

I have a hoarding problem. Not, I hasten to add, in the physical world. There,  with the exception of kitchen equipment, I tend to the minimal. My hoarding problem is in the virtual world of information. I hate the idea of losing content. It’s so easy to copy around – it happens for every visit on every page for every image – yet we do such a terrible job of preserving old digital sources.

When tumblr announced it was banning all adult content I was therefore particularly perturbed, and set about locally archiving what I could. The initial idea was to just save sites I liked to use as image sources for this blog. I figured I could sort and catalog it all later. That seemed like a fun way to spend the holiday period. However, once I had the pipeline setup and ticking along, things got maybe a little out of hand.

When I finally pulled it all together and de-duplicated, I discovered I’d got  5.1 million images from about 400 sites occupying over 3TB of space. Oops. The cataloging process might therefore be a touch more time consuming than I first thought. Let’s say I want to run through all images just once and spend just 4 seconds per image. With a lot of animated gifs involved, that seems like a pretty fast average pace. If I devote 2 hours every day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, I should be done in a little over 7 years and 9 months. Alternatively, I could quit my job entirely, put in a solid 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and be done in a bit over 2 years and 8 months. Piece of cake.

I guess the good news is that there’s no danger of me running out of images to post. The bad news is that I’m not sure how I’ll be able to sort through them all to find the good stuff.

Talking of archiving content, here’s an old image from the Leda / NuWest company. I’d guess its from the mid to late 80’s. I found it via the now unavailable ‘x ray blue eyes’ tumblr. That was the single largest tumblr site I archived, with 355,247 images. That’s a lot of femdom.

Happy New Year!

New Year’s Eve is upon us once more. That brings to a close a pretty good year in kink for me. I got to meet some amazing new dommes (Mistress Tess, Mistress Damiana, Ms. Savannah Sly) as well as renewing my acquaintance with some great dommes I’d played with in past years (Domina YukiTroy Orleans, Mistress Mara, Mistress Iris, Mistress Lucy). My scheduling was a bit erratic, with big gaps with no play at all, and then bursts where I crammed in a lot of sessions. So that’s something I need to work on for next year. I’m also hoping to fit in a trip back to the UK in 2019, which’ll give me an opportunity to meet some new dommes and get beaten for the first time in the old country.

I wish all my readers the best for 2019. I hope it brings you a lot of kinky fun. And thanks to everybody who contributed comments to this blog over the past year or interacted with me via email or twitter. I always appreciate your input and feedback.

It’s traditional to get dressed up and go out and party on the last night of the year. That’s certainly my plan, although I doubt I’ll look quite as stylish as Lady Mephista’s slave does in this image.

This is from a tweet on Lady Mephista’s twitter feed.