I like smooth shiny girls, hardboiled and loaded with sin.

While I’m on the topic of movies and dangerous women, as I just was, here’s a great film noir style artwork. This takes us back from the 70’s to the 40’s. I think its inspired by that point in the movie where the hero realizes he has been played for a patsy and the femme fatale has let her mask slip. You just know she’d kill him without a qualm, but if he got free and got the gun, she’d smile, whisper in his ear, and seduce him all over again.

Despite hunting around, I’ve failed to identify an artist for this. As always, if you can help identify him or her, I’d greatly appreciate it.

The post title comes, of course, from the great Raymond Chandler.

Crime Flick

I’m not normally a fan of using big industrial spaces for kinky shoots. They often seem very artificial and impersonal. I’ll make an exception for this striking shot however. It puts me in mind of British crime and gangster movies from the 70’s and 80’s. Flicks like The Long Good Friday (which had a scene with men suspended upside down in a warehouse) and the original Get Carter (one of my favorite movies of any genre).

In a modern movie, this’d be the scene where the hero is captured and tortured by the crime bosses evil female lieutenant. In the downbeat 70’s, the anti-hero would be working with the lady with the whip, and this’d be the point where the plan starts going sideways and just before everyone ends up dead. Of course no matter what the era, the plot or the identify of the hero, I’m sure my readers would all be rooting for the lady with the whip.

This is Mistress Manouk, a Dutch pro-domme, as shot by Alex Charilaou. I found it via this tweet.

Update: You can also see a very short clip from this shoot here. Thanks to Daria for the pointer.

Gone but not forgotten

Spotting this image on tumblr brought a wry smile to my face. Those that have been around the femdom blogverse a while may recognize it. For those that don’t, this is Ms Marie with her husband in their basement. She wrote an excellent femdom blog 7 or so years ago, and I still occasionally see photographs from it surface on tumblr and twitter. One day her blog just vanished. As far as I know, she never posted or commented again.

Sex blogging is a strange form of interaction. With casual acquaintances we typically share a narrow and very shallow view of ourselves. It’s a personality puddle. With good friends we deepen and also broaden that sharing. Maybe a lake or sea rather than a puddle. By contrast, sex blogging is a dark water filled mine shaft. We share intimate personal details and yet retain this incredibly narrow focus. Readers know things that our closest friends aren’t aware of, but also don’t know things we’d casually drop into a conversation with a slightly annoying work colleague. It makes the transitions – when life changes and bloggers stop or move on –  all the more strange.

I often think of bloggers I used to read and (in some cases) swap comments with – Ms Marie, hmp, scott & Em, D from Dumb Domme, Saratoga, Suzanne, Axe, Bitchy Jones, Disheveled Domina and many others that have currently slipped my mind. In some cases I know a little bit of the context around why they stopped. In most I’ve no idea. I hope they’re OK and don’t regret what they shared with the world. I hope they know that at least one of their readers appreciated their posts and still reflect back fondly on them.

Frustrating Pegging

I like these pegging images, but they’re also kind of annoying. Normally when I have an image by an unknown artist I’ll either trace the name via a reverse image search, or the image will be so rare that I don’t get any good clues to follow. In this case the artist seems to be prolific, with all sorts of similar kinky imagery showing up via a Yandex reverse image search. Yet I can’t see a name, original site or even a good collected gallery anywhere. Just lots of drawings in a similar style (e.g. this one) scattered across a rogues gallery of dodgy sites. I’ve never known a case where there’s such a quantity of work in such a distinctive style, and yet no obvious name.

Obviously, if anyone can tell me exactly who the artist is here, I’d be eternally grateful. I feel like an idiot for not being able to figure it out.

Apollonia Saintclair

The drawing below is by the artist Apollonia Saintclair. Her art is erotic and kinky rather than femdom, and has a very unique style. It’s explicit and sensual, but also surreal and off-kilter. If you’re interested to know more about her thoughts and approach, there’s a good interview here.

She has a tumblr here and you can purchase books or prints of her work here.  I featured another of her drawings in this previous post.

Freshly Squeezed Delivery

My thanks to Sardax for pointing me at this perplexing but amusing tweet. The translated version of the caption that accompanies the image below is…

Fresh! Immediate distribution! We will deliver a freshly squeezed pee of freshness with one pee delivery phone! Why not deliver the rich urine of the cute girl to the place of hope?

Who among us can say that they’ve never secretly wished for the  delivery of fresh pee from a cute girl to their place of hope? Although my last known place of hope was located somewhere before November 2016, so they may find the address a bit tricky to find.

I wonder – is the delivery ‘created’ fresh on your doorstep by the cute girl as this image suggests? Or is the cute girl elsewhere and instead a grumpy 20-something delivery dude shows up on a bike with a bottle in his knapsack? Because in the latter case, I might be suspicious that the pee in question had been created less by a cute girl and more by the sweaty dude in an alley around the corner. Provenance would seem to be an important factor in the pee delivery business.

Sadly, for anyone hoping for golden showers on demand, this is actually a movie from the Office K’s company.

Medical Sadism

Well I’m on the topic of professional dommes producing great kinky imagery, let me give a shout out to Mistrix Sade, and in particular this medical themed post. It has some lovely imagery that takes medical play and adds a slightly unsettling undertone of horror and mad science. I think it’s another good example of taking familiar tropes and making them work afresh.

Mistrix Sade is a NYC based pro-domme. Information on scheduling sessions with her can be found here.


A lot of professional domme’s produce and share great kinky material, but I think Dominatrix Iris is someone who absolutely excels at it. This sexy-as-hell image is from what she termed a DDLG (Daddy Domme/Little Girl) shoot in her twitter feed. It’s tricky to play with the tropes of femdom erotica and yet still create something fresh and interesting. I think she absolutely nails it here, and I’m now very curious to see what the rest of her DDLG shoot looks like.

You can see another image in the same sequence in this tweet.  As she says, she makes a pretty dapper daddy. Her play partner also looks fabulous in that white lingerie.

Strange things are afoot at K Shoes

A recent post by Mistress Sidonia featuring a list of ads featuring dommes, led me to this 1989 advertisement for K Shoes and their high heels.  I love this for multiple reasons. Partly it’s the classic 80’s style, with the shoulder pads and the black and chrome office. Partly it’s the great ball cutting shot and sound effect, which I’m amazed they got away with. Mostly it’s because I remember K shoes (and Clarks, who took them over) from my childhood. It feels like I spent a countless number of hot summer afternoons with my mother, trying on their shoes, looking to get the cheapest possible option that’d fit me. I hadn’t thought of them for years, so it was very strange to see this ad in this context and have all those old memories resurface.  Life likes to spring these odd surprises on your now and again.

Of course, I couldn’t let a post like this pass and not take the opportunity to feature a shoe themed image. This gentleman seems to have invested in some sturdy footwear, but forgotten the rest of his outfit.


This is an entertainingly quirky image from the StrapOn Dreamer site. The attractive lady in the leather is par for the course, but the guy in regular clothes sitting cross legged is a little more unusual. At first I thought it might be another edited image, but it seems to be as it was created.

Guys kneeling or crawling or lying down are all over femdom imagery, but that cross legged position is rare. It’s a pose that puts me in mind of school assembly when I a child, sitting in the gym, listening to a teacher. Given its natural submissive dynamic, I’m surprised it’s not used more frequently in femdom.