Succeeding through Kink

Does actively engaging in kink make your more successful and creative in life? That’s the premise of this Harper’s Bazaar article. It’s a nice thought, and it’d be great if it were true, but I’m not sure the article entirely sells me on the idea. It reads a little too much like those lifestyle articles based on selective chosen scientific surveys. They’re not necessarily wrong, but they often treat scientific possibilities as probabilities or even certainties.

From a personal perspective, I’d say my data points are mixed. On the one hand kink does make me feel happier, more relaxed and more confident. That potentially could translate into a more productive and constructive paltego in daily life. On the other hand, kink can be a refuge for avoiding facing tough issues. Like a drug it gives me a high and an escape, which isn’t necessarily always in my best interest. It’s tough to judge what the overall large effect is, although I will anecdotally observe that the greatest period of success in my career correlated with when I was most regularly active in kink.

I’ll finish with an image of success. Hers for a productive days shopping and his for not dropping all the boxes (yet).

This image is by Ellen von Unwerth, shot for Vogue Italy and featuring Bianca Balti.

Trust the Pros

I’ve always maintained that there’s no shame in putting yourself in the hands of trained medical professionals if a scene has gone badly wrong. Any nurse or doctor with a few years experience will have seen all manner of crazy things, and yours will just be another nights work for them.

In light of this article, I guess I should also add firefighters to the list of trusted professionals. At least in Germany that is, as they receive training in how to remove cock rings and butt plugs that have become rather too tightly attached. Amazingly you can cut off a cock ring using an angle grinder, as long as the cock in question has been treated with bandages and heat resistant paste. That’d certainly count as edge play, particularly given it’s a no safeword scene.

I’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for this image. Hopefully all these toys were safely removed without a call to the emergency services.

Foot Binding

I find this style of rope sexy as hell when used in bondage. Something about the more natural color gives it a rawer edge. I was initially so caught up by the binding, that I didn’t even notice the domme’s leg jammed into his crotch. There are no fancy outfits or tortuous looking toys involved, but this is a lovely and sexy scene.

This is from a tweet by Elise Graves, who also provided the bondage and the foot to the crotch. The man on the receiving end is Kino Payne and the shot was captured by steelwerks.

For Richer, For Poorer

Is there a fetish for rich women with poor men? If so, I may have it. Images like the one below always give me a little catch in the throat and quiver down the back. It’s kind of the opposite of fin-domme. These women already have so much wealth and power they don’t need to demand it. Instead the make their amusement by toying with whoever crosses their path. Social femme fatales.

This is Sara Sampaio for the Summer 2018 issue of Sorbet Magazine.
Photo by Rowan Papier. Found via the labstrakts tumblr.


I’m safely back in Seattle, my East Coast adventures at an end. I’ve family staying with me for the next couple of weeks, so posting may be a bit erratic over that period.

While I’m happy to be home, the place I’d really like to be is Munich for BoundCon. My twitter feed is full of fun images featuring great dommes doing crazy bondage stuff. Some worth checking out are Troy Orleans, Elise Graves, AliceInBondageLand and Lady Chiaki. This image is from an Fm bondage show as featured in this Elise Grave’s tweet. You can see more from the same show, featuring more bound men, in another tweet here.

Foot Torture

I’ve already posted about how much I enjoyed my session with Mistress Tess earlier this week. What I neglected to mention was how educational it was. For example, I learnt that you could use a goat to torture someone’s feet. I should hasten to add that this information was imparted verbally, and not through any kind of practical demonstration. While Mistress Tess may have a wonderfully well equipped studio, she definitely does not keep any goats out back ready in case any really kinky perverts show up.

Apparently the torture method involved coating the victims feet in salt and then encouraging a goat to lick it off. Ticklish at first, as the rough tongue rasped away at the skin, it’d become progressively more agonizing. It seems a somewhat complicated way to hurt someone, rather than say just beating them on the feet, but maybe there were some really lazy medieval torturers who wanted to delegate everything to their four footed friends.

Amazingly I even managed to find a femdom themed advertisement featuring goat tickle torture.  I’m not exactly sure what’s going on or why a goat is needed – my French is limited to reading menus – but it’s kind of hot.

When it comes to tickle torture, there’s one particular artist who comes to mind, and that’s Augustine.  I don’t think he has ever featured goats in a drawing, but there have certainly been plenty of tortured feet.

Apologies for the ugly watermark on this image. I’m sure it has been added after the fact. Unfortunately I can’t track down a clean version of the drawing. You can find plenty more of Augustine’s art on his tumblr.

Sometimes you know they’re the one

This cute image is by the French artist Arthur De Pins. As I’m someone who is a romantic at heart (buried beneath a deep layer of cynicism), this makes me all gooey inside. If only real life was as simple.

The artists official site is annoyingly flash heavy, but available here should you wish to deal with that. I discovered it via this tweet.

Good looking Nerf Herder

I missed a post to celebrate Star Wars day (May 4th). However, I’m not waiting another 51 weeks before posting this awesome image. So it’ll just have to be a belated celebration post. That’s a pretty well muscled princess and a good looking scoundrel.

I’d love to know where this is from, but unfortunately reverse image searching gives me nothing. If anyone can help me attribute, then please leave a comment.

Updated: Via a very helpful comment (thanks Sam!) I think this is the original tumblr post (complete with extra photos) and the two people are dovemeir and america_young.

Here Kitty, Kitty

Puppy play is a fairly common femdom theme, where kitten play is a lot rarer. That kind of makes sense. Dogs are stereotypically loyal, obedient and slightly dopey. Where cats are independent, curious and will tolerate humans just until they can evolve opposable thumbs. Cats would be the brats of the submissive world.

DomCon in LA has a different take on this, with a Kitty parade organized as part of the festivities. This image is Madame Margherite with her entry into the event. I have to admit, that’s a pretty fine and fierce looking cat. More tiger than kitten. I hope they both do well.

Winter Sports

I think most non-kinky people would consider water sports to be fairly ‘out there’ as far as sex acts go. Yet I’m looking at this winter sport, and thinking its making a little splash of hot urine look pretty good in comparison. Definitely more relaxing and comfortable than a faceful of icy snow.

I found this via a tweet. Despite digging around online, I’ve not managed to find a source or story behind it.