Winter Sports

I think most non-kinky people would consider water sports to be fairly ‘out there’ as far as sex acts go. Yet I’m looking at this winter sport, and thinking its making a little splash of hot urine look pretty good in comparison. Definitely more relaxing and comfortable than a faceful of icy snow.

I found this via a tweet. Despite digging around online, I’ve not managed to find a source or story behind it.

Playing with Domina Akira

I’m safely back in Seattle, my short San Francisco trip at an end. Before I left I was lucky enough to be able to sneak in one final session. Following my usual algorithm, having played with someone I know well, I wanted to play with someone new to me. Via the Domme Sisterhood site I found Domina Akira and I was fortunate enough to find a suitable time before my flight left for us to meet.

Her style was definitely different to Yuki’s – more formal and interrogative – while still mixed in playful and teasing elements.  There was some interesting arm rope bondage in a style I’d not experienced before and, while I’d never describe myself as a foot fetishist, I did discover a liking for having a domme’s bare foot smooshed into my face. I suspect that’s more a scent and objectification thing than a foot thing per se. Despite the fact that I’m not a fan of more formally structured scenes, I think the session actually worked out really well. The fact she laughed a lot as she hit me was certainly a big plus!

Domina Akira also demonstrated the instinctive reactions I’ve come to recognize in all great dommes. Namely, immediately poking and slapping all the tender places I’d acquired in earlier sessions and beating my ass prior to getting on a plane (point 4 from here). I think she might have been disappointed that I only had a 2 hour flight back to Seattle rather than a 10 hour one back to England.

This image is taken from Domina Akira’s image gallery. If you’re in the Bay area and want to schedule a session, her contact page is here. She also has tour dates posted for the next few months via twitter.


I got to play with a zentai suit today with Domina Yuki. This was actually a first for me and it was an interesting new experience. A lot of sensory deprivation accessories are very focused and very binary. Things like hoods, blindfolds and earplugs target specific senses and are all or nothing. The zentai suit was all encompassing,  but very incremental. Sight, touch, hearing and breathing were all affected, but only fractionally. That in turn made it less stressful to handle, even when combined with a bondage bag and some heavy nipple and cock torture.

I can’t say I discovered a new fetish that I didn’t know I had. Frankly, wearing the zentai suit alone made me feel like I was cosplaying Spiderman. Which is fun but not my kink. However, I did like it as an option for a sensory deprivation scene. My claustrophobia can sometimes make those tough to pull off and a zentai suit is a nice way to gradually work into that zone, particularly when combined with layers of bondage.

Talking of spiderman – here’s a nice shot by Carlos Adama of him under the heel of black cat. While my zentai suit might have put me in mind of spiderman, I don’t think his outfit has cut outs for the cock, balls and nipples like mine had. That’d be a very different kind of superhero.

Shoe Fitting

Fetishism and repression always seem to go together. The more forbidden or subversive something is, the greater the thrill.

Take for example this Victorian illustration (found via the Whores of Yore twitter) of what I assume is a device for privacy when fitting shoes. I guess it’s supposed to separate the lady from the process of measuring and fitting the shoe, and hence make it a more mechanical and impersonal act. In actual fact it’s a foot fetishists dream. The gentleman involved is even sporting a lascivious grin.

It looks like the top of the device has some sort of crank system and the panel has a split across the middle. So does it separate and then close around her foot once it’s in the hole? If so, it’s even kinkier than it looks at first glance. It’s device bondage crossed with foot fetishism.


His Trumpiness – that paragon of sexual morality – signed the FOSTA bill into law this week. Backpage has already been taken offline, and I suspect we’ll continue to see shockwaves spreading out from this new bill for years to come. There’s a good twitter thread here if you want background context and information to share with others.

If you’re feeling as pissed off as I am by the whole situation, then one action you can take is talk about the problems of the bill with people outside the bubble of sex work discussion and kinky blogs like this one. It really hasn’t got the coverage it should have done, partly thanks to the overwhelming number of Trump related stories in the news every day. I’m out to some of my friends, so can talk about it to them directly, but if you’d rather take a more circumspect route, then just use the example of craiglists personals being taken offline. There will be similar mainstream sites taking equivalent steps in the months to come.

As sex workers get organized, I’m predicting we’ll see a lot of new platforms springing up to support them from outside the US. One of the first examples of that is Switter – a twitter style service (based on Mastodon) set-up by sex workers in Australia. Anyone can join – I’m there as – and it has both iOS and  Android clients. I found it a little temperamental when joining, with a couple of tries needed before I got past an error screen, but it seems to be OK once you’re on it. A fair number of pro-dommes have already created accounts there. If you got to my profile and look at who I follow, you’ll get some good starting points for kinky peoples profiles.

I’ve really no idea what a suitable image for this kind of post would be. So I’ll pick something totally at random – a young Russian lady (Mistress Irina) peeing on a man. Just happens to be the first thing I found in my image folder.

This is from the Russian Mistress site.

Why would you do that?

My previous post, featuring a brief description of a mouth suturing scene I did, generated a very reasonable comment. The gist of it was – and I’m paraphrasing here – why on earth would you do that? Isn’t this stuff supposed to be sexy?

So I should start by saying it wasn’t actually my suggestion. Like I lot of the things I do in scenes, it was the domme’s idea. However, I was certainly eager to  be the guinea pig. She wanted to play around with controlling my mouth and doing a quite invasive scene. The reason it was ultimately enjoyable was for the same reasons a lot of my D/s scenes are. It’s about giving up control, being objectified, accepting pain, handling the intensity, placing trust in the domme and allowing her to take me on a journey. So while I don’t find mouth suturing a turn on per se, it is a turn on in that specific context.

One general observation I’d make is that I think there are some people who enjoy very specific activities and others for who enjoy the dynamic a variety of activities can produce. I used to be the former and over the years have transitioned to the latter. I don’t think it’s a binary categorization – you can certainly be a bit of both – but I think people tend to fall into one camp or the other.  Some submissives are into feet, or leather, or corporal scenes, or bondage, etc. That’s the thing that turns them on and the activity is the goal. Others are into control, or humiliation, or objectification, or pain. The activity is just a means to get there, and so the form it takes has different requirements.

For anyone else out there finding all this talk of weird mouth stuff equally strange, here’s something a little more traditional. Hopefully this shot has a little bit in it for everyone.

I’m afraid I don’t have an original source for this. Please leave a comment if you can help me attribute it.

Updated: Thanks to a helpful comment I can attribute this to Nikki Next shooting for the Men Are Slaves site.

How will I explain this?

There’s one thought I regularly have when doing a particularly unusual or extreme activity. It’s not about how much it’ll hurt or if I’ll be able to handle the pain or not. The thought is – ‘If this goes wrong, how am I going to explain it to an ER nurse?’

It’s not stuff like bondage or whipping that triggers this thought. I figure BDSM has penetrated mainstream culture to the point where regular kinky activities will be par for the course in ER. It’s when things like electrified urethral sounds and needles through the scrotum come into the picture that I envision nurses reaching for the emergency straitjacket and number of the hospital psychiatrist.

When I was last down in LA I did a scene with Cynthia Stone where she sutured the inside of my mouth and ran surgical thread between the insides of my cheeks. There was even a shot of it on her twitter feed. Should the worst have happened, I wonder how an ER nurse would have reacted ? She spends all day stitching up people who have injured themselves in accidents, and then gets stuck with this muppet who has injured himself purposefully stitching up a healthy body part.

There’s no watermark on this, but I’d guess it’s from one of the sites.


With these two images I’m continuing the themes of bondage, suspension and outdoor scenes from my last post. I find these shots have an almost ethereal sense to them. They put me in mind of a scene from a fairytale. Admittedly, Hans Christian Andersen didn’t write a story featuring a sexy naked woodcutter being captured and bound by a forest nymph. Although given some of the fucked up shit he did write about, that story would would seem almost wholesome in comparison.

You can see the full sequence of images from this scene in this tumblr post. The rigger here is Misungui, the model Faun Sencible and it was photographed by Ombilik.

Baptismal Breathplay

There’s a lot going on in this image. Rope bondage, suspension and breathplay just for starters. If there’s such a thing as a kink for being baptized, then one could add that to.  It just needs a confused hiker in an anorak to wander in from frame left and you’d have public humiliation as well.

Regardless of the kinks on display, it’s a beautiful image. I imagine that setting the shot up would be a huge challenge. I just hope for the models sake that it was warmer than it looks.

This is from BDSLR photography and you can see the full sized version in their original post here. The models are Tifereth and Diaemone.