Project manager

I’m afraid my blogging might be a bit erratic for the next few weeks. I have contractors in to do some remodeling work on my place. Unfortunately our work habits don’t mesh all that well. I like to stay up late drinking wine and writing. They like to turn up very early and hit things with hammers. Asking them to hammer quietly has so far not met with success. The end result is a grouchy paltego with not much time to write at night before he falls asleep.

What I really need is a take charge project manager who can get things done in half the time and a quarter the volume. The lady below looks like she wouldn’t take any nonsense when it came to civilized working hours.

BossThis is Yulia Kharlapanova shooting for Harper’s Bazaar.

Kinky Kitchen

While I’m on the topic of slightly odd kinky scenes in unusual places – here’s some rope bondage in the kitchen. Again, I’ve no idea what the idea behind this shot is but, unlike the last post, I do kind of like this scene. The smartly dressed guys and the play on the 50’s style housewife with a wink and a whip makes me smile.

Kinky KitchenI found this on the Gentle Mistress tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t have any idea where it’s originally from.

Black Widow

The new Avengers movie is out in a few weeks. While I enjoyed the last one, I thought it was a great comic book movie, rather than a great movie in its own right. As a big Joss Whedon fan I’m hoping this new one takes it up a notch.  I’m particularly looking forward to seeing Scarlett Johansson continue in her role as Black Widow. Joss has always done a great job with strong female characters, so this should really play to his strength.

The image below is from the cover of Black Widow #14. I’ve not read this particular comic, but it’s a fun image, despite the incredibly ineffectual gags on display. Somebody with BDSM experience should tell the artist that a professional like Black Widow would never use the cliched handkerchief gag. They’re hopeless at silencing people.


Real Sex

The Vulture site is carrying an interesting article on the old HBO show Real Sex. I was amazed to discover it first aired back in 1990 and ran for almost 20 years. I didn’t encounter it until I moved to the States in 2001 and, based on the frank manner it addressed sex, had always assumed it was of a fairly recent vintage.

It was by no means a great show. Although the article claims they aimed to be sincere and to laugh ‘with’ and not ‘at’ the people involved, I always detected an undercurrent of cynicism. Beneath the veneer of education and illumination there were clearly elements of titillation (ok with me) and mockery (not so good). However, all that said, I think it still was a net positive in helping people talk more frankly about their sexual interests. For example, this post from D. Hubby directly references the effect an episode on spanking had on his life.

One particular part of the interview that caught me eye was this quote…

It was always a challenge for us to find good-looking people. It’s certainly true of nudists, but a lot of people doing weird sex stuff are not necessarily young and attractive.
Katie Smalheer, associate/coordinating/supervising producer, 1996–2005

I think that’s a very telling comment. It could be taken to mean that people doing ‘weird sex stuff’ are unusually unattractive.The reality is that this media filtered view of the world is incredibly biased. Visual attractiveness is a valued commodity, particularly when nakedness is involved. Almost all commercial visual media picks from a tiny pool of conventionally attractive people. People into ‘weird sex stuff’ are simply a normal cross-section of the populace, and that clashes with the narrow selection criteria we normally expect for naked people on film. Our perception of what is acceptable or normal is horribly skewed.

I don’t have a particularly great image to use for this post, so I’ll finish with the kind of scene that I’m sure Real Sex would have loved to feature. That Miss Eve from the Young Dommes site.

Miss Eve

That’s not how bodies work…

The image in yesterday’s post put me in mind of the Escher Girls tumblr. If you’ve never encountered this before it’s a tumblr dedicated to highlighting the ridiculous way women are often depicted in pop media. The quintessential pose for this is the boob+butt combination as shown here (magna style) and here (western style). It’s one of those things that’s so ingrained in the culture that you don’t particularly notice it until it’s pointed out. And then when you look for it, you see it everywhere. For example, there’s the weird bendy spines, the bizzare amour choices, the sexualized poses, the submissive captives and generally fucked up anatomy. Yesterday’s image has both a curved back pose and an over the shoulder look, but the anatomical contrast to the typical comic book shot is striking.

I’ll leave you with a drawing that certainly doesn’t suffer from distorted figures or oddly sexualized poses. Although that’s not to say it’s not kind of sexy.

PolyandyThis is by Keisha on deviant art (free account required). I found it on the Femdom7 site.

Avast, ye mateys!

In the last couple of days an old post of mine on the recently popular subject of the devaluation of male submissives sparked to life. Maymay added some thoughts, as did Alisa. That triggered some blog browsing on my part, and led me to a post by Alisa which made me laugh out loud. I’ll quote the relevant part…

If we’re playing pirates and wenches, you’ve captured me off a British vessel and have had your way with me, perhaps you’ve tied me up and left me in a corner while you await ransom, but eventually we tire and we go out and we get dinner. And when we put on our clothes and walk out the front door you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are not a 15th century pirate* because if you don’t, we’ve got problems. There is no confusion, I will not be mistaken for a captured wench at the corner diner, neither of us will have period dialects or accents, there is no risk of scurvy.

I think that’s a very visual and illustrative way to highlight an important point – submission is a negotiated state with very defined boundaries. A dominant who can’t handle those kind of transitions and state changes is not someone to play with. But the importance of the underlying point aside, it was the mental picture that made me laugh. I can just imagine a nonplussed wait staff staring at each other while a big macho dom in a white shirt and leather pants curses them as spineless landlubbers. He’d be ordering grog while his erstwhile play partner holds her head in her hands and regrets the day she decided to fool around with Captain Rum (who doesn’t even know the way to France).

Given this is a femdom blog, I thought I’d pick some suitable female pirates to illustrate the post. These two come courtesy of the Femdom Artists site and pulpy 1960’s magazines.

Pirate Queen of the China SeasSex Crazed Pirate Female SadistsYou can see the original two posts here and here.

* The anally retentive history nerd in me feels the need to point out that pirates and the British Navy was mainly an 18th Century phenomena, not 15th Century. The Royal Navy wasn’t actually founded until the 16th Century. OK. End of annoying nerd moment.

So I’m a lamp. Want to fight about it?

While I’m on the forniphilia theme, here’s an image in that genre that made me laugh. The foot stool and picture look suitably cowed and submissive, but the lamp has a far more belligerent stance. It looks like at any moment he’s expecting aspersions to be cast on the quality of his lampshade, or his light throwing ability, and he’s ready to punch the person concerned. I can picture him standing guard outside a nightclub doorway, the lampshade still on his head, just daring a drunk idiot to make a comment about it.

Forniphilia with a lamp, a stool and a pictureThe image comes from InerMiss on deviantART (free deviantART account required to view). The domme is Goddess Magdalena and the photograph was from the Secret Boudoir photography studio (and not the mature escort site with a similar name in the UK that turned up at the top of the search results!)