The simple things in life

Here’s a final image in my short sequence of suspension themed posts. This one makes me smile due to the discrepancy between the setting and the action.

The setting is extreme. There’s a padded cell, a severe looking straitjacket and a taxing inverted suspension. In contrast the action is that most simple but frustrating of things – a sharp flick to the head of the penis. With the setting you’d expect her to be wielding some fiendish medical equipment or a scary electroshock device. Instead she’s keeping it simple, personal and very accurately targeted.

This is of course from the Men In Pain site.

Happy International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day has grown in coverage and importance in the US over recent years, which can only be a good thing. This years event gives me a chance to share a couple of quote that I’ve always liked. No doubt a lot of my readers will have heard them before, as they’re far from new, but they still put a smile on my face

The first was from Charlotte Whitton in ’63 – “Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not difficult.”

The other is about the famous dancer Ginger Rogers and her partner Fred Astaire – “Sure he was great, but don’t forget that Ginger Rogers did everything he did, …backwards and in high heels.” This was originally from a cartoon in ’82 although widely misattributed.

This image is very much not Fred and Ginger. In fact it’s the professional latin dancers Nikolai Voronovich and Maria Nikolishina.

There was an old woman

The internet has finally failed me. Or possibly Las Vegas has. Either way I’m very disappointed right now.

The Cosmopolitan Hotel & Casino has several enormous shoes scattered around their property. You can see one of the most distinctive in the image below. There’s normally always a gaggle of tourists around them posing and snapping photographs. There’s nothing stopping you touching them or climbing into them (for example). As soon as I saw them, I immediately thought that there must be lots of images of men kissing the heels, or licking them or just generally being subservient in their general vicinity. Foot and shoe fetishism is a popular thing after all. This one is bright red and even has a corset style lacing up the heel, so it’s extremely fetishistic. Surely at least one kinky couple must have been past it and tempted to snap a posed shot? I wasn’t expecting a naked guy on a leash – the Vegas security guards tend to be kind of squares – but surely somebody would pretend to worship at the almighty shoe? Wouldn’t a local domme have wanted to use one for a amusingly posed scene?

Sadly, despite much searching, I’ve completely failed to find any such images. Lot’s of women taking family friendly snaps with them, but not a single shoe fetishist in sight. I’m very surprised. The internet has finally failed me.

Pleased to meet you

There’s an interesting combination of simplicity and elegant brutality in this image. The fact it’s cropped so tightly makes you wonder about the surrounding scene. Is he lying? Seated? Is it consensual? Why does his expression seem so calm? What does the wording mean? It leaves a lot to the imagination.

Pleased To Meet YouI’d love to know where this comes from and who created it. I actually think it’d make an interesting print to own. Unfortunately, I’ve no idea who the artist is. The original tumblr post appears to be here. Feel free to leave a comment if you can help with attribution.

Updated: Thanks to the brilliance of Ferns I now know the artist goes by the handle notalkingplz and in fact owns the tumblr I originally linked to. He also has a shop for prints here, although I can’t find any of his fun femdom pieces in it unfortunately.

Divine space

According to this article, the Chinese city of Shenyang has created special parking spots just for women. That’s not an entirely new idea. Some cities have dedicated spots for women with young children, or marked spots in well lit and camera covered areas for increased safety. Sadly the Shenyang spots aren’t for those practical reasons. These spots are simply longer and wider (and pinker) to make it easier for women to park in them. Apparently they (allegedly) need help with their parking.

At first glance this seems incredibly sexist and patronizing. But what caught my eye was the labeling of them – Goddess Parking spots. So maybe there’s another explanation. Maybe the city transport division is staffed by femdom fans. They’re not being sexist, they’re just showing respect. If the next rule is that male parking violators have to be whipped by female traffic police, or that the city transport division staff have to clean the parked Goddesses cars in the nude, then we’ll know it’s a femdom fan thing. If not, then I guess we’re back to ‘sexist and patronizing’ as the explanation.

Femdom Car CleaningSadly the Young Dommes site this image is from has ceased to exist.


A week or more back I put up a couple of posts on how to initially communicate with a dominant woman. Although strictly speaking I didn’t really do anything, other than posts some links to words from smarter people than myself. One post was on communication in a professional context and one was on initial communication in a lifestyle/regular context.

On the face of it the advice given in those two contexts is quite different. Much like an opening email to a doctor or a lawyer is very different to the opening email to a potential romantic partner. However, there was one commonality that struck me: In both cases kink and sex came a distant second. For a professional the first thing is figuring out are you a sane, reasonable person, with a sensible request, who isn’t going to waste the dommes time. For a lifestyle interaction, the first thing is much like regular dating. i.e. Will you add something positive to the domme’s life? What do you bring to the table? Are you interested in the her thoughts/opinions/feelings? Is their chemistry?

So I guess the lesson here is that if you want to get kinky with someone, start by deprioritizing kink. It’s a bit like wanting to have kids. That might be important to you, but if that’s the first and primary topic of conversation with any potential partner, most people are going to run the other way.

I’ve no idea what image best fits a post about not talking about kink. So here’s a somewhat random image I liked from the show The Americans.

americansI found this on the Submissive Proud tumblr.

Making an impression

Continuing the high heel theme – this time a little lower down the male body. Less a stiletto in this case and more of a punch tool. The inside of the thigh is a really fun place to work on. Fleshy yet also sensitive. I like to imagine he’s looking up into her eyes as she gradually increases the pressure here.

Heel ImpressionsThis image is from Mistress Benio’s tumblr. I believe she’s a Tokyo based pro-domme.

The original Stiletto

This has all the characteristics of a cliched shoe worship shot. There’s a high heel, a shapely foot and a guy on the floor an inch from the sole. Yet, I think it’s a got a really different and much more interesting vibe to it. He looks nervous and that shoe seems more like a weapon than a fetishistic object. He better hope she can balance well on the other foot, or he’ll be finding out exactly why they call them stiletto heels.

stilettoThis is from the flickr photostream of the photographer Marcello Iaconetti. The models are Stefano and Adelaide.

The Lioness

I hadn’t intended to turn yesterday’s post on ‘woman staring into middle distance with man at her feet’ into a series, but then I spotted this image in my queue and couldn’t resist. The lady encouraging the man back into the pool is the great Catherine Deneuve, famous for her roles as (to quote wikipedia) aloof, mysterious beauties. This looks like a fashion magazine shot, but I’m not exactly sure for what. From zooming into the text it looks like it was photographed by Ellen Von Unwerth in NYC in 1999.


Shoe shopping

I don’t normally go for the ‘woman stares off into middle distance with supercilious air while man grovels around near her feet doing something to her shoes / feet’ type of porn. That may sound like a weirdly specific fetish, but it actually seems to be a pretty common femdom image.

That said, there are always exceptions, and this is one of them. Not entirely sure why it’s an exception, but it does work for me. Possibly because it’s actually a mainstream shot for Sara Navarro shoes, rather than being a posed femdom porn shot. This was part of a show in Madrid presenting the new Sara Navarro collection for 2015. Apparently she’s the only design who “makes scented shoes for women, a sensorial experience unique in the world.” Shoes and scent is certainly a popular combination for some kinky people, although I’d guess most submissives prefer a more au naturel aroma.
