A simple post of femdom artwork is all I have for you today. The style reminds me (in a good way) of the illustrations in 70’s sex manuals. The artist presumably goes under the handle hobbit dragon, but I’m not aware of other drawings by him or her. There’s a tumble here, but it currently has no posts.
Tag: High Heels
The yodeling dominatrix
There are some words you never expect to see next to each other. For example, ‘joyful’ and ‘coroner’ or perhaps ‘Donald Trump’ and ‘modest’. Until today I would have put ‘yodeling’ and ‘dominatrix’ in that category, but thanks to a pointer from this article on Manuela Horn, I stand corrected. If you really want to blow your mind with unusual juxtapositions I give you the yodeling dominatrix singing AC/DC’s highway to hell.
If I’m going to be pedantic (and I usually am), then I might quibble about the dominatrix bit. She certainly has a fine line in fetishistic outfits, but I’m not sure I see any evidence of BDSM play or general sadism. Unless you count yodeling at people, which personally I would.
If you’re in Spokane in October then you can catch up with her at Oktoberfest. For those not in the Washington state area, I leave you with another image of unusual juxtapositions. If there’s someone out there who has been fantasizing about sitting in a paddling pool, wearing a panda suit, playing an accordion, while an attractive lady in an odd fetish outfit holds your leash, then today is your lucky day.
This Kinja article on dry humping made me smile. Not so much for the text, which is a pretty reasonable pitch for the thrills of frottage, but for the headline picture. If you don’t want to click through to the article, you can see it here. It seems like the artist (Tina Mailhot-Roberge) took the thrust of the article in a very different direction. Less mutual rubbing together, and more foot fetishism for Macrophiliacs.
The idea of giant women and tiny men crops up repeatedly in femdom artwork. From vintage pieces like this Eric Stanton one to the artwork of Sardax below. As a fetish it doesn’t do much for me, but I can understand the appeal from an artists perspective. There are all sorts of fun elements to adopt, with toys, puppets and fairy tale references all fair game.
This artwork is of course from the inimitable Sardax. I originally located it via Her Majesty’s Plaything.
Used panties for sale
Men buying women’s used underwear online is a thing. Not really my kind of thing, but I do like the free market ethos behind it. The women involved get an extra source of income and the men get their particular kinky itch scratched. Of all the many sexual financial transactions that happen, this seems like one of the easiest and safest.
If this is your particular kink, and you’re also into powerful women, then let me direct your attention to this sale of Queen Victoria’s Underpants. Admittedly they’ll be a bit pricier than the average pair from a Craigslist ad. At around 120 years old they’re also probably mustier and sturdier than most guys would like. But just consider who the original owner was. She ruled the largest empire in history, at almost one quarter of the earth’s landmass and one fifth of the population. Forget minor celebrities with products named after them, this is a woman with an entire historical era named after her. That backpage ad for used underwear may feature an attractive young lady in tight leather, but is she related to most of the royal families of Europe? I think not.
While I’m on the subject of attractive ladies in tight leather, here’s one offering someone a close-up view of her particular garments. Queen Victoria would not have been amused.
The Gag Shop
It feels like cheating to simply re-post stories from other blogs that I link to. After all, if you follow my blog roll, you’ll have already seen the original post. I fear the God’s of blogging may punish me with a corrupted database or a particularly efficient and annoying comment spammer. However, this particular story is too good not to re-post.
The story starts with a drawing by Anmo Night entitle ‘The Gag Shop’. The title is pretty self-explanatory for the drawing itself. That in turn inspired Sardax to create a sequence of images based around mistresses visiting the shop. In a cascade of inspiration particles (I blame the Hadron Collider) this in turn spurred a quartet of famous dommes to re-create his images in reality. You can read more on slave pj’s blog and on the blogs of the dommes involved: Madame Catarina, Mistress Akella, Mistress Ezada Sinn and Lady Victoria Valente.
I love the fact that people took the time and energy to put this together. Maybe we could use it to start a trend for re-creating more of Sardax’s work? That’d make for some fun scene negotiations. For my next session I wonder where I can find a glass coffin, a small castle and seven naked dwarfs?
This image is the first in the sequence and features Mistress Akella with her beast of burden.
Pleasure & Pain
The post title sounds like a lead into something seriously kinky and sexual, but in fact it’s taken from a mainstream exhibition running at the Victoria & Albert Museum – ‘Shoes: Pleasure & Pain‘. There’s a good article on it over at the Guardian, which talks about the history of shoes, and how they’ve been intertwined with culture, fashion, sex and fetishism. This particularly bit made me smile…
For a few decades in the middle of the 17th century, there was a fashion for ladies’ indoor shoes to come attached to a flat panel, which joined the bottom of the high heel to the toe. Not only did this lift the wearer above imaginary dirt and clod-hopping Puritans, it also provided a satisfying sound as the shoe made contact with the floor. Soon that flat-footed slap, which could be heard several beats before the wearer entered the room, became the mark of real lady.
I don’t particularly fetishize footwear, but I can still appreciate the the click of a heel and the sound of a strutting boot on a hard floor. It’s a pretty effective mood setter, particularly when someone is tied down and can’t easily turn to see what’s happening. I often find myself smiling at the cliche of it, but enjoying it all the same.
This rather beautiful drawing is from the Croquis Nocturne tumblr. From the posts on the tumblr I’d guess that the artist is also the tumblr owner. Worth checking out if you appreciate this image.
Kinky Cookery
Regular readers may be aware that three things I love are food, drink and kink. Typically it’s the first two that go naturally together, but I was very happy to stumble across a blog that combines the first with the last. It’s written by a Mistress Blunt who describes herself as ‘a photographer, a writer, a dominatrix and a hedonist, somewhere wherein lies my love for food.’ As you’d expect with those interests, the blog features some great kinky photographs and interesting recipes. You can also read an interview with her on the topic of food and kink at the munchies site.
The above image features Miss Marie Pearl and is taken from a post on a tossed salad recipe.
Arched chair
I’m traveling again. This time I’m taking a long weekend vacation down in San Francisco. Kinky play, good food and fine wine will be featured heavily. Blog posts may be interspersed between those three.
For an image I’m featuring Selina Minx enjoying two of my three favorite vacation activities. I can only wish I was this flexible. Some people cringe at images of piercing, or heavy whipping or claustrophobic bondage. For me, I cringe at shots like this that involve awkward angles and pressure on the lower back. I guess that’s a sign of getting older.
I found this on Selina Minx’s tumblr.
Tabloid nonsense
The past week has seen the tabloid news sites posting numerous articles on Alissa Afonina. She’s a young woman who was recently awarded $1.5M in damages after being badly injured in a car accident in 2008. The reason for all the tabloid interest was that the accident resulted in a brain injury that led to changes in her social and sexual behavior, and in recent years she has earned a living working as a dominatrix. Or, to put it in the most tabloid way possible, courtesy of the Daily Mail – “Star student, 23, wins $1.5m after car crash brain trauma turned her into an impulsive sex-mad dominatrix”.
I wasn’t planning to feature the story at all. All the articles seemed like sensationalist nonsense, designed to sell page views, titillate readers and ignore the serious elements of the story. However, Jezebel put together an interview that I think is worth linking to. I can’t say I like the headline for it, but it’s a well done interview that actually digs into the pertinent issues and treats Alissa as a person rather than a story to be packaged and sold. She comes across as an intelligent and impressive person who has dealt well with a very difficult situation.
She works under the name Sasha Mizaree. You can visit her professional site, her clip store, her twitter feed or her tumblr. If you’re in the Vancouver area you can arrange in person sessions via her main site.
Blogocalypse cancelled (for the moment)
Google has thankfully reversed course on their plan to eliminate all blogs featuring sexually explicit material. Bacchus does some detailed parsing of the retraction in posts here and here. I’m happy to see that some of my favorite blogs will be sticking around, but the bottom line remains the same. If you’re an adult blog on Google’s blogger, you’re on borrowed time. Move now or resign yourself to living with a digital Sword of Damocles.
It’s tempting to assign malicious intent in these situations, but I suspect it’s just another example of the the dynamics that exist in big tech companies when it comes to sexual material. To make good decisions you need data and debate. You need people to argue both sides of the discussion and play out scenarios based on the data. It’s no doubt easy for engineers to figure the cost of hosting lots of images, to determine the fraction of adult blogs and to point at sites using blogger as free hosting for advertising commercial porn sites. What’s needed on the other side is for people to dig into adult sites and point out their social value. Unfortunately it’s tough for the average tech person to stand up in a conference room and defend porn and explicit sexual material in front of their coworkers. Who wants to be the person telling their boss that the change might save the company millions of dollars, but it’s really important that Servitor’s femdom captions are shared with the world? I can just imagine the scene – “Yes, I know they’re pretty twisted. I’m sorry that castration one made you uncomfortable. And yes, I know Julie mentioned something about contacting HR after the meeting. And OK, so all the photographs are unlicensed. But dammit, it’s our ethical duty to publish them. It’s what our shareholders would want us to do.”
I’m being deliberately facetious, but I think it highlights the dynamics at play. That said, I think if you choose to work on an open blogging platform, you should be able to engage in these kind of arguments (although probably not in that exact form). If you’re not happy supporting forms of expression about subjects you’re not comfortable with, working with bloggers is not for you. Unfortunately the hiring processes for teams within large companies don’t filter all that well for that kind of criteria.
I had no idea what image I should feature with this post, so here’s something generally femdom-y and hot. It was featured on hmp’s blog, one of those that was in the firing line for closure.
I should add that I’ve absolute zero insider knowledge into Google’s decision making process on blogger. I’m just going by my knowledge of the dynamics of big tech companies. For all I know, they might decide everything by games of pin the tail on the intern. Or by having Sergey Brin throwing lawn darts into an organization chart after doing a dozen shots of Jägermeister. Either of those would at least account for Google+.