Believe it or not, this post was actually inspired by my previous one on Underling’s artwork. Whilst there might not seem much of a connection between spanking art and intense CBT, his blog is called Underling’s Humblings, and that got me thinking about the other type of humbling frequently seen in a femdom context. As I haven’t posted many humbler pictures to date, this seemed like an opportune time for one.
This is a particularly nasty variation on the standard humbler, as it not only has the cross bar that pulls the testicles back, but also a vice-like component for crushing them. They’re already looking pretty red, and she hasn’t really started tightening the vice yet. Here’s a second shot from another angle that shows it in a little more detail. I’m not sure where the rope goes, but if it is attached to his hands via an overhead pulley, and she’s forcing him to slowly straighten up, then it’s an even more wonderfully sadistic set-up than it appears at first glance.
I’m afraid I don’t know the source of this image, but I recognize the domme as a Simone Kross. She’s a pro-domme working out of Nashville (having just moved from LA) and has been featured on this blog in the past. I’m not sure whether to be proud of the fact I recognized her immediately, or slightly concerned about what that implies about the amount of femdom material stuffed into my brain.