A small fraction of femdom images on tumblr are really great. Most are ‘meh’. A few are WTF! This would be one in the latter category.
Firstly, what’s with the pink theme? She has pink shoes, a pink dress and a pink whip. Even the band-aid on her knee looks pink. Color coordination is one thing, but color coordinating your medicine cabinet is a bit much. Also what’s with the weird beanbag type chair in the corner? And why is there a big pink dildo next to the television? Who thought that fireplace was a good idea? What kind of drugs was the interior designer on? And how did that money end up on the floor?
The lady in question is clearly a very attractive one. Judging by the whip marks she can also hand out a good beating. I’m just puzzled at everything else that’s going on in this Men Are Slaves shot.