Looking Back

After a decade of blogging I thought it might be interesting to look back and see what has changed.

The obvious answer is that there are a lot less bloggers. I love and appreciate the people on my blogroll, but social media has sucked in a lot of people’s attention and creative output. That in turn has created some interesting knock on effects. When I started blogging I posted and linked to a lot of debates around femdom. They were centered on topics like the invisibility of the domme  in society, the negative perception of submissives, the distorting effect of professional dominance, cliches in femdom porn, etc. Sadly, I’m not sure we’ve improved from a cultural perspective in those areas, but there is less writing about those issues. I think the angst about it has moved to social media and that’s a far more ephemeral medium. It’s hard to capture a serious debate in 240 characters or less, particularly when they’re randomly mashed into a stream of thoughts from dozens of other people.

Another change has been a reduction in curated image and artwork sites. Artists and their fans used to create dedicated sites to collect artwork. Kinky porn companies used to shoot a lot of still imagery and publish galleries from scenes. Now most artists and fans publish via social media and kinky porn tends to focus on video only clips. For someone like myself, with a minor fetish for archiving and collating material, it’s somewhat frustrating. I’ve been less compelled to update my resource links, because there is less ‘permanent’ content to link to.

When I started blogging it felt like the dominant model of the internet was a library that anyone could donate a book to. Now it feels more like a big party house with endlessly swirling conversations, a lot of which feature bad faith actors and paid for guests. Much as I enjoy things like Twitter and Reddit, it doesn’t feel like a healthy change. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and yell at some kids to get off my lawn.

Birthday celebrations should usually be accompanied by cake, so here’s Lucy SweetKill serving one up. I’m not sure this approach is one Emily Post would recommend, but it works for me. Fittingly enough, given the contents of this post, I found this on twitter, via Lucy’s feed. It was photographed by JCPhotoMedia.

Gloves for the Last Time

I swear this is my last glove themed post. At least for the moment. I thought I was actually done yesterday, but then an odd thought struck me.

Gloves are not a prominent fetish. The greatest hits of femdom clothing fetishes are things like boots, heels, stockings and corsets. Gloves don’t even have their own special fetish name. There is a Wikipedia article on it, but while super obscure fetishes like crying (dacryphilia) and amputation (acrotomophilia) have specific names, gloves are just gloves. It’s rare you see a kinkster posting about a love of gloves, where shoes and stockings show up all the time.

Yet when I hunted through my archives for interesting photographs to use, I had a multitude of options. That is not normal. I like post photographs to relate to my text and finding something appropriate often takes a lot of hunting around.  I frequently spend longer trying to find a suitable image than I do writing the post. With gloves I could written a dozen posts and not run out of material. They seem to be one of those things that are really popular, without anyone actually being aware just how popular they are.

My final long glove post image  is from douzocosplay. It’s a cosplay of Ally from Sunstone. You can find more from the artist at her Deviant Art site.

Size Matters

Why are longer gloves sexier than shorter ones? It’s thoughts like this that keep me up at night.

Obviously they emphasize more the shape of the arm, but is the forearm really a super sexy body part? It’s not quite the same as a leg being emphasized by a long boot. Long medical gloves like these imply things are going to be particularly messy, which is hot. But long opera style gloves are also sexy and they’re very much not PPE equipment. It’s a puzzle.

This beautiful image is from the twitter feed of Mistress Euryale, a Hong Kong based pro-domme. You can find the original fullsize version and another shot from the same scene in her original tweet. Mistress Euryale also regularly visits Paris, so if you’re near either there or Hong Kong and would like to meet her, then check out her professional site.


I love the fact that after many years of immersion in kinky culture I can still stumble upon new things. For example, I give you the kink of dronification, which is totally new to me. In hindsight it seems like an obvious combination. Obedience, latex, objectification, submission and hypnosis are all hot button kinky topics. Why wouldn’t people put them together? The hive dynamic, with it’s singular queen and mindlessly obedient worker drones, is ripe for twisting in this way. Plus, its masks and visors make it totally suited to a world of coronavirus.

This image from Reflective Desire isn’t strictly a dronification image, but it has a lot of the elements. There’s latex, objectification, submission and all sorts of fun stuff going on.

If you like this image I’d urge you to check out the Reflective Desire site. They have a ton of great content like this.


It’s funny how fast social conventions can change when they’re pushed hard. When I first started seeing people wearing masks in response to the coronavirus I thought they were being excessively cautious. Now when I see someone without one in a grocery store or busy urban space I think they’re being a selfish asshole and trying to kill me. It makes me think of the George Carlin quote about driving “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?”

Incredibly the US has somehow managed to suck masks into their endless culture wars. You’d think reducing the risk of death via a horrible virus would be relatively non-controversial, but apparently not. If only everyone looked as good in a mask as Mistress Alice does then I’m guessing it’d be a different story. This particular mask is a latex one from Rubber Dutch.

You can see more images from this shoot in this tweet.  Details of other Rubber Dutch products are available on their website. Mistress Alice’s professional site is here.

Playing Again

This twitter thread, started by Troy Orleans, has some excellent information on how kinky play could begin again in a Covid-19 world. It’s primarily thoughts from professionals, but I think there’s some equally valid advice for anyone playing beyond their circle of quarantine.

I personally think it’d be really weird to play in masks. I understand how they’re valuable for casual interactions in coffee shops or grocery stores. Not really sure what they’d offer in the intimate circumstances of a kinky scene. Although obviously I’m not a medical professional and I have a significant natural bias, as face to face interaction is a big part of my preferred dynamic.

Of course, necessity is the mother of invention. Maybe heavy medical scenes are going to be the kink of choice for the risk aware 2020 kinkster. Or fetish heavy outfits and masks, like the gorgeous shot below from Reflective Desire.

I found this image via this tweet from the Reflective Desire twitter feed. The image was shot back in 2019.


I went for a drive today. There’s only so long I can stand staring at the same view. I figured if I could combine a grocery run with a spin around Lake Washington it’d count for practical and mental health purposes. Plus, I was  socially distancing myself from people very effectively at many mph.

The image below is Natalie Mars, looking particularly fabulous in a shiny latex catsuit and with her own bike. There’s something very sexy about a woman on a motorcycle, particularly a fast sports bike like this one. It’s a heady blend of power, control and risk. A modern car coddles its driver, automating almost everything. In contrast, there’s no hiding on a bike. It’s the rider versus the world.

Image is from this tweet, photographed by Tom Moore.

Home Alone Again

I’m back in Seattle. Safe and sound, as far as I can tell. Several weeks of staying at home, cooking lots of food for myself and drinking wine lie ahead. So basically, business as usual. It was weird being on vacation and hearing from all my friends getting stressed about social isolation and quarantine in Seattle. It was like preparing for a particular race your whole life, and then discovering they decided to start it while you were out of town. The one time my normal introverted lifestyle would have been useful, and I was hanging out in airport departure lounges.

Before I left San Francisco I was fortunate enough to do a couple of great sessions with Penny Barber. I’ve written here in the past about my approach of doing a variety of different sessions when I travel, and this trip further proved the wisdom of that. Although the activities we explored were  ones I’ve done many times before, Penny’s style was very unique and fun, with a beautiful blend of sadism/sensuality, tease/denial and caring/cruelty. She did a wonderful job of pushing my buttons around kinky contrasts. Add in some excellently executed roleplay (or her part) and a well equipped playspace to explore it in, and you’ve got the recipe for a great way to spend an afternoon while the world outside falls apart.

One new experience for me was doing a golden shower in a full and warm bathtub. I’ve done plenty of showers on the floor of cold bathrooms and empty tubs, but none where I’m lying back and relaxing in the warmth of a proper bath. It’s actually a brilliant approach by Penny. Golden showers might start off as hot (all in senses of the word), but quickly get very chilly and damp. Doing it in a hot bath totally solves that problem. Plus, cleaning up afterwards is quick and easy . Genius!

This rather stunning selfie was taken by Penny just before our first session together and posted to her twitter feed. If you’re interested in doing in person sessions with her, then this is her professional site.

Penny also creates a lot of movies with some pretty kinky and taboo themes (e.g. ageplay, incest, ABDL, mommy domme, etc.) . If that sounds like you’re kind of thing, then she has a clips store here, an OnlyFans site here and a media site here. Or just follow her twitter feed, which feature links to a lot of her content.

Anthony Vaccarello

Whenever I see a fashion editor going on about a ‘dominatrix look’ I brace myself for disappointment. It normally means one of the models wore a pair of boots or – even worse – a leather choker. However, I have to admit that this papermag article on the 2020 Saint Laurent collection by designer Anthony Vaccarello doesn’t get it wrong. It’s a pretty hot and kinky collection, with some serious dominatrix vibes. I particularly like the combination of pussybow blouses with shiny latex pants as shown in this linked image. That’s fetish meets old fashioned schoolmistress, a particularly fab combo in my eyes. I also love the latex dress in the image below. Impractical no doubt, but beautiful and sensual.

Black, White and Leashed

This fabulous image comes courtesy of Mistress Lucy SweetKill via this tweet. It’s a common trick to convert explicit shots to black and white in order to make them look more ‘arty’, but this has clearly been constructed from the start with a monochrome palette in mind. The elegant simplicity of the outfits paired with the blank but shaded background work beautifully. 

I particularly like the contrast between their universal body language and the extremism of the appearance. A dog walker’s attention being caught by something while the dog pulls ahead on it’s leash is a common sight on city streets. Deploying that body language here makes an otherwise stark and fetishistic scene so much more human and relatable.