Gloves for the Last Time

I swear this is my last glove themed post. At least for the moment. I thought I was actually done yesterday, but then an odd thought struck me.

Gloves are not a prominent fetish. The greatest hits of femdom clothing fetishes are things like boots, heels, stockings and corsets. Gloves don’t even have their own special fetish name. There is a Wikipedia article on it, but while super obscure fetishes like crying (dacryphilia) and amputation (acrotomophilia) have specific names, gloves are just gloves. It’s rare you see a kinkster posting about a love of gloves, where shoes and stockings show up all the time.

Yet when I hunted through my archives for interesting photographs to use, I had a multitude of options. That is not normal. I like post photographs to relate to my text and finding something appropriate often takes a lot of hunting around.  I frequently spend longer trying to find a suitable image than I do writing the post. With gloves I could written a dozen posts and not run out of material. They seem to be one of those things that are really popular, without anyone actually being aware just how popular they are.

My final long glove post image  is from douzocosplay. It’s a cosplay of Ally from Sunstone. You can find more from the artist at her Deviant Art site.

Bark, Bark

This @redditships post looks like another example – like my previous post – of a mismatch in kinky desires. The guy seems to have a puppy kink going on, which his girlfriend doesn’t know how to handle. It’s easy to say she should invest in a collar, leash and muzzle, along with some intensive obedience training, but that’s not exactly what she signed up for.

I suspect they’d have a better chance of making things work if he at least came clean about it. Then it’s a discussion and a possible negotiation, rather than weird passive aggressive doggy behavior. Nobody likes having their leg humped non-consensually.

This artwork is by the artist Ikelag. Be cautious if you look up more of his work. I did a quick search before posting this and discovered that it’s mostly not femdom and often seems to depict people younger than I’d ever be comfortable featuring here. I found this via an old femdom tumblr and liked this particular piece too much not to use it.

Howl at the Moon

This NYTimes article on wolf-kink erotica and copyright battles is nothing to do with femdom, but too fun not to share. I love stumbling on these odd kinky niches that people are incredibly passionate about. It’s like exploring an ancient underground lake. There’s a small innocuous looking entrance hole on the surface but when you drop through there’s this huge complex space with all sorts of weird evolution happening in the depths.

I did search for wolf themed femdom images but, while it might be popular in the printed word, it’s not a major porn theme. Instead here’s the domesticated equivalent. I do like the fact she’s letting him crawl on the grass rather than the stony path. He must have been a good doggy.

Once again the image search engines have failed me on this one. I don’t recognize the domme or the location. If anyone can help me attribute it, feel free to leave a comment.

Strange Choices

Mercy, Maria! has done a highly scientific survey (AKA twitter poll) and discovered that 75% of penis-enjoying dommes also like PIV sex. This survey is of course targeting the tired and stupid cliche that dommes should never has sex with their submissives as that’s not a dominant thing to do. That 75% number doesn’t surprise me, as I’ve been onboard this particular train for many years. For example, in this series of posts here, here and here. Dominance flows from the dynamic and attitude of those involved, not the activities they do.

However, the survey did get me thinking about some of the sessions I’ve done in the last year. Not, I hasten to add, because they involve any PIV activity. There’s no sex in the champagne room or the pro-domme dungeon, but there can be a lot of tease and denial in both, which I personally love. It’s that sense of being so close and yet so far from satisfaction, riding along that fine edge of frustration. I’m normally reduced to an incoherent endorphin crazed mess when a domme rubs against me, whispers into my ear how hot, wet and tight she is, how close to her pussy I am, and then laughingly beats my dick down with the nearest implement to hand.

The idea of having sex being a turn on is probably not going to be earth shattering news to anyone. Yet the thing is, if I wanted to actually put my P into someone’s V, I could arrange that. I could easily book a fun and attractive escort rather than a pro-domme. I could even go really nuts and do that thing people do with the coffee and the dinner and the conversation … you know .. something beginning with D. Dancing? Dillydallying? Dating! That’s it. Yet somehow I choose to play with someone who’ll never have sex with me, yet at the same time uses the idea of it against me, to arouse me and then hurt me.

This artwork is by fruit succubus via this tweet. They have a DeviantArt account here and will accept commissions.

Snow and the 7 Submissives

This fairy tale is brought to you by the artist Ludwig Van Bacon. I think he does a great job of translating the various personalities while adding a kinky slant. I particularly like Grumpy, with his butt plug tail. The nipple tape crosses are an interesting if odd touch. Gimp suits, leashes and chastity devices are fine, but nipples must be covered?

You can see and buy more from the artist at his site and twitter feed.

Shy Puppy

The man on the end of the leash is unsurprisingly depicted as blushing in this scene. What’s slightly stranger is that, if you look closely, the artist has also given the woman holding the leash a touch of blush. That’s an unusual slant on a public humiliation scene. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a situation where both the dominant and the submissive are supposed to be embarrassed about what’s going on. Is she a switch who is pulling off both roles simultaneously? If so, that’s some inception level kink.

I’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for this artwork. There’s a hint of a signature at the bottom left, but I can’t make it out.

Puppy Dog Eyes

I’ve remarked before that a strong love of animals seems to be a common trait among pro-dommes. I suspect it’s actually a common trait for sex workers in general, but my personal experience obviously skews towards dommes.

It’s therefore a smart move for the submissive here – who I think is Deviant Kade – to deploy the puppy dog eyes in a search for sympathy. It doesn’t appear to be working all that well, but you’ve got to give him full marks for the effort.

This is obviously from the Captive Male site.


Continuing the vintage theme, here is what looks like an early example of public humiliation and/or puppy play. I say ‘looks like’, because it turns out that this isn’t a D/s or porn shot, but is in fact Art. I originally guessed it was a domme in 60’s London, but it was actually shot in Vienna in 1968 as a piece called “From the Portfolio of Doggishness.” Clearly I don’t have to explain to my highly educated readers what makes this art rather than a couple of kinksters screwing with the locals for giggles, as I’m sure it’s self-evident.

The woman holding the leash is Valie Export and I have to say I do like her slightly disinterested pose and expression here. I would say it’s hot, but that obviously wouldn’t be appropriate for a serious artistic piece of this nature. 

As a slightly random observation, I do think it’s funny that the image of Lucy SweetKill I featured recently appears to capture the idea of Doggishness far more accurately than this image does. Almost all dogs are way more enthusiastic about going for a walk than the man (Peter Weibel) is here.

Black, White and Leashed

This fabulous image comes courtesy of Mistress Lucy SweetKill via this tweet. It’s a common trick to convert explicit shots to black and white in order to make them look more ‘arty’, but this has clearly been constructed from the start with a monochrome palette in mind. The elegant simplicity of the outfits paired with the blank but shaded background work beautifully. 

I particularly like the contrast between their universal body language and the extremism of the appearance. A dog walker’s attention being caught by something while the dog pulls ahead on it’s leash is a common sight on city streets. Deploying that body language here makes an otherwise stark and fetishistic scene so much more human and relatable.