Zippering with Lady Lydia

Last week I was lucky enough to spend a couple of hours doing some zippering with Lady Lydia. As I mentioned in this post from the night itself, I had a wonderful time and it has jumped high on my list of interesting activities to do. For the uninitiated zippering uses clothespins (or somethings similar) in combination with some thin cord. As the clips are attached the cord is passed through them, connecting them as a single continuous line. Then a swift pull of the end of the cord rips them painfully away from the skin.

I have to admit to going into the session with a little bit of blasé attitude. I’ve had clothespins attached in the past and haven’t found them all that painful. I normally need something with a sharper narrower jaw to get my attention. However, it turns out that having lots of them attached very close together does hurt. And having them quickly ripped away really hurts. It almost reminded me a little of a caning. There’s the moment of shock, where you feel the sensation but not the pain. Just the briefest of pauses. Then the pain strikes like a sharp hot line across the body. A line that in my case was then made worse by Lydia squeezing and pinching the vivid red marks left behind.

Another surprisingly enjoyable aspect was the rhythm of the session. There’s a slow-build up as each clip is put into place. It’s like being decorated, with an associated sense of objectification. Then comes the moment of tension. The little tugs on the cord. The smile as she teases, watching me shift nervously as the anticipation builds. Finally, the sudden jerk and the snapping jaws as they pop free of flesh. The pain hits and there’s that moment where everything in the world is about that sensation. The brain can’t process anything other than the nerves that are screaming at it. The whole sequence is a wonderful combination of slowly building tension and sharp punctuating pain.

The first shot on the left (click to enlarge) was taken at the end of the first half of the session. We were using Lydia’s St. Georges chair and she’d already done a number of zipper lines across different parts of the body. The one shown was probably the biggest and the most painful, running all the way from under the arm to the outer hip. Although there are a number of clips on the cock Lydia (thankfully) didn’t zipper those. Too much danger of ripping the skin there.

The other two shots show a little bit of zippering bondage we did towards the end of the session. I was on a tilted padded leather table, and Lydia arranged the clips and cord across both my arms, chest and belly. The end result was that any movement of my arms tugged painfully against my torso, leaving Lydia free to tickle, tease and generally torment me.

A couple of hours after the session I shot some pictures of the resulting bruises. In these you can see my chest area, my left side and my right side.

ZipperingZipper bondageZipper Bondage

For anyone tempted to try this stye of play, I’d offer the following tips.
  1. If the submissive is skinny like me then adopt a position that’ll give some slack in the skin. Seated worked well for us. Being stretched taut, either horizontally or vertically, can make it too easy for the clips to pop free ahead of time.
  2. The placement of the clips really makes a difference to the pain level. Down the sides of the torso isn’t too bad. Across chest where the skin is thinner hurts a little more. Across the belly is surprisingly painful, and almost a little nausea inducing (although that soon passed for me). Down the inside of the thigh is the most painful spot of all (at least of what we tried).
  3. Once the clips are in place don’t be in too much of a hurry to pull them off. The top can create some really interesting sensations by pushing and stretching the skin with their hands. That also has a very strong psychological effect, as the close contact is both simultaneously comforting and painful.
  4. Tickling when the clips are in place is a particularly sadistic thing to do. It creates a bunch of involuntary movement that stretches the skin and makes the clips wriggle in place.
  5. Ripping only part of the clips away is another very sadistic trick. This happened with the diagonal zipper shown on the left. The submissive gets a big blast of pain, and then just as they recover from that, there’s the rapidly dawning realization that isn’t over yet and more is about to come.


Waiting for a customer

There’s a niche porn genre that focuses on men being turned into feminized depersonalized sex toys. Bruce Baker tends to specialize in that kind of art, and I’ve featured other illustrations of it in the past, for example here and here. Normally the art in this area tends to be fairly explicit, with lots of whimpering sissys, cruel dommes and big macho bulls.

This image therefore makes for an interesting contrast to that norm. It struck me as being quite clever. The room is depicted as being very ordinary, and yet there’s the ominous locking bars across the door and a complete lack of furniture. The feminized toy isn’t reacting with horror to her new appearance, or being brutally buggered by a bull, s/he’s just drinking a coffee and reading the only printed material they’ve left for her. It seems kind of ludicrous to describe such an over-the-top idea as ‘realistic’, particularly given her sex doll mask and large jutting cock, but the artist has managed to impart a disturbing sense of normality to the scene. She’s just killing time, waiting to be summoned for her next customer.

It put me in mind of an old DX story called the ‘Perfect Bride’. It doesn’t look like there’s a live copy online these days, but using my mad porn tracking skills, I found a version using the way back machine.

Sex ToyI believe the artist is called Tink. I’ve several examples of his work, but I’ve failed to track down any details about him or a homepage for his renderings. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any information on him I can add.

Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

I recently watched Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist. It’s a documentary detailing Bob’s life as a writer, performance artist and sexual submissive masochist. What made him particularly extraordinary was that he suffered from cystic fibrosis, a disease that normally kills people before they reach their mid 20’s. He died age 43, making him one of the worlds longest lived suffers from it.

If you’ve never seen it I’d urge you to rush out and get a copy. I thought it was an extraordinarily moving film. I’m not ashamed to say I cried a little at the end. I also think it captures some aspects of masochism, submission and D/s better than any other film I’ve seen. Using a fairly standard documentary format, cutting interviews of friends and family into home movie footage, it paints a very frank and honest picture of his life with his partner and mistress Sheree Rose.

This is actually the second time I’ve seen the film. I first saw it over 10 years ago, before I’d gotten physically involved in BDSM, and I remember being fairly horrified at some of the SM activities they did. Now I look at the footage and think “Yes, done that. Loved that. Oh play piercing, that’s fun. Drinking piss, done that…..” I’ve never actually nailed my cock to a board as Bob does at one point in the film, but my sense of ‘normal’ has clearly shifted.

There’s some attempt in the film, particularly by his parents, to tie his early childhood experiences with his illness to his kinkiness. I understand that desire to look for a cause and effect, but it seems to be misplaced. The vast majority of kinky guys don’t have major childhood trauma and medical procedures. I think he was someone with cystic fibrosis who happened to be kinky. The one clearly influences the other, but it seems misplaced to think of it as a cause.

Two quotes really stuck with me. The first from Bob was near the start of the movie. The second is from Sheree and was towards the end when he was getting very sick.

People don’t think of the masochist as being a strong person. The stereotype that the masochist is sniveling and weak is actually not true. The masochist has to know his or her own body perfectly well and be in full control of their body, in order to give control to somebody else or to give control to pain. So the masochist is actually a very strong person.
Bob Flanagan

I don’t even think he’s a masochist anymore. I think life has beaten him down too much. The pain he lives with every day is so intense that there isn’t any other kind of pain that he can even think about right now.
Sheree Rose

I certainly agree with the first quote, and I think the second helps emphasize the same point. Being a masochist (or submissive) doesn’t mean being a needy person or someone who has no control over their life. You need control and a strong sense of self in order to successfully gift that to another. By the end he’d lost that, the disease was taking over and he could no longer give away power. His body and its sickness had already stolen it.

Bob FlanaganThe movie is available on DVD from amazon. You can read Roger Ebert’s review of it here.

Update: Scott of Mrs Kelly’s Playhouse was actually friends with Bob in the early 90’s. He’s left a lengthy comment on this post describing some of his memories of Bob. My thanks to Scott for that additional information.

All sorts of good stuff

A quick post tonight. Having fun in Vegas is not particularly conducive to writing thoughtful and intelligent blog posts. Some might argue I struggle to achieve that under the best circumstances, let alone after much food and wine.

Fortunately this image contains all sorts of good stuff that speaks for itself. There’s a cute cross-dresser. I particularly like her flowing curly hair. There’s an interesting CBT humbler device. And finally there’s the predicament bondage involving high heels. I’ve no idea what the context for this shot is, but I like it.

Cross dressing with humblerI found this image at the Curious Asian tumblr site.

I know why the caged slave sings

It’s because someone is shocking his genitals with an ErosTek unit.

Readers will be happy to know that this is the last of my “What I did on my holidays” posts. That was always the first school essay assigned for the fall term when I was child. In those days it always ended up being about sandcastles and ice-cream on the beach. These days it’s more about whips, electroshock and being pissed on. But I guess spanking and screaming are still common elements, so not everything has changed.

The shots below were taken during my double domme session with Mistress Yuki and Mistress Ai-Li. The quality isn’t great, as they were snapped quickly with an iPhone mid-session, but given then inventive nature of the set-up I thought it was worth sharing (click images to enlarge).

Our session space had a narrow free standing cage I was told to climb into. Once the door was locked they started attaching vicious little clips all over my body and tying them off to the cage bars. Very quickly they built up a web of tense twine and painful clamps. The last image on the right shows a good close-up of that. With dozens of clips pulling tightly in all directions it made any slight movement very painful. Swaying forward to reduce the strain on the nipples and cock would pull the clips attached my back and lower legs, and vice-versa. Of course that’s when the ErosTek unit and its remote control fob came into play. It’s quite hard to stand still when your genitals are being shocked with a very large number of volts. And amazingly that wasn’t the worst part. Standing still while Mistress Yuki zapped my cock was tricky, standing still while Mistress Ai-Li tickled the sides of my feet was impossible. That was a sneaky trick and resulted in much screaming.

Caged with clips and electrostim Caged with clips and electrostim Clips on chest

The Femme Bot

This is a nice combination of bondage, sensory deprivation and forced feminization. The female body reminds me a little of the femme bot from the movie Mars Attacks! And I particulary like the silhouetted figure in the control room. The artist has managed to pack a lot of expressive emotion into her outline.

Forced FeminizationI’m afraid I don’t know the artist so, as usual, feel free to leave a comment if you can help with a correct attribution. I found on the snail meilk image board.

A better use of chains

After my comments in the last post about the chain top, I stumbled across this far better use of chains. Those are some pretty solid links and shackles and, while I like the pose, it doesn’t look like a particularly comfortable one to be in for any length of time.

I have to admit to possessing a very high degree of naïveté about bondage in my early years of kink. Which is to say, back in the years where I browsed and watched, but never participated. My first naïve assumption was that bondage was all about restraint and control, and not about pain. Of course in reality, bondage is an incredibly effective way to inflict pain. It works for creating everything from a slow building suffering to an almost immediate screaming agony. Some rope and an inventive top are all that’s needed to satisfy both my submissive and masochistic side for many hours.

My second naïve assumption was that bondage was easy. I’m ashamed to say I assumed that ‘bondage model’ meant someone prepared to be tied up and photographed. Not someone who had a particular BDSM skill set. Sure, when I saw images like this one, or this one, I might have acknowledged that some poses might take perhaps a few hours practice to really master. But for the more standard stuff – (Jeremy Clarkson voice) – how hard could it be? Fortunately I’m now a little wiser. A really satisfying and lengthy bondage scene takes significant skill on the part of the top, and a fair degree of physical and physiological stamina on behalf of the bottom. And that’s just for a private play session. Add in a photographer, lighting and the need to deliver dozens of high quality images that you can charge for, and you’re looking at some real kinky mojo on all sides.

Male submissive in chain bondageI found this image on the Bi Happy tumblr site.

Natasha Gornik

I’ve spent the last hour or so browsing the blog and portfolio of the photographer Natasha Gornik. She appears to be the photographer of choice for a lot of pro-dommes, particularly those based in New York. I recognized shots she’s done of Mona Rogers, Mistress Sade, Mistress Alex and Ms Oliva Black amongst others on her site. She’s created a beautiful collection of work, extending far beyond the boundaries of simple fetish and glamor shots.

The image below was taken from her blog, and it caught my eye for the many different layers of restriction it depicts. There’s what looks like a zentai style suit, a metal head cage with chain, a web of white rope, and finally a large solid metal cage. I’m not sure if that level of bondage would be either comforting or claustrophobic, but I do enjoy this shot of it all in place. The rope work was by Ms Yin Q of glint studios, and Natasha comments on the scene as follows…

for one scene, Yin had her subject in a cage and intricately tied him up with white rope. she did a beautiful job. it was very quiet in the room and you could hear the sound of the rope rubbing against itself and the floor. i’ve always found this process so cathartic. i would watch it often when i was shooting bondage videos. it usually takes a while, and it was nice to zone out and watch the domme make these beautiful designs and listen to the sounds of the rope. i wouldn’t even have the camera on, but i would stare through the viewfinder and just watch. it has a poetic-ness about it.

Natasha Gornik shot of Ms Yin Q bondage

Buckles and Pegs

This looks like a very intense but interesting predicament to be in. I always find there’s some pleasantly objectifying about using lots of buckles and straps. Rope bondage can often be relaxing and comforting, the rope hugging the body and creating a sense of security. But using straps seems much more business like. A quick and efficient way to completely immobilize the thing in question. Rope bondage can seem like an end in itself. But when you strap someone down it’s because you really don’t want them moving for what’s about to happen next. In this particular case, it looks like a lot of creative placement of clothes pegs and a big metal sound was what happened next.

Buckles And PegsI’m afraid I’ve no attribution for this image.


This looks like a fun piece of equipment. I’m imagining being forced to stand on tip-toes, keeping the tendons and muscles taut, whilst being caned on the back of the legs. The mistress would take it slowly, circling me with the cane in her hand, waiting till fatigue started to set in, waiting till she could see faint tremors rippling down the back of the legs, then ‘whack!’. A sharp red horizontal line joins its companions. That would surely be both an ‘Mmmmm’ and an ‘Arrrghh’ moment.

Cock and ball pilloryIt’s available from the eXtreme Restraints site.