Fun with Feet

This’ll be a short post. I flew back to Seattle tonight after a very enjoyably but tiring weekend in Vegas. Unpacking awaits. In the meantime, I’ll keep the feet theme going from the last post. I don’t feature a lot of foot fetish stuff, as it’s not my kink, and it’s hard to find broadly appealing shots. Endless close-ups of high heels and men licking them get kind of dull. The shot below caught my eye for it’s playfulness.

I believe this is from a mainstream Brazilian series called A Regra do Jogo (English: Rules of The Game). From a Google translation: Giovanna Antonelli has invaded Alexander Nero’s party and demanded he be her sexual slave. Sounds fair to me.

Gaga and Maga

I was planning to write a third and final post on kink and VR tonight, but that’ll have to wait. I’m taking a timeout post to talk about the Grammy’s. I have exactly zero interest in the award show itself, but my eye was caught by two of the outfits on display. I think we actually had both sides of the kinky top/bottom divide represented.

Firstly, there was Lady Gaga in the outfit below. I can’t see a domme ever doing a scene in something like that, but it’s clearly inspired by all the dominatrix fashion cliches. Most of the time when the press reports someone was sporting a dominatrix look it just means they had black boots on, but Lady Gaga really went for it here. That’s a pretty full on fetish outfit.

On the other of the coin, there was Joy Villa sporting a Trump themed ‘Make America Great Again’ outfit. Now I know that might not look kinky, but keep in mind where she’s going. This is a show full of LA liberal showbiz types. The evening was predictably packed with jabs at Trump. So I have to say that’s a pretty masochistic thing to do. It’d be a bit like turning up at a PETA rally in Lady Gaga’s famous meat dress. You have to know you’ll be hated for doing it, so maybe that’s the thrill?

Twitter Tantrum

Amazingly, while I was posting yesterday about the kinky T-Mobile Ads, Verizon and T-Mobile were getting to a ridiculous twitter feud over them. It ended up getting covered in a whole bunch of places, for example here and here. Some people even got upset with Verizon’s line that “Unfortunately no one will hear your safe word if you’re on @Tmobile“. Personally I thought that was kind of funny. Not sure how you get offended by it.

There has been a lot of controversy in the US in recent years over rulings treating corporations as people. Perhaps those opposed to that have been going about it the wrong way. These corporations are acting like people – specifically petulant teenagers on social media. So they should be able to get involved in politics, but only with the allowance they earn from cutting the lawn and taking out our garbage. And if they don’t behave themselves, we’ll ground them and take away their twitter account.

I believe this is the model Elena Berkova enjoying some quality texting time.

Superb Owl

America had some kind of sporting event combined with a pop concert and a product fair on Sunday. Yes, it was once again time for the annual Superb Owl (as coined by Mr. Colbert).

I’m tempted to make a joke about the Falcons being big breathplay fans, given how much choking was involved, but that feels like it’d be a cheap shot. Instead I’ll focus on a couple of the more amusing advertisements. T-Mobile enlisted the excellent Kristen Schaal to spoof Fifty Shades of Grey with this initial ad and then this follow-up. I say it was a 50 SoG spoof, but frankly Kristen’s character seems way more into enjoying kink than any of the characters from that sad series.

Weirdly this isn’t the first time I’ve featured T-Mobile. A few years ago they had an ad with Carly Foulkes on a motorcycle that pushed mine and I’m sure a few other people’s buttons. Somebody in their marketing department clearly has a kinky streak.

I’ll leave you with a shot of a woman doing to a man what the Patriots just did to the Falcons.

I’m afraid I don’t know who shot this. I found it on the Femdom Times site.


One particular strand of femdom thinking that’s rarely featured here is Gynecocracy or Matriarchy. That’s not because I’m a big fan of the current patriarchy – and certainly not the very specific patriarch we find ourselves with at the moment. It’s because femdom with gynecocracy typically seems to fall into two camps: The silly and the annoying.

The silly one is the one written by men with one hand in their pants. It seems to assume that once women are in power, they’ll all want to spend an inordinate amount of time dressing in exciting leather outfits, brandishing whips and bossing naked men around. They might do horrible things to the men, but it’ll all be done in a sexily cruel kind of way. Castration may be required, but don’t worry, big buxom nurses in tight outfits will be handling the snip.

The annoying one is the version that simple asserts every household would be better off with a woman in charge. Apparently inside every woman is a domme waiting to get out and take charge. And if she seems unsure about that, it’s the mans job to explain it to her, and insist that she knows best. Or I guess insist that he knows best that she knows best. It all gets a bit recursive at that point.

Personally, I’m all for egalitarianism at a societal level, with local variations of power and control negotiated on a case by case basis. However, if you genuinely harbor Gynarchy fantasies, may I direct your attention to this post by a radical feminist on her version of a women led society. Sexy femdom fun it is not. At first glance it seems like a joke, but judging by the rest of the blog, I think it’s meant to be taken seriously. Kind of ironic that in a post that’s supposed to extol the virtue of female leadership, she puts forward an approach that makes Stalin or Hitler look like models of restrained and sensible governance. Fortunately, she wants to euthanize all the pornographers, so I guess I’ll be first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

I think this image represents something from the silly camp. It’s Olga Schoberova in the role of Ayesha ruler of Kuma from the Hammer movie ‘The Vengeance of She‘.

Thanks to this ErosBlog post for directing me to the radical feminist blog. Certainly made for some eye opening reading.


Something simple for fans of the CFNM genre today. This is actually from an advertising campaign for an anti-aging cream called Reversa. I tend to the belief that such things are snake oil with little to no scientific basis. Has there ever been a properly controlled test of such things? However, I do like this shot. It almost seems to argue against the product itself. Who cares about a few wrinkles if you can pull off this kind of poised elegance?

Pegging Mr Pool

I re-watched Deadpool tonight and suddenly realized there was a pegging scene in it. I must have been really drunk the first time I saw this movie, because that completely escaped me. There were even articles written about it and angry Christians complaining about it. Clearly I’m falling down on my job here when the angry religious types are beating me to the punch on this stuff.

It’s only a brief scene, and sadly Ryan Reynolds doesn’t seem to be too into it, but it’s still kind of amazing to see it in a mainstream superhero movie. If they’d put a similar scene in Batman versus Superman it could have turned the whole movie around.

The other element I liked was that his love interest (played by the lovely Morena Baccarin) is working as an escort when they first meet, and the movie doesn’t make a big deal out of it. They don’t feel the need to particularly address it or have her ‘saved’. They just segue into a sexy montage of the two of them screwing on different holidays, including International Women’s Day for the pegging scene. She’s smart, feisty and definitely no damsel in distress.

You can click through the image below to a tumblr hosted short animated gif of Morena adjusting her stap-on.

Zen and the art of spanking

Combining zen and spanking is apparently now a thing. At least according to this article. It was recently featured in the Taste of Love Festival, which describes the goal as…

…to create an awakening of energy in the base of the receiver and allow it to be ridden and flow through the body.

This actually resonates with me. I’m generally not a big hand spanking fan. I like my impact play to involve some canes or paddles in order to push my masochistic buttons. Regular hand spanking seems kind of playful and (dare I say it) a little vanilla. Yet there’s definitely an energy and rhythm to it that can be quite focusing. I can imagine combined with breath work and the right sense of flow it could be meditative.

This is Dana Kane helping a gentleman reach a more zen like state for the Dreams of Spanking site.


It’s not often you get to see a giant golden clitoris on the stage at the Sydney Opera House, but this blog can deliver the goods. I guess technically it was Amanda Palmer and Alli Sebastian Wolf who delivered the goods, the Guardian newspaper by proxy, and this blog by proxy of proxy. But whatever. All those who don’t read the Guardian or live in Sydney, you’re welcome.

The associated article has a number of interesting facts. The one that really caught my eye was that the clitoris ‘is the only part of the human body that never ages’. That seems suspect. I assume most ladies do no have a Tardis down their pants, so it’s not actually time travelling. Most clitori are probably the same age as their owners. I guess they mean it doesn’t decay with age. Although that seems suspect as well – how do you define decay? I can think of a fair number of body parts that keep working till you die. The clitoris does apparently grow over time, so if we’re looking for things that get bigger but keep working, my stomach would be another good candidate.

Anyway, quibbles aside, I love the idea of a giant glittering clitoris appearing on stage. More events should have that. You couldn’t have paid me to watch the inauguration on Friday, but if there’d been a giant glittery clitoris appearing behind the pussy grabbing pres, I might just have tuned in.

I’m afraid I’ve no source for this tongue on clitoris action.

Make America Golden Again

As I’ve written in the past, I try not to feature a lot of politics on this blog. However, when politics and kink collide, I figure people are playing on my turf and the story is fair game. If the major TV networks are going to talk about golden showers, then the least I can do is cover the story.

Anyone watching the news in the last day or so will know where this is heading – Donald Trump has been dealing with a rumor that he was filmed enjoying some hot and messy watersports action with a number of Russian escorts. The resulting media fallout has been spectacular. Some of my favorite coverage has been this NYMag article, this Vogue one featuring Mistress Darcy, Colbert’s cleverly innuendo packed bit and Samantha Bee’s more caustic take. Plus, of course the endless social media jokes like this or this or this.

Personally, I think the story, or at least the salacious bit of it, is probably bullshit. The description in the original memo seems kind of ridiculous. However, while it might not be a verified story, it’s definitely a really funny one. And given Trump’s propensity for making stories up and claiming them to be true, I have zero guilt in enjoying this one.

If it is true, I just hope the escorts followed the golden (ahem) rule of sex work and got the money up front. He doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to paying small independent contractors who do work for him. And if they were working for Russian intelligence, I don’t fancy their chances on filing an expense claim for it. That’d be a tough one to explain to the finance department – 12 bottles of mineral water, 2 packs of breath mints and 1 golden shower for the future US president.

This artwork is by Axel-Art.