The shape of things to come

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about female anatomy and was a bit snooty about those who demonstrated a lack of knowledge in said anatomy. Having read this article on a 3D printed model of a clitoris, I should perhaps have been slightly more forgiving. If I’d been handed the model, I’m not sure I’d have instantly known what it was. Much like an iceberg, a lot of interesting stuff lies below the visible part. The printed model is going to be used to teach French school children, which is simultaneously an excellent idea and very French.

Here’s a shot of a guy getting his own close-up anatomy lesson. I can’t see his face, but something tells me they’re both enjoying it.



It’s a well known fact that people will figure out ways to inject sex and kink into almost any possible situation. If people like X and people like sex, so how much better would X+sex be?

The latest example of this is a type of online videogame known as shooters and, as this article explains, one specific one known as Overwatch. Characters typically play as either destructive ‘tanks’ (taking and dishing out damage) or healers (helping the tanks stay alive). So some kinky gamers have created a D/s dynamic with the tanks as dommes and the healers as service submissives. The game is still played in the normal way as a shooter, but the dynamic is overlaid onto the player interactions. The article makes some pretty broad and possibly inaccurate generalizations about BDSM terminology, but it seems to capture the spirit of the thing pretty well.

Personally I’m not much of a fan of multi-player shooters. I prefer games with complex plots that I can play with a glass of wine in hand. But I do admire the ingenuity of people who liked the game and figured out how to mix D/s into it.

Unfortunately not ever combination of D/s and videogames is so ingenious. This is an incredibly dumb advert from the 90’s. It’s from the time when the people developing the ads had no idea about games, and therefore simply threw together whatever random elements they thought would appeal to teenage boys.


Lady parts

According to a recent study, 50% of British women can’t identify their reproductive parts on a diagram. That seems a bizarrely high number. I’ve no idea how accurate this study is, but it would explain a pet peeve of mine: Erotic fiction that gets all the body parts wrong when it starts describing the details of an encounter. There’s nothing like a vagina being licked or a cervix penetrated to ruin a steamy story. I remember one particularly strange example that seemed to think the female protagonist had a prostate. That would have come as a bit of a shock to her gynecologist.  I always assumed it was male authors not having a clue, but maybe it’s a more widespread problem than that.
oralHopefully the gentleman above knows exactly where he’s sticking his tongue. The image is signed AD, but I don’t have a better attribution than that. Amusingly, when I do a Google reverse image search it suggests that the image is about “Delayed onset muscle soreness”. Maybe she’s had him there for a while?

The Fall

My latest binge watch series on Netflix is The Fall starring Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan. In many ways it’s a conventional modern police procedural – serial killer (Dornan) tortures and murders women while brilliant cop (Anderson) leads a team trying to stop him. It certainly doesn’t lack for the common tropes of the genre. However, as this Atlantic article explains, it has some interesting things to say about feminism, female power and sexuality.

In some ways it reminds me of Prime Suspect, starring Helen Mirren, which I’ve written about previously. The difference is that Prime Suspect (a 90’s show) focused on Mirren dealing with the sexism and macho culture of the police. A lot of the drama derived from her trying to both catch the culprit while simultaneously dealing with her neanderthal colleagues. In contrast Anderson’s character operates in a far more modern police culture, where women can do a job without having to constantly prove themselves or face down sexist remarks. That leaves room to address more nuanced issues like consent, female sexuality and the Madonna/whore complex. It feels like progress that this kind of show can tackle these more nuanced issues, and not have to make the fact that a women is in a position of power the main dramatic element.

I was never a fan of the X-Files, and so never really got the cult that built up around Mulder and Scully. However, after watching this series, I can understand the appeal of Gillian Anderson. She’s a very talented actress, and it’s fun to watch her play a powerful, intelligent and sexually forceful character.


Swipe right for handymen

I’m not sure how I feel about this article on women using Tinder to get chores done around their home. The assumptions about which gender can do what chores is kind of depressing in itself, but let’s set that aside for the moment. Are these smart ingenious women making use of their natural talents to smooth their progress through the world? Or are they deceitfully conning lonely men into wasting their time and efforts? Or is simply a repeat of an age old scenario that has played out throughout history, with a modern tinder twist?

Miss Maya Sinstress certainly isn’t opposed to the concept (from this MF thread)…

I love watching naked 25 year old boys get all sweaty fixing things around My house. That’s foreplay for Me.

HouseworkI’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for this image.

Ladykiller in a bind

Fans of dating sims, visual novels and kinky consensual lesbian sex might want to check out a new game called Ladykiller in a bind. Or, to use it’s full and very descriptive title – My Twin Brother Made Me Crossdress As Him And Now I Have To Deal With A Geeky Stalker And A Domme Beauty Who Want Me In A Bind!

I’ve not played it, so can’t personally comment on the content, but based on this article, it seems like an interesting concept. If it seems like something you’d be in to, then look for it on September 23rd.



One of the weirder elements – of what has been a seriously weird year of politics – has been the rise of the term ‘cuck’ or ‘cuckservative‘. As this GQ article explains, it’s an insult used within the right to suggest someone is weak and reluctant to take a firm conservative stance. The derivation is obviously from the sexual kink of cuckolding.

Personally I don’t really care if the American right wing beats itself up, but I do find the term puzzling. The key element of cuckolding is surely the ‘cheating’ aspect and the feelings that provokes. By definition it needs at least three people, with one of them getting off on being spurned and denied. Maybe the cuckold gets off on the woman’s pleasure, or masochistically on the humiliation and rejection, but either way it’s a secret source of enjoyment. Do how does this dynamic map to the insult? If Donald Trump is the bull and Jeb Bush the cuck, who or what is the woman? How is the cheating happening? And is Jeb supposed to be getting a thrill out of it? It doesn’t really make much sense to me.

If nuts on the right want to raid the BDSM lexicon for insults, then surely ‘sissy’ would be a much better word to steal. That has no trio dynamics, and aligns more closely to the intended meaning of weak, effeminate and insufficiently red blooded. It even works in the longer form of ‘sissyservative’. That’s not to say I’d personally use or support such a term, but at least it’d make a bit much logical sense. Although in the current climate, logical sense is perhaps expecting too much.

Sissy artwork by VolohThis sissy artwork is by Voloh. You can see more from the same artist at his imagefap account and on hentai foundry.

Fire and water

I’ve been avoiding watching the Olympics. Partly because most of the sports aren’t interesting to me, partly because the IOC is the only organization that can give FIFA a run for its money in terms of sleaze and mismanagement. From drug testing, through the choice of host venue, to the ridiculous lengths they go to in order to protect their trademark and sponsors, they pretty much manage to suck all the joy out of the competition for me. The only thing that can draw my attention back is the occasional athlete who clearly stands head and shoulders above the competition. These are the rare and freakishly talented individuals who inspire awe. I’m thinking about people like Usain Bolt, Carl Lewis, Emil Zatopek, Steve Redgrave and Nadia Comaneci. There’s something very satisfying and life affirming about seeing someone perform brilliantly.

Another name that could be added to that list is Michael Phelps, who recently clocked up a record 19th gold medal. He’s particularly relevant to this blog, because he’s been featured here in the past. Allegedly his interest in watersports extends beyond the confines of the swimming pool. In the last day or so he made headlines for cupping marks on his body. While it’s a old Chinese medical technique to promote healing, it’s also a BDSM technique. I’ve enjoyed it a couple of times in the past. It’s not particularly painful, but it does have a nice ritualistic feel that can create a great head space. If Michael has managed to combine kinky interests (alleged) with great sporting performance, then I can only salute his mental as well as physical genius.

CuppingThis image is from a post by Lady Julianna.

Women’s Moto Exhibit

Anyone who enjoyed the story and imagery from the last post on Beryl Swain may want to check out The Women’s Moto Exhibit site. It’s a collection of photographs and a traveling show that aims to:

…document the new wave of modern female motorcyclists. The goal is to reveal the brave, courageous and beautiful women that live to ride.

The creator is Portland based Lanakila MacNaughton. It seems like a fine project with some great images.


A fast lady

This blog has been known to stretch the definition of ‘dominant’. Originally it was meant to be all about sexual domination, but I occasionally like to highlight examples of amazing and forceful women, regardless of sexuality or kink. Today’s post features one such woman – Beryl Swain.

You’ve probably never heard of her, but as the article explains, she was the first female entrant in the worlds most dangerous motorcycle race – the Isle of Man TT. In today’s world, where safety is always paramount and race tracks have become ever more sanitized, the Isle of Man race remains an anachronism. An insane, dangerous, stupidly exciting anachronism. The kind of race where safety precautions involve wrapping mattresses around telephone boxes. You can watch POV footage of it here, and even for someone who doesn’t ride it’s a thrilling video.

Beryl raced the TT just once, in 1962, placing 22 out of 25. After that, scared of the bad publicity if a woman was killed in the race, the racing authority imposed a minimum weight requirement to effectively ban her. I’ve no idea about her view of kink, but I do admire her courage and skill. Plus, she does look fabulous in leather on a racing bike.
