Courtly Love

I’m continuing the medieval theme with a post on the topic of Courtly Love. This doesn’t refer to the lead singer of Hole, but the literary concept that became big in the 12th century, particularly in the castles and courts of France. It referred to love that was passionate, secret and adulterous. The relevance for this blog is that it often put the woman in a position of power over her admirer. As Britannica puts it

The courtly lover existed to serve his lady. His love was invariably adulterous, marriage at that time being usually the result of business interest or the seal of a power alliance. Ultimately, the lover saw himself as serving the all-powerful god of love and worshipping his lady-saint. Faithlessness was the mortal sin.

It’s perhaps unsurprising that some of the most important literary patrons of the time were wealthy women like Marie of France. With marriages treated as business arrangements and a woman’s primary role seen as the production of healthy male heir, the idea of a worshipful and faithful lover must have been an enticing one. Tease, denial, worship and cuckolding all rolled into one.

The most famous example of courtly love is Sir Lancelot and Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur. The original Arthur, if there is ever was one, was a 5th century British warrior and chief. In the 12th century the French poet Chrétien de Troyes came his stories a refresh and added the brave Sir Lancelot and his forbidden love for his master’s wife.

This is the great Helen Mirren in a publicity shot from the film Excalibur. It’s a highly entertaining version of the legend of Arthur, with Dame Helen in the role of Morgana. Absolutely zero historical accuracy but well worth watching.

Attacking for the 3rd Time

I don’t have a giantess kink, but I figure I might have a few readers with a love for enormous ladies. If so, they’re in luck, as there’s a remake of the sci-fi classic ‘Attack of the 50 Woman’ on the way. This’ll actually be the third version, after the 1958 original and 1993 remake. The new one will be directed by Tim Burton. I’ve not loved a lot of his recent movies, but I thought his Wednesday series was fun, so hopefully this’ll continue that trend.

Shock the Cock

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between hardcore kinky shenanigans and new age health treatments. Cross over examples in the past have been vaginal steaming, coffee enemas and drinking pee.  The latest crazy therapy is shockwave treatment for the penis. According to this Guardian article, tech CEO Bryan Johnson ‘invented’ the approach.

“You have a wand and you sit in a chair and then the technician uses the wand and basically shocks your penis,” Johnson explained. He went on to say that the treatment does the same thing exercise does to the rest of the body, where you are creating micro-injuries so that the tissue rebuilds itself stronger than before. He rated the pain of the shocks as seven out of 10, and nine out of 10 at the tip.

I hadn’t realized that all my years of CBT play were actually strengthening my penis. Given the number of shocks I’ve received from leather clad ‘technicians’ by now I should have the ability to crack concrete with a well placed thrust. Admittedly, my shocks were mostly of the electrical kind, where I think Bryan’s technicians are using sound to generate shockwaves, but a micro-injury is a micro-injury however it’s created. Who knew all those kinky sessions were creating the penile equivalent of an Olympic athlete in my pants?

Given the crazy state of US healthcare, I’m guessing the cost of this ‘treatment’ is astronomical. Bryan should try looking up some of his local pro-dommes. I’m sure they’d be happy to inflict any kind of injury based strengthening routine he’d like to try. He could probably get his nipples and butt strengthened as well for no extra change.

This is the NYC based Mistress Sade treating one of her patients. No doubt he’ll emerge fitter and healthier at the end of it. This was sourced via this tweet on Mistress Sade’s Twitter feed.

Yushi Li

I’ve featured the work of Chinese photographer Yushi Li in a prior post. However, it’s so good I feel it deserves revisiting.

The images below are from a series she called ‘Your Reservation is Confirmed‘. They’re funny but also play with the power dynamic in unusual ways. In a porn context these would be CFNM images, but as shot here they have quite a different feel. Typical CFNM shots are still focused on the male gaze, a play acted humiliation for the benefit of the viewer. These flip that around, with Li’s composed presence  and direct stare challenging the viewer.

You can read more about her work in articles here and here. You can find more of her images on her primary web site.

Kinky Comedy

Fans of kink and comedy may want to look out for writer, comedian and findom Lane Kwederis. She’s just put on a sold out Edinburgh Fringe show entitled ‘Sex Job’ based on her findom sex work. The reviews I’ve found (for example herehere and here ) all seem very positive.

Sadly the Edinburgh run has just come to an end but, given its success, I’m sure she’ll be staging it again. Check out her Twitter feed for future information. That’s where I found this shot of her handing out flyers for the show with the help of a handy submissive.

Be Your Own Pet

Find of the week has been Nashville garage punk band Be Your Own Pet. Their new album is ‘Mommy‘ and a glance at the associated cover image (below) will make it clear why they first caught my eye. Their promo video for it is a lot of fun – full of fetish, kitsch and old school horror movie shots. Fortunately there’s some great music to go with all the cheese – their new track Worship The Whip being a particularly catchy (and kinky) example. Well worth checking out if you’re also a fan of the punk genre.

Milking Addendum

I thought I was done with this theme. Then Keri commented that I couldn’t really conclude it without a reference to the show Creamerie. I’d never heard of the series, but having checked it out, I can only conclude that Keri is right. It does seem highly appropriate.

It’s a black comedy from New Zealand, set in a world where (almost) all men have been wiped out and semen has become the most precious commodity. Y: The Last Man had a similar premise, told from the point of view of the eponymous last man. This series is told from the perspective of three women running a conventional dairy farm. For the handful of men leftover, things don’t go well, as the shot below indicates. You can see an animated version of this here. Somehow the milking doesn’t look a fun as in Sardax’s version.

If you’re interested in watching then, in the US at least, it’s available on Hulu. I’ve not seen it yet, but the reviews are pretty good and the premise intriguing, so it’s definitely going on my watch list.