
Celebrities offering bad medical advice seems to be an unavoidable modern phenomena. It’s a bit like athletes thanking God, male politicians on women’s health or Donald Trump on pretty much any topic. I really wish they’d keep their mouths shut and opinions to themselves, but sadly that seems to be too much to ask for.

In the medical field we’ve had Jenny McCarthy spewing nonsense on vaccination, Suzanne Somers making dubious claims on cancer and  Gwyneth Paltrow’s bizarre diet advice. The latest from the fair Gwyneth is particularly entertaining – vaginal steam cleaning. Apparently it’s a real thing.

You sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a combination of infrared and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et al. It is an energetic release—not just a steam douche—that balances female hormone levels
Gwyneth Paltrow

As you might expect the experts, those crackpots who waste time building expertise over years of study, are less than impressed. Apparently a good blast of steam to your nether regions will not balance your reproductive hormones. Crazy but true.

While the health benefits may not exist, I do wonder if the device might find a second home in kinky play spaces. It sounds like it might be a lot of fun, particularly if used on skin already warmed up by some corporal punishment. Just add some bondage straps to the throne and fire up the boiler. As an added bonus, everyone would finish up with sparkly steam cleaned bottoms. Just make sure it’s not too hot. Having a ‘blistered bottom’ should remain a figurative expression rather than literal.

A Warm Bottom
I’m afraid that despite my best efforts, I was unable to find a suitable femdom images featuring steam. So instead here’s a man getting his bottom warmed in a more conventional way. This is from the Women Spanking Men site.

Miss Peel

I was sad to read of the recent passing of Brian Clemens. He wasn’t exactly a household name, but as the man behind the 60’s TV series The Avengers, I’m sure a lot of my readers have enjoyed his work. It featured two wonderful British actresses in Honor Blackman and Dianna Rigg, both of whom sported some fine fetishistic outfits. Aggressive women in catsuits with guns – what’s not to like about that?

Emma PeelThis is Diana Rigg as Emma Peel. She went on to play Contessa Teresa di Vicenzo in the Bond movie On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

The bandwagon rolls on

Having spent the last year or so all over the internet, Fifty Shades of Grey is now popping up on my television. The movie is due out next month and the trailers are running frequently. I’m just hoping it doesn’t come up as a topic of conversation with any of my non-kinky friends. After a few drinks I’ll probably be unable to avoid ripping into it, which might lead to speculation about how I know so much about it.

An article on it that I would be happy to point my friends to is this one in (of all places) the International Business Times. If features San Francisco’s Mistress Morgana, Seattle’s own Mistress Matisse and submissive Stephen Elliot. They do a good job of talking about the complexity and variety in kink, as well as emphasizing the need for consent.

I find it amusing that although most regular people primarily think about maledom when they think about BDSM (in my opinion), it seems like that the majority of articles on it feature female dominants. I don’t think there’s any great underlying social subtext to that. It’s just that journalists are busy/lazy and virtually all professional dominants are female. It’s much easier to find the contact details of a local pro-domme via a quick web search than it is to track down a lifestyle male dominant.

MorganaThe above image is of Mistress Morgana. She’s a BDSM professional, educator and guide. If you’re in the San Francisco area and interested in experiencing that wooden spoon for yourself, her contact details are here.

Cosmo article shocker

Mocking sex articles from Cosmopolitan magazine is no great challenge, although it can be amusing. They have a reputation for coming up with some ridiculous advice. For example, I give you toilet paper bondage.

When I saw an article from them entitled ‘I took my boyfriend to a dominatrix‘ I therefore didn’t have particularly high hopes, but it’s actually not terrible. Admittedly it’s a very short, fluffy throw-away piece. Yet there’s no jaw dropping idiocy in it or horrible factual errors. They were also smart enough to pick a talented and well known domme in the form of Mistress Wynter. I can almost imagine a couple reading the article and being encouraged to try a visit themselves.

I’ve always thought that more people should treat sex workers as an educational resource, particularly when it comes to BDSM. After all very few people would take up a sport or hobby that required specialized skills and used a variety of potentially dangerous equipment and then expect to make it up as they went along. Particularly if said dangerous equipment was in the vicinity of their naked genitals. In that situation smart people either join a local club or hire a professional instructor. BDSM obviously offers the club option, but not everyone wants to mix a social scene into their sexual play. In that case a pro-domme is an excellent alternative for learning new techniques.

Mistress WynterAbove image is of Mistress Wynter with a hooded slave as photographed by Anthelian. She’s a NYC based pro-domme and if you’re interested in utilizing her educational skills her contact info is here.

A triumph of stupidity

Governments doing stupid things is nothing new. Just in the last few days we’ve had the British PM suggest banning encryption on the internet (bye bye all electronic commerce!) and the US goverment put the idiotic Ted Cruz in charge Nasa and science programs. However, I think Russia has outdone them all with its latest law. Having already made a name for themselves with previous anti-LGBT laws, they’ve now banned transgender people from driving. In fact, when you dig past the headline, it’s not just transgender people. They’ve also banned sadomasochists, exhibitionists, fetishists and transvestites. If that kind of law ever became widespread I’d guess most of my readers would be walking to work. A completely crazy law and a continuation of a worrying trend for Russian citizens.

The image below is from the Russian Mistress site. I hope for the ladies sake that the local traffic police never see it. That certainly looks like sadistic behavior to me.

A Sadistic Russian MistressI found this via the Slaves of Elena tumblr.

Relax with a bitch

I said I was finished with vintage themed posts, and that remains true (sort of). This looks vintage, but is actually a more recent piece by the artist Vince Ray. It’s not signed but I managed to track its origin down via this post by my blogging pal hmp. You can see more of Vince Ray’s femdom work on the Femdom Artist site.

Amusingly when I did a reverse image search on this, the results were a mixture of femdom posts and pinterest pages on genuine vintage advertisements. I’d have though it was fairly obvious that this wasn’t a real ad, but apparently not. Even in those unenlightened male dominated times I think people would have balked at a a product called ‘Bitch Cigarettes’.

Bitch Cigarettes

I was told there’d be no math

While I’m on a 50’s fashion theme, here’s a nice shot of two 1950’s ‘maths teachers’ conferring in front of a chalkboard (blackboard to my British friends). I’ve sadly got no original attribution for it. The lady on the left looks vaguely familiar, but I can’t place a name. A reverse image search gives me vanilla 50’s fashion sites mixed in between the femdom sites. I assume the stick was designed for pointing rather than beating, but clearly there are plenty of perverts out there (and in here) willing to imagine other uses for it.

Ladies at the chalkboard


I’ve been a bit of a lazy blogger for the last couple of days. Apologies for that. I shall endeavor to work harder in future, much like the gentleman below. The picture is entitled ‘Woman, The Worker’, but he seems to be the one doing all the work.

Woman getting a shoe shine by Nina Lee

The image is by the photographer Nina Lee. She worked for LIFE magazine from the mid 40’s, and was one of their first female photographers. You can see similar images and read some background on her in this article. I have to admit to loving some of the fashions from that period, particularly the look of the lady above.

The perfect stocking stuffer

Are you someone who celebrates Christmas? Do you need a gift idea for a dominant lady in your life? Are you willing to spend an obscene amount of money? More importantly – do you actually have an obscene amount of money to spend? If so, perhaps you might want to consider the Hermes Fouet “whip” necklace featured below (shot from overhead angle here). It features 3,669 diamonds and can be yours for the bargain price of 650,00 euros, which is around 780,000 US dollars. Beautiful but insane.

HermesNecklaceMore detail on the necklace here and the post with pricing information here.