Face sitting protest

Regular readers will know that I like to seek out and post mainstream articles with a link (occasionally of a tenuous nature) to femdom. Typically I’ll spend time explaining why I think it’s femdom related, and then even more time hunting through tumblrs looking for a suitable sexy image to accompany the posts.

I was therefore very happy to spot a Guardian article titled ‘Face-sitting protest outside parliament against new porn rules’. Even better was the fact that it came with some great face sitting photographs. This kind of thing makes a bloggers life very easy. I particularly liked the protestor chanting described in the article…

“What do we want? Face-sitting! When do we want it? Now!”

That’s the kind of civil disobedience I could really get behind. Or under.

Face sitting protest outside parliamentI’ve covered the new UK laws in previous posts here and here. You can read more articles on the protest (along with more photographs) here, here and here.

Putting the boot on

Here’s a third and final post on my recent shoe theme. It’s another fashion one, but this time showing a little love to practical footwear rather than fancy heels. Short boots like this are a very different kind of aesthetic, almost the exact flip side to fancy heels. Their aggressive, utilitarian, with a possible hint of punk. As is so often in kink and fetish, the big visual appeal exists on the extreme ends of the spectrum of choices.

Meghan Collison and Yuri PleskunThe models are Meghan Collison and Yuri Pleskun, in a shoot by Michael Donovan for Vision China magazine. This was from a series of outtakes. You can see more here.

High fashion and high heels

One of many things that advertising, high fashion and pornography have in common is a love of putting women in high heels in completely inappropriate settings. Femdom porn is particularly bad for this, with cliched domme wear popping up in all sorts of odd places (for example).

The inappropriate setting below is of the high fashion variety, featuring Michael Fassbender with Mia Wasikowska and taken from W Magazine. Apparently both the dress and heels are by Alexander McQueen. They don’t seem ideal for fencing, but Mia does appear to be winning.

Fencing I found the image on the Submissive Proud tumblr.

Most men appreciate a few more inches

The French have apparently scientifically proven that men are attracted to women in high heels. This study wasn’t done by the Institute of the Incredibly Bleeding Obvious, but by the Universite de Bretagne-Sud for the journal “Archives of Sexual Behaviour”. They used female volunteers with a variety of heel heights to see how ‘helpful’ male strangers were in different situations.

One situation involved a woman asking passers-by: “Excuse me, sir. We are currently conducting a survey on gender equality. Would you agree to answer our questionnaire?” Flat heels got a 46.7% answer rate, medium heels a 63% rate and the highest heels a whopping 83% success rate from the men.

The overall results don’t surprise me at all, although I hope the experimental set-up was more thoughtful than that simply description suggests. The aspect of high heels that does always surprise me is how many men complain about their women wearing them. Specifically, how many complain about having to drive or take cabs because their partners don’t feel like walking miles through dark badly maintained urban streets on them. I think if you’re heading out for drinks and dinner, the least you can do is spring for a few dollars cab fare.

The most amusing example of this I saw was waiting in the taxi line at the Mandarin Oriental in Las Vegas. The couple in front of me were heading to the MGM Grand, which is a 10-15 minute walk in flats, and the man was complaining to the valet about the fact he had to take a cab because of his wife. She ripped off what looked like a very expensive high heeled shoe and brandished it in his face. Then, speaking loudly enough for the entire line to here, told him if he wanted to swap shoes with her she’d be happy to walk. Sadly she didn’t force him to take her heels, but he was quiet for the next few minutes until their cab arrived.

Lady in high heels with a naked bound manI found this on the Domination on My Terms tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t have an original attribution.

Stupidity in the UK (cont)

If you’re interested in reading more about the UK’s recent lurch into censorship stupidity, then Pandora Blake has put together an excellent list of links here. If you want to make your voice heard there are a couple of petitions here and here, or you could donate to Backlash which is lobbying against the legislation.

After writing my previous post on the topic, it struck me that the law is even more stupid than I initially realized (if that’s possible). If you’re concerned about the pornography industry and its general effects on society then this does nothing. Regular fucking and sucking porn is entirely unaffected. If you’re concerned about people watching kink and fetish porn then this does nothing. Anyone in the UK can still access whatever they want from producers based outside the UK. The only people this damages are the niche producers of kinky material in the UK. So the goverment has taken away people’s livelihoods, spent taxpayers money on policing it, and achieved absolutely nothing else.

While I’m never going to be in favor of censorship, I do think it’s reasonable to have legitimate concerns about the business of making porn. It’s a topic I’ve touched on before. Yet one area that has a huge number of independent women creating material is kink and particularly femdom. Lots of UK pro-dommes and fetish models have created their own media businesses and, as this vice article makes clear, they’re now going to have to censor their material and deal with even more bureaucracy.

I’ll leave you with another scene that would now be illegal for a UK producer to show. The mans airways are clearly blocked and this is therefore just a few seconds away from being snuff porn (at least in the eyes of those idiots in parliament).

Face Sitting

Stupidity in the UK

I no longer live in England, but I am still fond of my country of birth. It can be a great place to live and work. Unfortunately it does do some bloody stupid things at times. This is sadly one of those times.

The goverment there has just changed the law to significantly limit the type of sexual content that can be sold online. Pandora Blake (of the Dreams of Spanking site) has put up an excellent post on the subject. As she rightly observes, not only is it a huge blow for freedom of expression, it is also unequal in its rules. As this blog post by stavvers points out, something like facefucking is allowed where facesitting isn’t. So forcefully fucking a woman’s mouth with a penis is fine, but God help you if the woman wants to gently rest her derrière on his face in return. With a similar line of ‘logic’, swallowing semen is allowed, but swallowing female ejaculate isn’t.

If you want to see the full list of banned practices then the ObscenityLawyer has put together an informative post. The mental image of a bunch of goverment bureaucrats sitting around a meeting room debating where to draw the line on enemas and buttplugs would be amusing if the end results weren’t so goddam infuriating.

Under the new rules anything that creates welts, blood or bruising is not allowed. So presumably this kind of heavy paddling would be illegal to show. Ironic that a country known for its love of kinky corporal punishment – the English Vice – would be one of the only ones in the Western world to outlaw showing it.

Heavy PaddlingI’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for this image. If anyone can help me with that then please leave a comment with the details.

Virtual Spanking

Fans of spanking and videogames might want to take a look at this article. It describes a game called Hurt Me Plenty which allows the player to spank (via a Leap Motion device) a half naked virtual dude.

This isn’t the first virtual spanking simulator. There was a strange arcade game that used the idea (in an ethically dubious way) and no doubt there are any number of wacky (whacky?) spanking flash games on the web. However, this is a little different, as the creator obviously tried to do more than simply bolt a physics simulator onto some gratuitous ass shots.

This a short game where you spank the heck out of a dude and learn about how BDSM communities attempt to formalize consent / caring. I was really interested in how we can make games about intimacy without a “kindness coins = sex cutscene” trope, and how we can use expressive gestures to roleplay / think about pain and intimacy.
Robert Yang on his game Hurt Me Plenty

I’ve not tried it, so can’t comment on the consent / caring aspect. From the video in the Kotaku piece, I’d say that the physical simulation needs a little work. The guy looks pretty hefty, but the character model bends way too fast and too far when he’s spanked. I’m not a big guy and I’ve never moved like that from a hand spanking. If any of my readers have given it a go, I’d love to hear via a comment what they thought.

Bullseye by Red Rump

The artwork is by the ever creative Red Rump. If the game creator needs a talented artistic collaborator with a deep understanding of spanking, he couldn’t go far wrong giving Red Rump a call!

Not always an act

Introducing a dominatrix guest character is a well known television trope. It’s an excuse to put an attractive actress into a slinky outfit, titillate with some kinky sex, and have the lead characters frown meaningfully while brooding on the dangers of sex and power. The latest instance comes from the series ‘Forever’. I’ve not watched it, but I will admit Hilarie Burton does make an appealing domme. Sadly the script sounds like the usual rubbish. The victim is killed by being electrocuted with a cattle prod to the point where he can’t breath. I’ve been zapped with a cattle prod, and while it gave me a hell of a kick, breathing was never an issue.

Oddly enough, just a day after reading about the Forever episode, I came across this story on the South African actress Yvonne van den Bergh who outed herself as the domme Mistress Baton. It was sadly forced on her by some creepy stalker, but the subsequent article seems relatively straightforward and non-judgmental. They even included a lengthy post from her facebook page explaining how she got into BDSM. The circumstances are unfortunate, but seeing this kind of story handled in a relatively positive fashion makes a refreshing change.

Yvonne van den Berg

The image shows Yvonne van den Berg. I don’t believe she has a professional website but she does have a fetlife presence (under her domme nom de plume) if you’d like to read more of her thoughts.

Screening out the schmucks

Jezebel has a story about a new dating app that’s designed to detect idiotic or unsavory users and boot them out. If you ignore messages, type incoherently or send inappropriate content (which I assume means dick shots), then you get expelled. I like the idea, although I question how accurately they’ll be able to automatically classify users based on the signals they mention. It’s very hard with these kind of systems to not open yourself to be gamed by bad users or unintentionally create perverse incentives. And I don’t mean the kind of perverse incentive that involves fucking someone with a strap-on if they help you out.

I’ve long thought that there was a gap in the market for a femdom focused dating site. It would present asymmetric information, giving women far more control than men, and kinky interests would be a sub-category, rather than the primary category. Women would also have the power to vote men off it if they acted like assholes. It wouldn’t be a popularity contest or hotness score. Just a vote to indicate if a man treats potential partners like human beings or fetish delivery systems. Potentially there could also be an endorsement system which would indicate that although someone wasn’t a romantic match for the endorser, they are socially well adjusted and potentially interesting to talk to. Add in a billing model that excludes timewasters but is cheap enough for a wide variety of people, and I think you’d have a winner.

Man kneeling to kiss woman's hand

This vintage artwork fits nicely into both a dating theme and my recent kissing theme. I’m afraid I don’t know where it’s from originally. I found it on the Femdom Artists site.

It’s educational, honest

Fans of odd bits of internet culture may enjoy this article on a chap called Seedfeeder. If you don’t recognize the name, you might recognize his work. He’s the artist responsible for a lot of the sexually explicit illustrations on Wikipedia. For example, this article on Sexual Positions features several of his drawings.

As a child growing up pre-internet, I remember sniggering at ‘rude’ words in the dictionary and hunting through encyclopedias with school friends for sexual topics. I think that’s a phase that lasts from about age 7 through to around age 74. Even now, with literally millions upon millions of pornographic images freely available, these drawings still make me smile and prompt classic Wikipedia browsing syndrome. There’s just something about the juxtaposition of titillating topics, straight laced writing and educational drawings that catches the eye and gives my inner schoolboy an elbow in the ribs.

Pegging by Seedfeeder

The image is by Seedfeeder and is used to illustrate the topic of Pegging on Wikipedia.